
A red monument that never fades

author:Zhucheng Cultural Tourism

Since the birth of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the vast number of party members, cadres and the masses of the people in Zhucheng have made great contributions and bloody sacrifices to the victory of the revolutionary war at different stages of the revolutionary war years, leaving behind countless singing and crying deeds, and leaving behind many immovable red cultural resources. Among them, 6 immovable red cultural relics, including the former residence of Wang Jianmei, have been announced by Weifang City as the first batch of red cultural resources protection list. The relics of the red revolution here are the red monuments standing on the land of Zhucheng, an important part of the red memory of Zhucheng, condensing the glorious history of the Communist Party of China, and the material carrier of revolutionary culture, which will never fade and stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the people of Zhucheng.

Wang Jinmei's former residence

A red monument that never fades
A red monument that never fades

The former residence of Wang Jianmei is located in the south of Beixing Village in Zhucheng City, which is three bungalows, facing west in the east, two bright and one dark, grass roof, earth wall, stone foundation. The former residence was originally the old house of the firewood and grass courtyard of the Wang family, the landlord of Beixing Village, "Guanshantang", and on June 14, 1898, Comrade Wang Jianmei was born here and spent his entire childhood here. In 1918, he left here to study in Jinan and was admitted to Shandong Provincial First Normal School. Martyr Wang Jianmei was one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, a representative of the Communist Party of China, and the founder of the local organization of the Communist Party of China in Shandong. In the process of founding the Party and in the early revolutionary activities, he devoted himself wholeheartedly and gave his young life. His dedication to the revolution has become a model for future generations to follow. The former residence is a precious revolutionary memorial site, as well as a base for party spirit education and patriotism education.

Xishanzi Anti-Japanese Martyrs Memorial Tower

A red monument that never fades

Xishanzi Anti-Japanese Martyrs Memorial Tower is located in Xishan, Jiayue Town, Zhucheng City. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Zhuju Independent Battalion sacrificed 29 soldiers in many battles such as the Liujiazhuang Self-Defense Counterattack and the Xiajiayingzi Self-Defense Counterattack. These warriors were all buried in Xishan. In order to express sorrow and inherit the legacy of the martyrs, the Zhujubian County Party Committee decided to build a memorial tower, and at the same time buried the 21 soldiers who died in other places in the county in Xishan. The martyrs' memorial tower was built in the spring of 1945, completed on July 7, the tower site was selected at the top of Xishan Mountain, the memorial tower faces the south and the north, it is hexahedral, the tower is 4.17 meters high, the tower body and the tower base are made of limestone, the front is engraved with "the memorial tower of the anti-Japanese martyrs of Binhai Zhuju County", and the other five faces are engraved with the elegy and the names of 50 revolutionary martyrs. Now it has become an important base for local education in revolutionary traditions and patriotism.

Daxianggu Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery (Xinxing Martyrs Cemetery)

A red monument that never fades

Daxianggu Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery is located on the southwest ridge of Yuanxianggu Village, Xinxing Town, Zhucheng City, on the east bank of the Communist Youth League Reservoir. The cemetery was built in 1972. In order to strengthen the protection and management of the martyrs' tombs, the Xinxing Commune invested in the construction of the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery and concentrated the scattered martyrs' tombs in the park. The project started in the spring and was completed in May. A total of 143 martyrs of various periods were buried in the cemetery, including 118 during the New Democratic Revolution. The four sides of the main monument are engraved with big characters such as "Die for the people, although you are still glorious", "Sacrifice for the country, immortal", "The name of the martyrs, leave it for eternity", "Great achievements, eternal survival" and the process of building the garden, the list of martyrs, etc. In September 1984, the cemetery was expanded, and in April 1991, tombstones were carved for the 143 martyrs who entered the park. In April 2013, the cemetery was renovated, the memorial square was laid, the management room and gate were renovated, and now the cemetery is shaded by trees, the environment is beautiful, solemn and solemn, and it has become an important base for local revolutionary traditional education and patriotism education.

Kwon New Year Martyrs Cemetery

A red monument that never fades

The New Year Martyrs Cemetery is located at the foot of the Barrier Mountain in the southwest of Yuanyejiadianzi Village, Linjiacun Town, and the administrative division where it is located is now adjusted to "Taoyuan Ecological Economic Development Zone". Quan Xinnian, born in 1922, is a native of Quanlou Village, Xiao County, Anhui Province. In 1938, he participated in the anti-Japanese propaganda team in Xiao County, and soon after that, he was reorganized with the propaganda team and served as a political trainer and cultural instructor of the 26th team of the 2nd Corps of the Huxi People's Armed Anti-Japanese Volunteer Corps. At the end of 1939, he and Sun Heyi, chief of staff of the Second Corps, were selected to study in the cadre training class in the north of Longhai Road. In 1940, Quan joined the Communist Party of China in the New Year. In May 1944, the detachment was stationed in Lushan Village, near the Barrieri Mountain, and was frantically surrounded by more than 1,500 puppet troops of Li Yongping's division of the Boli puppet coastal garrison and more than 800 puppet troops in Zhucheng. Quan Xinnian and Chen Zhongmei led their troops to break through the siege and finally broke out of the enemy's encirclement. When he was transferred to Dianzi Village in the mountainous area of Zhucheng Barrier, Kwon was unfortunately hit by the enemy's bullet and died on the spot. In order to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs, the local government built a martyr's cemetery for them as a memorial.

The site of the temporary banknote printing factory of Beihai Bank in Flag Cliff Village

A red monument that never fades

The temporary banknote printing factory of Beihai Bank is located at the former site of Zhiqiya Village, about 30 meters away from the new cultural square in the center of Zhiqiya Village, Taoyuan Ecological and Economic Development Zone, Zhucheng City, on the north bank of Xiaoqing River. There are six houses on the site of the temporary banknote printing factory, 14 meters long and 3.5 meters wide, and the courtyard wall is made of stones. Beihai Bank was a financial unit in the Shandong base area during the Anti-Japanese War, and it was also the only institution in Shandong at that time where the Chinese Communist Party regime exercised the functions of a national bank. Its predecessor was the "Beihai Bank" established by the anti-Japanese regime established by the county party committee of Shandong Ye County (now Laizhou) in the autumn of 1938. During the Liberation War, Beihai Bank became one of the three major banks that formed the People's Bank of China. The civil war broke out in 1946, and after the New Fourth Army of Central China was sent north to Shandong in early 1947, the Central China Bank of the New Fourth Army merged with the Beihai Bank in the Shandong base area, and the Central China Banknote Printing Factory was also merged with the Second Banknote Printing Factory of the Beihai Bank to form the Second Beihai Banknote Printing Factory. In May 1947, according to the needs of the Menglianggu Campaign, the Second Banknote Printing Factory of Beihai Bank was transferred to the Flag Cliff Village of Taoyuan Society in Zangma County (now belonging to the Taoyuan Ecological and Economic Development Zone of Zhucheng City), and in July, affected by the severe form of war, the Beihai Bank Flag Cliff Banknote Printing Factory was forced to transfer.

Liujiazhuang Anti-Japanese War Site(Liujiazhuang Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall)

A red monument that never fades
A red monument that never fades

The site of the Anti-Japanese War in Liujiazhuang is located in Liujiazhuang Community, Shiqiaozi Town, Zhucheng City, Shandong Province (formerly Liujiazhuang Village). Liujiazhuang Village was originally divided into two villages, east and west. At dawn on March 17, 1945, more than 200 Japanese troops and more than 1,500 puppet troops of Zhang Buyun's army, equipped with two "57" guns, two heavy machine guns, and more than 10 light machine guns, frantically attacked Liujiazhuang and its nearby seven villages, including Wangjiazhuang, Fujiazhuang, and Huangjibu, and the main target of the attack was Liujiazhuang Village. The men, women and children of the whole village of Liujiazhuang rose up to resist, and the battle was very fierce. In this battle, our side lost 106 people (including people from other villages who fought together in Liujiazhuang at that time), killed 38 Japanese soldiers, and annihilated 102 puppet soldiers. The heroic deeds of the people of Liujiazhuang in bravely resisting the enemy soon spread throughout the province, and the heads of the Shandong Provincial Military Committee, the Binhai District Military Committee, and the Binhai Naval Region immediately sent messages of condolence to the compatriots in Liujiazhuang, praising them for "creating a brave example of self-defense and home protection." In order to promote the spirit of patriotism and cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs, in 2017, the Shiqiaozi Town Party Committee and the town government built the Liujiazhuang Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall on the site of the original Anti-Japanese Self-Defense War.

Source: Zhucheng Museum

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