
What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

author:The firmness of the eyes

People who eat whole grains will inevitably get sick. When I was a child, some diseases such as colds, fevers, mumps, and pneumonia were common diseases in daily life, and if I was sick, my parents would know what was going on, and I should take medicine and injections.

However, some causes are relatively unique and niche, and I have never heard of them, and some diseases cannot even be discovered when I am a child, and I only find them when I grow up.

What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

It's best to go to the hospital for a check-up, there is a condition called fluid allergy, which is also a similar situation, as long as the husband and wife have sex together, they will be allergic, I don't know if there is a solution to this cause at present. If not, you can only endure it for a while.

What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

My junior high school classmate has very white skin, known as Snow White, and she is also very beautiful, but when she goes out in the summer, she must wear a hat and long sleeves, otherwise she will have a lot of red rashes on her body when she basks in the sun for a while. At that time, I didn't know what the reason was, but later I learned that she was allergic to ultraviolet rays.

What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

Originally, I went to sterilize, but I didn't expect to be cured of my illness for many years, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. My aunt has a back pain, it hurts for several years, and once she was hit by a car next to her, but she didn't expect to hit the back pain, and it never hurt again.

What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

My cousin's daughter is the same, she did something wrong, others said two words to her, she would cry if she was not convinced, crying and vomiting, crying until she couldn't breathe, I was really convinced, I usually hid away when I saw her, my cousin asked me to help her take care of the child, I resolutely refused, I had a bad temper, I was afraid of carrying her daughter's anger.

What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

Some people will have rubber allergies, such as wearing rubber gloves, and their hands will have a lot of red rashes, which are particularly itchy.

What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

Haha, if you don't go to the hospital, you may think that your body is inflamed and on fire, so you will have a toothache.

What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

You may not be sick, but you are just picking on the door. As you said, money is afraid of you now, and when it sees you, it will take a detour, so you should be generous in spending money in the future, and it is possible to spend it and the money will come.

What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

My grandfather was allergic to pumpkin and eggplant, and as long as he ate eggplant and pumpkin, he would either get a rash or have diarrhea. I don't believe this disease is so miraculous, once I burned eggplant, and the eggplant stewed for too long, and it all melted. My grandfather didn't know that after eating, he had a lot of rashes on his body and went to hang water. Grandpa asked me if there was eggplant in the meal? I realized that it was true, that he really couldn't eat these.

What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

When I was a child, my hands did not peel, but in recent years, when the spring and summer seasons change, my hands will peel, and the doctor said that the body's resistance is too poor, so we should strengthen exercise, eat more vegetables, and supplement vitamins.

What are some strange causes that I learned only after going to the hospital? Netizen: I have allergies in the same room, and there are words of suffering

This kind of physique is the life of a monk. Destined to have no chance with seven emotions and six desires, haha