
Partridge day, the original heart can not be lost [word Lin Zhengyun]

author:Zhang Hengzan

-- I would like to use this document to celebrate the 103rd birthday of the Party

Hengzan (Hebei)

The sickle axe flag flutters in Kyushu. Write the spring and autumn periods.

The journey is thunderous, and the road is thick and rainy.

Wading through dangerous waves, crossing torrents, and leading the tide with glorious thoughts.

China bears the Red Boat Chronicle, and the original intention of the mission cannot be lost!

Partridge day, the original heart can not be lost [word Lin Zhengyun]
Partridge day, the original heart can not be lost [word Lin Zhengyun]
Partridge day, the original heart can not be lost [word Lin Zhengyun]
Partridge day, the original heart can not be lost [word Lin Zhengyun]

2024.7.1 Shijiazhuang