
Although the college entrance examination is over, the growth does not stop: cherish the journey and face the challenges bravely



With the end of June, the results of the 2024 college entrance examination are like a summer heat wave, sweeping in, and behind every report card, there is the weight of dreams and sweat.

"The essence of education is liberation, not restriction."

A student in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, with a brilliant record of 710 points, lit the flame of hope in the hearts of teachers and students, and the classroom was boiling not only to celebrate the score, but also to recognize the power of knowledge.

And Luo Song, a science student, used an excellent score of 713 points to interpret what it means to "learn the sea without end, work hard".

"A perfect score is not the end, but a testament to the pursuit of perfection." The perfect score in physics and chemistry is the echo of his countless days and nights of exploring the mysteries of science, and in addition to surprise, it is a deep understanding of self-transcendence.

However, on the stage of the college entrance examination, there is never no shortage of stories of joy and sorrow. Liang Shi, a tenacious warrior known as the "nail household of the college entrance examination", stood on the edge of his dream with a score of 446 points after the 28th charge. "The road is long, I will go up and down and seek." Although there are regrets, his perseverance and perseverance have been the best commentary on the spirit of the college entrance examination.

At the other end of the score, the tears of a candidate in Inner Mongolia are a silent statement of unfinished ideals; In the erhu sound of a candidate in Yunnan, there is unwillingness and expectation. These scenes are the most real and moving silhouettes of youth, reminding us that "failure is the mother of success", and every fall is the starting point for climbing to a higher place.

There are even candidates with 317 points, with an optimistic attitude beyond expectations, declaring to the world: "The real failure is not the trough of the score, but the courage to give up climbing." "This introspection and tenacity are more valuable than any high score.

The college entrance examination is a mountain peak in the journey of life, and the process of climbing is more important than the scenery at the top of the mountain.

Whether it is the glory of 713 or the challenge of 317, every candidate should be praised: "Hard work!" "Because in this war without gunpowder, they are all brave warriors, with the sword of knowledge, cutting through the darkness before the dawn.

Although the college entrance examination has come to an end, what it leaves to everyone should not only be the memory of numbers, but a deep understanding of the value of struggle and unlimited exploration of self-potential.

"Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself." I hope that every candidate can have dreams, move forward fearlessly, and write their own brilliant chapter in every examination room of life.

Although the college entrance examination is over, the growth does not stop: cherish the journey and face the challenges bravely
  • Tell your child that every step of life's journey has its value, and that all the steps you take will add up to your growth.

On the journey of climbing the college entrance examination, there is such a story that touches people's hearts: a candidate awakens the dawn of knowledge at 5 o'clock in the morning for 289 consecutive days, recites words and ancient poems, and sharpens the edge of wisdom with the trickle of time.

His daily routine is a race against time - 7 minutes of rush for breakfast, 10 minutes of briefness for lunch, and 9 minutes of quick dinner.

In one day, he was like a fish in water in the ocean of six sets of test papers;

Ten years of past questions and three repetitions have forged his deep understanding of knowledge.

Coffee has become a daily companion, six packs a day, which is a refreshing and a challenge to the limit;

The cocoon on the hand is a testimony of the pen's hard work, and the band-aid is a promise of no regrets to the dream.

This is not only an epic of personal struggle, but also a common chapter for thousands of students, who have worked day and night to interpret the true meaning of "the book mountain has a diligent path, and the sea of learning is endless".

However, there is always a lesson from the other side of life.

Xu Mengnan, a rebel in the college entrance examination in 2008, embarked on another life path at the cost of 0 points. Ten years have passed, he has experienced in the crucible of life, from the blue-collar factory to the family breakdown, the ups and downs of life have made him deeply appreciate the value of knowledge.

In 2018, he returned to the college entrance examination and embarked on a belated path to study, telling us with personal experience: "If you don't suffer from studying when you are young, you will have to swallow the hardships of life in the future." ”

This is a wake-up call to those who come after him, and it is also a persistent pursuit of self-redemption.

Yu Hua's story is another kind of revelation.

His grades in school were mediocre, but he had an incomparable love for reading. The library became his spiritual temple, and classic literature nourished his soul.

Although the road after graduating from high school was full of thorns and two failed college entrance examinations, the work of the dental clinic seemed to foreshadow ordinary fate.

But he was not willing to do this, and with his love and accumulation of words, he began to try to write. Countless submissions have sunk into the sea, but it has not stopped his pen from grinding.

Eventually, Yu Hua's name shone brightly in the Chinese literary scene. His experience proves that "not all flowers bloom in spring, but every flower that blooms has experienced the test of winter".

Although the college entrance examination is over, the growth does not stop: cherish the journey and face the challenges bravely

So let's caution the kids: "Hard work may not bear fruit right away, but it will surely shine at some point in the future." ”

Although the college entrance examination is a major test in life, it is not the end.

Every point of hard work is a tempering of oneself, and every setback is a stepping stone to success.

The scent of ink between the pages and the soil under your feet are all traces of growth, and they silently pave the way to your dreams.

Regardless of the outcome, what matters is the perseverance and the tenacity and wisdom gained along the way. Tell the children not to be afraid of the difficulties ahead, because "the road is long, and I will go up and down to seek."

The college entrance examination is a baptism of youth, a respect for knowledge, and a challenge to oneself.

It teaches us that success is never accidental, but the inevitable result of countless efforts and perseverance.

Encourage children to cherish this journey and face every challenge bravely, because "the so-called glorious years are not the days when they shine later, but the paranoia of your dreams when no one cares".

Let every effort become a light that illuminates the road to the future.

Although the college entrance examination is over, the growth does not stop: cherish the journey and face the challenges bravely
  • The results are announced, and the cultivation is seen in the quiet

As the dust settles on the results of the college entrance examination, a time full of tension and longing slowly ends.

Indifferently to the right is the posture of a wise man.

Whether as a parent, a candidate, or a bystander, in front of this result, you need to be calm and rational. Remember, "the breadth and depth of knowledge is beyond the reach of numbers" is the ancient wisdom that Socrates gave us.

Under glory, humility is cherished.

If you have achieved great results, don't let pride and show-off overshadow your growth. As Lin Qingxuan said, "There is no higher virtue than maintaining a humble heart." "

In the midst of frustration, hope is not extinguished. In the face of unsatisfactory results, there is no need to sink, because "life is not afraid of wind and rain, only afraid of giving up and moving forward" (Romain Rolland). A setback, but a small bar in the music of life.

Respect privacy and protect happiness.

It is not a gentleman's job to inquire about other people's achievements. There is a place of tranquility in everyone's heart that needs to be treated gently. "The true meaning of happiness lies in not disturbing the tranquility of others", which is a modern interpretation of Zhou Guoping's "On Happiness".

Stories are mirrors that reflect people's hearts.

There is a fable circulating on the Internet: the story of a happy family and a sad college entrance examination reminds us that showing off and comparing will only turn the joy at the dinner table into an awkward silence. This is not only disrespectful to others, but also a lack of self-cultivation.

The importance of education lies in character.

A child is worth more than the numbers on the report card. As Albert Einstein said, "The brilliance of virtue is far greater than the brilliance of wisdom." "

Empathy is the art of being a human being.

Tolstoy's teachings are still ringing in my ears: "Do not persuade others to be good until they suffer." Every family and every student has their own story and dreams, which deserve to be understood and respected.

The light but not the glory is for the great virtue.

Personal success does not need to be based on the regrets of others.

"Luminescence is not exclusive to the sun, and you can too" (Malzac), but remember, the light is meant to illuminate the way, not to extinguish the lights of others.

The college entrance examination is just a stop in the journey of life, not the end.

In the days to come, it will prove that it is gold, and it will always shine; It's a flower, and it will bloom eventually.

Let us embrace the infinite possibilities of each child with a broader mind and witness their wonderful life journey together.

Although the college entrance examination is over, the growth does not stop: cherish the journey and face the challenges bravely
  • To parents: Please remember that your children, regardless of their grades, are a precious gift from God, and be grateful for the days you spend with them.

In the long river of education, there is such a warm article - "Children Sitting on the Roadside Applauding", which profoundly reminds us that every child is a unique gift of life, regardless of the merits.

"Mainstay" and "Roadside Applause"

There is only one girl in the class of fifty, who is always in the twenty-third place, and is nicknamed "No. 23". In a competitive environment, she is not a regular on the podium, but in another way, silently shines.

Expectations and pressures

Parents often want their children to be successful, and this girl's parents are no exception. They tried all the "score cheats", from tutorial classes to tutors, and the tables were full of exercises piled up with expectations, but in exchange for the child's emaciated face and declining grades. This experience, as Socrates said, "Education is not a process of indoctrination, but a flame that is lit." Obviously, excessive stress extinguishes the spark in the child's heart.

The power of applause

During an outing, the children showed their strengths, and she was the only one who chose to be the one who applauded. Her kindness, carefulness, and humor are like the sun piercing through the clouds and warming everyone. What's even more touching is that the children in the class invariably chose her as their most admired classmate in the additional questions, which is not only a recognition of her personality charm, but also an affirmation of the value of "sitting on the side of the road and applauding".

Ordinary greatness

"Not everyone can be a hero, there are always people on the side of the road who applaud heroes." The daughter's words are a simple understanding of the philosophy of life. As Lin Qingxuan said: "There are pearls in the heart, and the mountains and rivers are bright." "Isn't it a success to be an ordinary person who is kind, happy, and beneficial to society?

A confession of fatherly love like a mountain

The heartfelt words of a Hunan father at the parent-teacher meeting touched the heartstrings of millions of parents. He calmly accepts the ordinariness of the child, and builds the castle of the child's soul with unconditional love, which is the most solid armor for the child to face the wind and rain.

The wisdom of waiting for the flowers to bloom

Every child is a seed, some of which germinate quickly, while others take years to brew. Grades should not be the only yardstick by which children are measured, because "the essence of education means that one tree shakes another, one cloud pushes another, one soul awakens another." (Jaspers)

Let us embrace the different flowering stages of our children with a broader mind.

Regardless of grades, each child repays their parents for their parenting in their own unique way. Patience and respect for the natural laws of growth are not only a trust in children, but also a profound practice of our own educational philosophy. Let's work together to create a loving and encouraging environment for children to grow up in, waiting for each flower to bloom.

Although the college entrance examination is over, the growth does not stop: cherish the journey and face the challenges bravely

In the book "The Girl Who Killed the Quail", there is such a profound philosophical thought: "Looking back on the past in your later years, you will have an epiphany that those decisions to study abroad, the choice of the first career, the determination of a partner and even the commitment to marriage are all the keys to the turning point of life."

However, when you stand at the fork in the road, although the wind and clouds are surging, the moment you record in your pen seems so ordinary, like any day in your life.

At that time, you didn't realize that the daily stroke was really a giant of fate. ”

Embarking on a new journey of life, dear child, I want you to know that what awaits you ahead will be a vast road surrounded by flowers and the light of hope, and at the same time, there will be no shortage of unknown challenges and difficulties.

Life is a journey of twists and turns, and no road is always paved with roses, and no path is completely full of thorns. Every step contains changes and opportunities, and it is these uncertainties that build a colorful picture of life.

Therefore, I encourage you to take courageous steps, to experience, to feel, no matter how bumpy or difficult the road ahead may be.

As Robert Frost said in his poem, "Two paths diverge in the woods, and I choose the less inhabited one, which has since determined the path of my life." Choice itself is power, and it defines our story and journey.

And as the years go by, one day you suddenly look back, and you may be pleasantly surprised to find that those seemingly insurmountable peaks have been easily crossed by you inadvertently.

As painted by Li Bai's pen, "The apes on both sides of the strait can't stop crying, and the light boat has passed over the ten thousand mountains." ”

The hardships of the past have made you who you are today, and the road ahead, although long, is also brilliant.

So, hold on to hope and move forward fearlessly. Remember, every step counts, and every choice is silently writing your legend. Let us use courage as the sail and wisdom as the rudder to sail towards the future that is established and full of infinite possibilities.

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