
The success of Chang'e-6 has completely ripped off the fig leaf of the United States!

author:Speaker: Plath

"Everyone looks down on you, but you are the most competitive."

This sentence is the most suitable way to describe China's aerospace development!

In addition to the envious eyes of European countries on the success of Chang'e-6 this time, the United States has also changed its previous arrogance and sent congratulations on the success of Chang'e-6.

And the director of NASA also bluntly said: The Wolf clause prohibiting cooperation with China will not prohibit China from sharing lunar soil for free.

When you show your strength enough, even a hegemonic country like the United States will "open the net for you and no longer block you!" ”

Of course, the reason why the United States is so eager to get the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 is because it is soil from the far side of the moon!

The success of Chang'e-6 has completely ripped off the fig leaf of the United States!

Many people may not know that this time our Chang'e-6 landed on the far side of the moon, and it is also the Aitken Basin, the south pole of the moon, which is very difficult.

The Aitken Basin is one of the largest impact craters on the Moon, and has been hit by meteorites for many years, so much so that it retains the oldest rocky soil of the Moon, so its research value is self-evident.

The success of Chang'e-6 has completely ripped off the fig leaf of the United States!

In addition, the soil in the south pole of the moon can also explore whether there is a water source on the moon, which is of great significance for future human exploration and landing on the moon.

If the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 this time can confirm that there is really a water source on the moon, then in the future, all countries around the world will start a new round of "space race" and desperately squeeze to the moon.

Moreover, we have released a series of lunar projects before, to establish a scientific research base on the moon, to develop lunar resources, to use the moon as a transit station, and continue to set off to Mars and Jupiter in the future......

Therefore, the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 is something that the United States dreams of.

That's why when we opened the Chang'e-6 press conference, American reporters asked: Will American scientists participate in the study of Chang'e-6 lunar soil?

Our reply is also very clear: China is very eager to cooperate with the United States and contribute to humanity together.

But the problem is that the United States has a law that blocks cooperation between China and the United States, and if we forcibly send lunar soil to the United States, it will violate American law, so we will not do it.

Seeing that we openly rejected the United States, the director of NASA came out and explained: The US law stipulates that the United States cannot take the initiative to ask for it, but if China gives it to the United States unconditionally, it will not violate the regulations.

This is why the Russian media sighed: The success of China's Chang'e-6 has directly ripped off the fig leaf of the United States, allowing everyone to see clearly that the United States had made a manned landing on the moon fraud!

I took a look, and there are still many people on the Internet who don't understand, why do we have to go to the moon, just for that little bit of lunar soil?

In fact, behind the lunar exploration mission, it is not only for scientific research, but also for a series of strategic significance.

The success of Chang'e-6 has completely ripped off the fig leaf of the United States!

For example, what the Chang'e-6 returner presents this time is a "technology that transcends the times" that has never appeared in human history.

Chang'e-6 rushed into the atmosphere at the second cosmic speed (11.2 km/s), then bounced the vehicle up against tens of thousands of degrees, and then entered the landing orbit at a speed of 7.8 km/s.

So, this landing process left the Americans dumbfounded!

The success of Chang'e-6 has completely ripped off the fig leaf of the United States!

The Chang'e-6 returner was able to land with such precision without thrusters.

If this is an intercontinental missile, coupled with a large-displacement thruster, it can hit any corner of the earth from the moon at a speed of more than Mach 30, with the current human air defense technology, it will not be able to stop it at all!

This is also the space technology that the United States hopes to have in-depth discussions with China.

And don't forget, we've already released a series of lunar projects, such as building a lunar research base.

If you think about it, we have built a series of scientific research bases on the moon, and then deployed all kinds of missiles to hit any corner of the earth once there is a need for a strike mission.

The success of Chang'e-6 has completely ripped off the fig leaf of the United States!

It is equivalent to hanging missiles over the head of the United States, and they are naturally restless!

In addition, the research on outer space is internationally recognized as "first come, first served".

Just like Musk at the beginning, in order to occupy the space orbit of the earth's orbit, he sent tens of thousands of cheap satellites in a row, just to occupy the "position" in advance.

The same is true for the exploration of the moon.

The success of Chang'e-6 has completely ripped off the fig leaf of the United States!

Just like Academician Ye Peijian, the chief designer of our lunar exploration project, said: If we have the ability to go now, but we don't, then our descendants will blame us, and when the time comes, others will occupy us, and then we will never be able to go again.

Again, this international community pays attention to the winner is the king, and the loser is the villain, if you don't show enough strength, no matter how much sincerity and kindness you release, it will be "weak" in their eyes.

To deal with bandits like the United States and the West, only by showing their sharp swords will they be willing to sit down and talk to you.

Back then, we wanted to apply to join the International Space Station, but the United States turned us away on the grounds of "preventing technology leakage" and even joined forces with Western countries to "play" us.

Later, the United States even introduced laws and regulations that did not allow American scientists to cooperate with Chinese scientists in the field of aerospace.

In the face of the monopoly blockade of the United States and the West, we can only lower our heads and engage in research and development in a muffled voice.

At that time, the whole country was united in shouting, "We must surpass the space technology that is ahead of the West."

The success of Chang'e-6 has completely ripped off the fig leaf of the United States!

Today, we have been chasing for 50 years, and when we look up, we find that there is no one to chase in front of us.

It is obviously impossible for the United States to easily obtain the technology and results that we have "tasted the courage to break through" for 50 years.

To this day, the United States is still blockading and suppressing us in many areas.

As long as we achieve a breakthrough in a certain area, they will find a way to curb the development of our enterprise.

Today's mobile phone and automotive industries are good examples.

Because in the American concept, as long as there are people in the world who live the life of Americans, then Americans can only go back to farming.

That's why the United States will engage in hegemonic behavior on a global scale and find ways to contain China's rise.

The success of Chang'e-6 has completely ripped off the fig leaf of the United States!

Today's success of Chang'e-6 not only tells the United States that China's rise has become an indisputable fact.

And behind this, it also reflects that the era when the United States covered the sky with one hand has become a thing of the past.

A hundred years ago, China was looked down upon by everyone.

Today's China is unattainable to everyone, including the invincible United States!

Sure enough, the rules are only erected on the edge of the sword, and the truth is only within the range of the cannon!


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