
A new type of "invisible" domestic violence: Be wary of those who are "gentle" in their harms

author:Big dad family intervention
A new type of "invisible" domestic violence: Be wary of those who are "gentle" in their harms

The "Invisible Killer" of Homeschooling

On sunny afternoons, we always like to imagine that the family is a harmonious harbor, but in this harbor, sometimes there is a subtle "invisible killer" - a new type of domestic violence.

They are not as obvious as traditional scolding, but they can unconsciously erode the child's mind and make the child gradually lost in the "gentle" injury. Today, let's unmask these "invisible killers" and see how they sneak into our families and have a profound impact on our children.

A new type of "invisible" domestic violence: Be wary of those who are "gentle" in their harms

1. The "soft knife" of offensive language

1.1 The "soft violence" of language

In the family, we often hear voices like, "Why are you so stupid! "Look at other people's children, and then look at you!" These seemingly casual words are like a "soft knife", scratching scars on the child's heart. They are different from physical injuries, but they can leave an indelible mark on the child's heart.

1.2 Damage spreads silently

The damage of aggressive language to children is profound. They can cause children to have negative emotions such as low self-esteem, helplessness, and anger, which can affect children's mental health and personality development. Children who live in this environment for a long time may become sensitive, suspicious, lack self-confidence, and even develop an aggressive personality.

1.3 How to avoid the injury of a "soft knife"?

First of all, we need to be aware of the dangers of aggressive language and learn to control our emotions and words. Secondly, we should pay more attention to the child's feelings and needs, and use positive and encouraging language to communicate with the child. Finally, we must learn to listen to children's voices, respect children's opinions and choices, and let children feel warm and cared for in the family.

A new type of "invisible" domestic violence: Be wary of those who are "gentle" in their harms

2. The "Frost World" of Cold Violence

2.1 "Frost" in the family

Cold violence is another common type of "invisible" domestic violence. It manifests itself in attitudes such as indifference, ignorance, and alienation towards the child, making the child feel lonely and helpless in the family. This kind of cold violence seems to be silent, but it is like a frost castle, in which the child's mind is slowly frozen.

2.2 Struggle in solitude

Children who live in a cold and violent environment for a long time will gradually become withdrawn and silent. They may no longer be willing to communicate their thoughts and feelings with their families, or even become resistant to them. This loneliness can make children feel lost and helpless as they grow up, affecting their social skills and emotional development.

2.3 Break the shackles of the "Frost World".

To break the shackles of cold violence, we first need to change our attitude towards children. We need to give enough attention and love to our children, so that they can feel the warmth and love of the family. At the same time, we need to learn to communicate with children, understand their ideas and needs, and help them solve problems and difficulties. In addition, we can also enhance family cohesion and intimacy by organizing family activities and enhancing parent-child relationships.

A new type of "invisible" domestic violence: Be wary of those who are "gentle" in their harms

III. The "Sunshine Strategy" of Family Education Guidance

3.1 Respect and Understanding

In family education, we should respect children's personality and needs, and understand their growth stage and psychological characteristics. Only in this way can we develop educational strategies and methods that are suitable for children and help them grow up healthily.

3.2 Positive guidance and encouragement

We need to use positive and encouraging language to guide children to face difficulties and challenges. When children make progress, we should give timely affirmation and encouragement; When children make mistakes, we need to guide them to recognize and correct their mistakes with an understanding and tolerant attitude.

3.3 Build a harmonious family

We should build a harmonious and warm family environment through the "sunshine strategy" of family education guidance. In this environment, family members respect each other, understand each other, and support each other; Children are free to express their thoughts and feelings; Family members work together for the healthy growth of their children.

A new type of "invisible" domestic violence: Be wary of those who are "gentle" in their harms

Conclusion: Protecting the "Sunshine" of the Family

The new type of domestic violence is the "invisible killer" that we must be vigilant against in family education. By understanding the dangers of aggressive language and cold violence and how to avoid them; through the implementation of the "Sunshine Strategy" of family education guidance; We can work together to protect the "sunshine" of the family, so that children can grow up healthily in a warm and harmonious environment. Let's work together to build a better family!

A new type of "invisible" domestic violence: Be wary of those who are "gentle" in their harms

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