
The first staff fun games of Dazhu Economic Development Zone ended successfully

author:Look at Dazhou every day

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the morning of June 28, the first staff fun games of Dazhu Economic and Technological Development Zone were held in the sports field of the Sichuan-Chongqing Cooperation Demonstration Park. With the theme of "Standing up the hard backbone of industry and creating new brilliance of economic development", the atmosphere was warm and laughter continued.

The first staff fun games of Dazhu Economic Development Zone ended successfully

The sun shines on the green field, adding a bit of vitality to the games. At the scene of the games, a total of 16 participating teams from the County Bureau of Statistics, the County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, the County Investment Promotion Center, the Economic Development Zone, Hongzhi Company, Chuandong Cable, Chuanhuan Technology and other enterprises were in high spirits and ready to fight.

The first staff fun games of Dazhu Economic Development Zone ended successfully
The first staff fun games of Dazhu Economic Development Zone ended successfully
The first staff fun games of Dazhu Economic Development Zone ended successfully
The first staff fun games of Dazhu Economic Development Zone ended successfully

With the referee's whistle, the games officially kicked off. The mixed tug-of-war competition was the first to be carried out, and I saw the players on both sides holding the ropes tightly, kicking the ground with their feet, all riveting their strength, and the audience watched with relish, and from time to time there were bursts of cheers; In the project of crossing the river by touching the stones, the participants need to step on the foam bricks and relay through the venue in turn; In the mixed rope skipping competition, the participating team members cooperated tacitly, and the rope shuttled quickly under their feet; The spot-shot and snowball running competitions were equally exciting, with the athletes engrossing themselves in the game, showing their skill and teamwork in every move. The audience said that this sports meeting not only made them feel the fun of sports, but also enhanced their understanding of various enterprises and units in the Economic Development Zone.

After fierce competition, the Sichuan East Cable team won the first prize of the Games, the team of Chuanhuan Technology, Hongzhi Company and the County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau won the second prize, and the team of Xinhong Innovation, Economic Development Zone, Dongliu Mash and County Investment Promotion Center won the third prize.

The first staff fun games of Dazhu Economic Development Zone ended successfully
The first staff fun games of Dazhu Economic Development Zone ended successfully
The first staff fun games of Dazhu Economic Development Zone ended successfully

The sports meeting provided cadres and employees with an opportunity to exercise after intense work, and also built a platform to show their personal style and feel the power of unity and cooperation. At the same time, the event also further enhanced the exchanges and cooperation between various units and enterprises in the Economic Development Zone, strengthened everyone's consensus on investing in Dazhu, settling down in Dazhu, and building Dazhu, and injected a strong impetus into the breakthrough rise of Dazhu manufacturing industry.

Zhang Zhenbo, chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Dazhu Economic and Technological Development Zone, said: "By holding the Employee Fun Games, we have successfully gathered the joint efforts of all units and enterprises in the Economic Development Zone, giving full play to the functions and roles of trade unions at all levels, and uniting and leading the people of the Economic Development Zone to stand up the backbone of the industry and contribute to the new glory of the Economic Development Zone." ”

In recent years, Dazhu Economic and Technological Development Zone has successfully established a provincial-level academician (expert) industrial park, a provincial-level recycling transformation demonstration park, the second batch of Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-City Economic Circle Industrial Cooperation Demonstration Parks, and a provincial-level foreign trade transformation and upgrading base, cultivated 1 national incubator, and was commended by the Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology as an advanced unit for the promotion of the "Park Guarantee Loan" project, and was commended by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government as an advanced collective for industrial economy, an advanced collective for investment promotion, and an advanced collective for promoting industrial economic development.

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