
In Japan, American GIs are like wearing a "gold belt of murder and arson", which is comparable to a gold medal for avoiding death!

author:Read Shi Mingjian

Recently, there has been renewed concern about the illegal and criminal acts of U.S. soldiers in Japan, which not only disrupt local communities, but also exacerbate the sensitivity of the U.S. military presence in Japan. Especially in Okinawa, U.S. soldiers were frequently involved in sexual assault and violence, which sparked strong protests and dissatisfaction among the local population. Many people believe that U.S. soldiers in Japan "are like wearing a 'gold belt of murder and arson.'"

In Japan, American GIs are like wearing a "gold belt of murder and arson", which is comparable to a gold medal for avoiding death!

According to a number of media reports, the US military has been involved in serious violations of the law many times during its stationing in Japan, especially involving sexual assault and violence. These incidents not only caused great harm to the victims and their families, but also sparked widespread protests from the local community and Japanese society as a whole.

In Japan, American GIs are like wearing a "gold belt of murder and arson", which is comparable to a gold medal for avoiding death!

The Japanese people protested

Sexual Assault Cases:

According to reports, a number of U.S. soldiers have been involved in cases of sexual assault of Japanese underage girls in Okinawa and other places. Some of these cases were even concealed by Japanese officials at the prosecution stage, and were not forced to admit until they were exposed on social media. This practice is undoubtedly shielding the perpetrators, and one cannot help but question whether the behavior of the US military in Japan is protected by a protective umbrella.

In Japan, American GIs are like wearing a "gold belt of murder and arson", which is comparable to a gold medal for avoiding death!

The victim, Lena Bag


U.S. soldiers were not only involved in sexual crimes in Japan, but were also frequently involved in violent incidents, including drunk driving and brawls. These acts have seriously undermined local social order and brought great distress and threat to the lives of the Japanese people. However, after each incident, the perpetrators were always easily exonerated and even quickly handed over by the US military to escape real legal punishment.

In Japan, American GIs are like wearing a "gold belt of murder and arson", which is comparable to a gold medal for avoiding death!

Okinawa police escorted U.S. soldier Kenneth Shinsato

Protests of Okinawa residents:

In the face of the various evil deeds of the US soldiers, the residents of Okinawa have repeatedly protested and demanded a reduction or complete withdrawal of US troops. The protests have been rising wave after wave, but the Japanese government has remained stagnant and will only "pacify" the people, seemingly turning a deaf ear to this violation of residents' rights and interests.

In Japan, American GIs are like wearing a "gold belt of murder and arson", which is comparable to a gold medal for avoiding death!

Media Exposure:

Despite the extreme cover-up of some cases, media exposure continues to expose the wrongdoing of U.S. soldiers. Through detailed reporting, these actions have been repeatedly exposed to the public, causing even greater revulsion and anger. The privileges of the US military in Japan and the inaction of the Japanese government have become the object of ridicule.

Government attitudes

The Japanese government has been extremely weak in dealing with the illegal acts of US soldiers and has repeatedly succumbed to US pressure. Whenever a U.S. soldier commits a crime, the government is always eager to keep a low profile, even at the expense of the rights and interests of local residents to maintain so-called diplomatic relations. This kind of incompetence has frequently made the Japanese people angry and disappointed.

In Japan, American GIs are like wearing a "gold belt of murder and arson", which is comparable to a gold medal for avoiding death!

U.S. soldiers have long enjoyed special "privileges" in Japan, and this privilege seems to have become a "gold belt for murder and arson." They do whatever they want in Japan, and they often break the law but always get away with it, which is undoubtedly a mockery of Japan's laws and sovereignty. What is even more infuriating is that in the face of the people's protests and demands, the Japanese government has always behaved extremely weak and incompetent, as if it had become a vassal of the United States. This situation has not only exacerbated the illegal behavior of the US military, but also caused people's trust in the Japanese government to decline. #头条首发大赛#

In Japan, American GIs are like wearing a "gold belt of murder and arson", which is comparable to a gold medal for avoiding death!
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