
The 12-year-old was arrested, and before he was executed, he made a request, and the bandits immediately released him

author:The deceased is like C

In September 1935, after fierce fighting, the Red Army finally conquered the heavily defended Lazikou. After taking control of Lazikou, the Red Army seized a large amount of grain and salt, and the hunger problem that had plagued the Red Army for a long time was alleviated.

At the same time, what is even more exciting is that the Red Army's Long March has a clear goal, advancing in the direction of northern Shaanxi and joining forces with the Red Army of Liu Zhidan and Xu Haidong.

The 12-year-old was arrested, and before he was executed, he made a request, and the bandits immediately released him

However, in this team, there is a 12-year-old soldier named Zhang Jinlong, who rolled off a cliff in the fierce battle and fell into a coma, and when he woke up, the team was already gone.

He was covered in scars and blood. He didn't know where to go after the Red Army, so he had to pick up a stick, clench his teeth, and staggered forward with difficulty, without a goal, without a direction, with only one thought, to find his own team!

Pain and hunger once again knocked him unconscious, and a hunting couple found him, and when they saw that he was a thin child, ragged and wounded, but still breathing, they carried him to their own house.

The 12-year-old was arrested, and before he was executed, he made a request, and the bandits immediately released him

The couple immediately wiped his wounds, took out the medicine and applied it to him, and fed him some soup. Seeing such a young child scarred, the Orion couple was full of sympathy and love, taking care of him as if he were their own son, and Zhang Jinlong's body was getting better day by day.

Zhang Jinlong, who had improved slightly, was eager to find the troops, so he wanted to say goodbye to Orion and go to find his own team. Orion told him that his body was too weak to support him in finding the troops, and that if he was physically exhausted on the way, and the troops did not find him and fell first, it would be very dangerous, and he would lose his life.

Zhang Jinlong gritted his teeth and stretched his arms and legs, the injury was still not optimistic, and he grinned in pain.

The 12-year-old was arrested, and before he was executed, he made a request, and the bandits immediately released him

This kind couple not only took good care of him, but also inquired about the whereabouts of the Red Army for him.

Somehow, the news that Orion's house had the Red Army was learned by the "horse bandits". The horse bandits are Ma Bufang's bandits, they dominate one side and kill people without blinking, and the people dare to be angry but dare not speak. The Red Army's Long March passed through their territory, and they thought that they had come to grab territory with them, and they confronted the Red Army with great ferocity, inflicting great losses on the Red Army's ranks, and were a formidable enemy on the Red Army's way forward.

The 12-year-old was arrested, and before he was executed, he made a request, and the bandits immediately released him

Knowing that Orion's house was hiding the Red Army, how could they let it go, and immediately made people break into Orion's house to search, and Orion and his wife hid Zhang Jinlong, but under the bed, the horse bandits still found a Red Army hat.

The 12-year-old was arrested, and before he was executed, he made a request, and the bandits immediately released him

The vicious bandits forced the old couple to kill them if they did not hand over the Red Army, and at this critical juncture, the little soldier Zhang Jinlong stepped forward. He couldn't watch his savior being killed by bandits, he patted his chest: "If you want to kill, you want to rush at me, it has nothing to do with them!" ”

The horse bandit looked Zhang Jinlong up and down, and laughed fiercely: "Little red bandit, are you really not afraid of death at such a young age?" ”

"Fear of death is not the Red Army," Zhang Jinlong said sternly, "our Red Army is going to fight the Japanese devils, unlike you, who are specifically against the Red Army." The Japanese devils have robbed us of our land and occupied our homeland, and you have the ability to kill the Japanese! ”

The 12-year-old was arrested, and before he was executed, he made a request, and the bandits immediately released him

The bandit leader looked at the little child, and he was impatient: "Roar, you also taught Lao Tzu a lesson, I don't care if you resist Japan or not, anyway, don't want to get out alive when I get to me, come on, don't talk nonsense, kill him!" ”

Zhang Jinlong was a child after all, he also had fear and despair, but he followed the ranks of the Red Army at a very young age, and he saw many Red Army comrades-in-arms, bravely facing death without fear, and he drew strength from them. He held his head high, his face was not afraid, he was not afraid of death, but he still begged the bandit leader: "I want to discuss something with you, and then you will kill me again, okay?" ”

The bandit thought he was scared and laughed: "It's a child after all, who wants to die!" Do you regret being in the Red Army, why don't you do it with me? ”

Zhang Jinlong smiled contemptuously: "Whoever is afraid of death, our Red Army is not afraid of death, we are going to fight the Japanese." The Japanese not only want to occupy Northeast China, they also want to occupy all of China, and in the future, you will also aim your guns at the Japanese, and I ask you to use your knife when you kill me, so that you can save one bullet, and if you save this bullet, you can use it to kill one more Japanese devil......"

The 12-year-old was arrested, and before he was executed, he made a request, and the bandits immediately released him

The bandit leader was speechless for a while, shocked by Zhang Jinlong's words, he was speechless for a while, and looked at Zhang Jinlong in surprise, such a small child, seeing that he was about to die, was still asking for a gun or a knife, he felt a feeling in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten a little, and a trace of guilt flashed on his face.

He restrained his fierce look, softened his tone and walked in front of Zhang Jinlong, and untied the rope that bound him with his own hands: "Forget it, I won't kill you, you can find your team wherever you want, and kill devils if you want to kill them, I won't embarrass you!" As he spoke, he took out a few silver dollars and threw them to Zhang Jinlong.

Zhang Jinlong was puzzled by the bandit's move, he couldn't believe it was true, looking at the departing bandit, he felt as if he had a dream.

The 12-year-old was arrested, and before he was executed, he made a request, and the bandits immediately released him

Zhang Jinlong, who was like an arrow, still asked around for news of the Red Army, and his injuries were completely healed. A few months later, he finally found another Red Army and joined him in the battle sequence he had been longing for.

A 12-year-old child, what supports him, struggles from the line of death, can see death as home under the guns of bandits, and perseverance in the face of the vast road ahead, is faith, is a firm faith!

It is precisely because of countless such respectable predecessors that we can enjoy today's peaceful and prosperous world!

Salute to all the ancestors who fought bloodily for the establishment of New China!

The 12-year-old was arrested, and before he was executed, he made a request, and the bandits immediately released him