
The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! A scenic spot responds

author:Guangxi Film and Television Channel

Some netizens reported that on June 28, when they participated in a hiking activity in the Wawu Mountain Scenic Area in Hongya County, Meishan, Sichuan, they were besieged by more than a dozen monkeys and suffered multiple injuries on their bodies. On the 29th, the staff of the scenic spot involved responded to the Jimu News reporter that the medical expenses incurred had been paid to the tourists, and the scenic spot would also bear the corresponding responsibility for the follow-up related expenses in accordance with laws and regulations.


On the morning of June 29, netizen Ms. Zhang (pseudonym) told a Jimu News reporter that on the 28th, she went to Wawu Mountain Scenic Area in Hongya County, Meishan, Sichuan Province to participate in hiking activities. During the hike, she was suddenly scratched and bitten by more than a dozen monkeys, and she was not able to escape until other travelers drove the monkeys away. The photos posted by Ms. Zhang showed multiple wounds on her legs.

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! A scenic spot responds

Related media coverage videos. Screenshot of the relevant video

"To be clear, I'm not teasing the monkeys, I'm walking there alone." Ms. Zhang said that after the incident, she was advised by the staff of the scenic spot to go to the hospital for treatment, but she had some disagreements with the scenic spot on the reimbursement of compensation for lost work expenses, mental damages, and travel expenses.

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! A scenic spot responds

Screenshot of the video

The staff of the Hongya County Bureau of Culture and Tourism said that they are urging the scenic spot to actively deal with it, and the scenic spot has been following up with the parties concerned to follow up on the matter.

On the afternoon of the 29th, the staff of Wawu Mountain Scenic Area told the Jimu News reporter that after the incident, the staff of the scenic spot did emergency treatment for Ms. Zhang's wound and paid the medical expenses currently incurred. In addition, for Ms. Zhang's claims for lost work expenses, mental damage expenses and other claims, the scenic spot will bear corresponding responsibilities in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! A scenic spot responds

Tourists photographed monkeys in Wawu Mountain, and the guardrail is hung with a warning sign saying "Wild monkey infested area, please do not play with monkeys". Screenshot of the video taken by the tourist

The above-mentioned staff also introduced that the Tibetan chief monkey that scratched the tourists this time is a national second-class key protected animal. At present, the scenic spot is mainly to reduce the occurrence of similar accidents by strengthening patrols and signage prompts, and they also remind tourists to observe monkeys in a civilized manner, appreciate monkeys scientifically, and keep a safe distance from monkeys.

Source: Jimu News

Editor: Su Yaodan

Duty Director: Yuan Yuzi

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! A scenic spot responds

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The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! A scenic spot responds

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