
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~

author:Shanghai Yangpu Fire Protection
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~

According to the deployment requirements of the corps for the sixth newly recruited firefighter training, 19 new blues from Yangpu carried out a four-week adaptability and actual combat training in the training and protection detachment, which helped the new team members quickly understand the characteristics of the task while striving to improve the actual combat level of fire fighting and rescue, laying a solid foundation for future dispatches.

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The sun rises and sets, moving forward step by step

Next, follow the shot

Focus on the "Yangpu New Blue" actual combat exercise

Documentary of the whole process


"Discipline"|Serious and close, iron discipline casts the soul

Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~

Be loyal to the party, be disciplined, go to the soup and fire, and serve the people wholeheartedly

The team building policy of "two strictness and two standards".

Discipline is a hallmark

The subtleties are seen in the fighting spirit

Iron discipline

Provide a solid guarantee for the team to improve quality and strength

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Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~

Sweat on the training ground, serious in daily management. In the four-week actual combat training, the backbone of the training is strictly managed and strictly required, puts the bottom line of discipline in the first place, and always abides by rules and disciplines to show the absolute discipline of Yangpu Xinlan.

Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~


"Alignment"|Demonstrate and lead, set an example

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Each action is rigorous and standard

Each password is loud and clear

We've been learning from captains and squad leaders

Physical fitness, skills

The most important thing is style

On the way to becoming a qualified firefighter

We have a "model" and a "benchmark"

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Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~

"Follow me and look at me." For each training, the backbone of the training is demonstrated, taught by hand, and guided the operating procedures on the spot.


"Struggle"|Quenching steelmaking, improving quality and strengthening

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Dare to fight, dare to fight, dare to fight

Struggle on the journey of strengthening the foundation and consolidating the foundation

Struggle in the youth of flame blue

We are at the training ground

But we're also focusing on the real battlefield

We are on the front line

Quenching steelmaking, improving quality and strengthening

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Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~

The backbone of the training insisted on explaining the operation method and equipment in detail, and clarified the training requirements, and the "new blue" people trained seriously, enthusiastically, closely cooperated, and fought bravely, fully demonstrating the excellent quality and tenacious fighting spirit.


"Challenge"|Challenge yourself and break through the limit

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The horn of training for war sounded at the training ground

We must not stand still

Have the courage to challenge shortcomings

Break through the weakness of the ability

to really become stronger

Challenges make them stronger

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Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~

The new training team makes full use of the daily team confrontation to stimulate the enthusiasm of the participating team members for training, and form a strong training atmosphere of competing, learning, catching, helping and surpassing within the team.


"Eager to learn"|Modest and studious, not ashamed to ask

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Those who are eager to learn will improve

In the midst of the training boom

You can't just bury your head in the woods

Have the spirit of learning from each other

Threesomes must have my teacher

Learn from each other's strengths to take care of each other's weaknesses

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Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~

Use the time between classes to organize the exchange of training methods, experience and practices, and promote the "new blue" to see the methods in the exchange and make progress in learning.


"Unity"|Crawl and thrive

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Comrades from all over the motherland gather here

It's like a melting pot, a big family

We are not related by blood

But intimate, united

Let's get up and down together

Thrive together

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Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~

Learn from each other's strengths and help each other, a drop of water in the desert will dry up immediately, but if you merge it into the sea, then it will never dry up. The collective is the "sea", unity and friendship make everyone more "nourishing"!

[End of sentence]

Let's take a look

Yangpu New Blue

Actual combat scene

Click the toggle to expand▼

Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~
Bite! You have a new blue story, please pay attention to check it~

Source: The sixth batch of newly recruited firefighters training team