
[I do practical things for the masses] sanitation workers pick up mobile phones, and the police relay to find the owner

author:Taiyuan Lou annoys the public security
[I do practical things for the masses] sanitation workers pick up mobile phones, and the police relay to find the owner
[I do practical things for the masses] sanitation workers pick up mobile phones, and the police relay to find the owner

"Comrade policeman, I picked up a mobile phone while cleaning on the street, and waited in place for half an hour, neither called nor came to look for the owner, but I still have to continue cleaning, you will definitely find a way to find the owner......" On June 29, 2024, a sanitation worker hurriedly ran to the police office of the Chengguan Police Station to ask for help from the people's auxiliary police on duty.

[I do practical things for the masses] sanitation workers pick up mobile phones, and the police relay to find the owner

It turned out that the sanitation worker picked up a mobile phone while cleaning, and he was in a hurry to clean up, so he couldn't wait for the owner in the same place all the time, so he went to the police station for help, hoping that the police would help find the owner. The police took the mobile phone and praised the sanitation workers for their spirit of collecting money, and promised that they would definitely find the owner and return the mobile phone.

Because the mobile phone is equipped with a combination lock, the people's auxiliary police cannot open the mobile phone to contact the relatives and friends of the owner. After the people's auxiliary police immediately retrieved and checked the surveillance video near the mobile phone pick-up place, carefully checked every frame, and after more than an hour of patient searching, it was finally determined that the owner of the mobile phone was lost. After many visits and inquiries by the people's auxiliary police, the owner was finally found, and after repeated confirmation, the mobile phone was successfully returned to the original owner.

[I do practical things for the masses] sanitation workers pick up mobile phones, and the police relay to find the owner

"If you hadn't come to the door, I wouldn't have found that the phone was lost, thank you so much, there are a lot of precious photos stored in the phone, thank you very much to our annoying sanitation workers......" took the lost and recovered mobile phone from the police, the owner still couldn't suppress the joy in his heart, and kept expressing his gratitude to the people's auxiliary police.

Mortal acts of kindness are the most moving. As a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, it is a noble virtue that we must uphold and vigorously promote. The heart-warming little things of sanitation workers are around you and me, integrated into daily life, sowing the "seeds" of virtue in small things, and driving more people to be good!

Police Tips:

When the general public goes out, they should take good care of their belongings, especially valuables such as wallets and mobile phones, and must not cause unnecessary losses due to carelessness. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can relay to carry forward the traditional virtues, carry forward the spirit of collecting gold, and make Lou Fu warmer and more beautiful.

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