
The experience and practice of "micro-reform" of flying line charging in Dachuan District were recommended by the province

author:Look at Dazhou every day

On June 21, the Sichuan Provincial Office of the Whole Chain Rectification of Electric Bicycle Safety Hazards issued the "Work Dynamics", which promoted the experience and practice of the "micro reform" of flying wire charging and home charging in Dachuan District as a typical practice in the province to the whole chain rectification of electric bicycle safety hazards in the province and city.

The experience and practice of "micro-reform" of flying line charging in Dachuan District were recommended by the province

In recent years, there have been many cases of casualties caused by electric bicycle charging, as a public transportation tool known for its economical, convenient and practical advantages, it has become a life-killing tool in the event of a fire, and the price is often tragic. Dachuan District has made efforts to solve the problems of electric bicycle home charging and flying wire charging from the source, and has explored a new way to solve the fire safety hazards of electric bicycle parking and charging with the guiding ideology of safety and convenience, benefiting the people and treating both the symptoms and the root causes.

The experience and practice of "micro-reform" of flying line charging in Dachuan District were recommended by the province

The Dachuan District Government issued the "Implementation Plan for Cracking the Micro-Reform of Electric Bicycles "Flying Line Charging and Home Charging", which was composed of 14 departments such as fire protection to organize and carry out the work of touch registration, survey, construction, illegal disposal, etc., and implement the "micro reform" to solve the outstanding problems of "flying wire charging and home charging", and help the whole chain rectification of potential safety hazards of electric bicycles. In view of the charging problems of electric bicycles such as expensive commercial charging, centralized charging needs plus management fees, and small supply of parking spaces, the operation and maintenance method of "charging income + property costs + government subsidies" is adopted, and it is clear that the charging fee is charged at the price of residential electricity, which is more than 60% preferential to the market electricity price, and 141 centralized parking and charging places and nearly 3,000 smart charging sockets have been built in the central urban area. At the same time, the community is hired to participate in the daily inspection and management of charging points, which not only solves the problem of difficult management, but also increases the income of difficult groups. In the rectification, multiple departments formed a joint inspection team to persuade and investigate the unauthorized change of the nature of electricity, private connection of flying wire charging and home charging, and formed a relatively complete set of experience in solving the potential safety hazards of electric bicycle parking and charging.

The experience and practice of "micro-reform" of flying line charging in Dachuan District were recommended by the province

Think about what the people think, know the difficulties of the people, and solve the difficulties of the people. In the next step, Dachuan Fire will take this opportunity to further improve its political position, deepen its ideological understanding, further promote the whole chain rectification of potential safety hazards of electric bicycles, strictly rectify outstanding problems such as illegal parking and charging, illegal modification, etc., effectively prevent and reduce fire risks and hidden dangers, and effectively protect the safety of people's lives and property.