
In the quarterfinals against Germany, Spain revealed the champion?

author:Xiwa Sports

Spain vs. Georgia, the two sides have been on the same page in the past two years: Spain had beaten Georgia 7-1 before, and Georgian coach Sagnol had been talking about it in an interview before the game, apparently remembering. As for Spain, it was also against Georgia that they folded Gavi, and the player, like the in-form Isco, missed this European Championship, and against Georgia in this game, Spain played like a team with a title aspiration and a team with a grudge.

In the quarterfinals against Germany, Spain revealed the champion?

Of course, the Spaniards did not dare to slack off in the face of this opponent who had won against Portugal, and the own goal of central defender Lenormand once put the Matadors in a backward situation, but they did not disrupt their pre-match deployment, the team's midfielders stepped up, Rodri's backfoot slash helped stabilize the team's morale, Fabian's back cut also had an effect, Nico Williams' heads-up and Olmo's follow-up helped Portugal seal the win.

Unlike England next door, Spain got their knockout campaign off to a good start with an easy big win, but they were not as lucky as the English, and in the quarter-finals they will face hosts Germany, who are also one of the best teams in form since the start of the tournament.

In the quarterfinals against Germany, Spain revealed the champion?

Like Germany, Spain have followed the same combination of experienced midfielders and young strikers, which has allowed both teams to speed up and play with high counter-attacking quality in the transition between attack and defence.

Compared with the Germans, the Spaniards are obviously more aggressive, their 433 system is an inverted triangle position, and the bilateral forwards are the type that can run well, and they all have strong individual ability, which allows Spain to have a plan B when they can't open the situation, and it also allows Spain to easily choose the opponent's defensive weak side, after the transfer of the midfield, as long as the opponent gives a chance to defend on a side, they can rely on 1v1 to play a local advantage.

In the quarterfinals against Germany, Spain revealed the champion?

However, in terms of staffing, Spain's winger group is actually not impressive. Just looking at the strength of the wingers on paper, France, England and Portugal are a little stronger than Spain, but in the game, relying on strong midfield control, Spain can only rely on the midfield organization to play the ball to the offensive third, and the team's bilateral forwards can receive the ball in a deep position, without having to advance long distances and then go to the front, waiting for the defenders to wait for the rest - the individual ability of the winger is only one aspect, the most terrifying thing about Spain is the ability to let the winger instigate the attack in the most comfortable area.

In order to make the team's wide development smoother, the Spanish full-backs have made great efforts. Unlike other fullbacks who either hold the side and break out, or adduct the ball, Spain's fullbacks run for the purpose of receiving, Cucurella and Carvajal Although they are both fullline masters, both have the foundation of passing and controlling football, and they know best where to receive the pass from the winger.

In the quarterfinals against Germany, Spain revealed the champion?

Before facing Germany, Spain had a fierce defense (only conceded one goal since the start of the game), explosive wingers, experience against strong teams (consecutive defeats of Croatia and Italy), and even if they were in the death half, they would meet the German team, but the Matadors were on fire, and Spain had become the last opponent that the teams in the European Championship wanted to meet.

(The original address of this article: Lao Miao, a commentator on the public account)

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