
Fierce electronic warfare broke out in the South China Sea, the Philippines was devastated, and China won a resounding victory and the United States retreated in disarray

author:Horses and chariots

According to Philippine media reports, while the United States is still holding the 2024 Pacific Rim joint military exercise, China and the United States have launched an extremely fierce and large-scale electronic confrontation in the waters near Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea, which directly led to the interruption of GPS signals in the northern Philippines, and a large number of problems in communication and radar facilities!

The electronic war lasted almost 12 hours and ended with China's victory, with China regaining control of the South China Sea after the United States withdrew from the South China Sea!

Fierce electronic warfare broke out in the South China Sea, the Philippines was devastated, and China won a resounding victory and the United States retreated in disarray

Seeing that there are many Chinese military fans here, they will feel rejoiced, is it possible that China has also surpassed the United States in electronic countermeasures to become the strongest in the world? What are China's strongest electronic countermeasures?

The beginning and end of electronic warfare in the South China Sea

In fact, the beginning of the just-concluded electronic warfare in the South China Sea was only because the Chinese Coast Guard salvaged the underwater anti-submarine detector dropped by the American P8 anti-submarine aircraft, and it was very fatal that this scene was filmed by the ships of the Chinese Coast Guard and uploaded to CCTV self-media!

Then it caused the whole network to report, and once became the focus of everyone's discussion, the United States may feel that this time it is a big shame, or maybe it feels that the anti-submarine detector was salvaged and lost face, anyway, they sent ships to stop it!

Fierce electronic warfare broke out in the South China Sea, the Philippines was devastated, and China won a resounding victory and the United States retreated in disarray

The South China Sea is China's inherent territorial waters, but US ships have come to our territorial waters to show off their might, and the PLA will certainly not get used to these US warships, so it sent the Shandong, which is on a mission nearby, to support!

Because the Shandong ship has advanced electronic warfare confrontation capabilities, after the appearance of the Chinese aircraft carrier, it directly achieved electromagnetic suppression of the US ship, and then the United States had to send Rc-135 electronic reconnaissance aircraft and Growler electronic warfare aircraft to compete for electromagnetic control of the sea area!

However, China is not afraid to send a high-tech series of Y-9 electronic warfare aircraft, together with China's powerful early warning aircraft, in this electronic confrontation China's electronic warfare system will not fall behind in the slightest, in the face of some advanced equipment of the United States, China's electronic warfare still seems to be at ease!

Fierce electronic warfare broke out in the South China Sea, the Philippines was devastated, and China won a resounding victory and the United States retreated in disarray

According to the photos taken by Western satellites, the Shandong aircraft carrier happened to appear in the waters near Hainan after the start of this electronic warfare, which just shows that the Shandong ship is also involved in this electronic warfare competition!

The reason why China and the United States will break out in this battle for electromagnetic control is most likely because of the Rim of the Pacific military exercise held by the United States in Hawaii, the United States wants to show its allies that they are far superior to China in the struggle for electromagnetic power, but they did not expect to end up in an embarrassment!

After the news of the electronic confrontation in the South China Sea was transmitted back to China, countless military fans cheered, believing that China has now surpassed the United States in the field of electronic countermeasures and has become the world's number one!

Fierce electronic warfare broke out in the South China Sea, the Philippines was devastated, and China won a resounding victory and the United States retreated in disarray

However, in fact, China's electronic confrontation with the United States can only be said to be half a catty, and China still has a way to go if it wants to completely surpass the United States, after all, the United States was the first country to apply electronic countermeasures to actual combat, and it was also the United States that brought the novelty of electronic countermeasures to the world!

As a catch-up player in the field of electronic countermeasures, although China has a lot of late-mover advantages, China is weak in many technological accumulations and battlefield experience, and if it wants to completely surpass the United States in the field of electronic countermeasures, China still has a relatively difficult road to go!

Where is China's advantage in electronic countermeasures?

Speaking of China's advantages in electronic countermeasures, in addition to China's late-mover advantage, there is also an advantage in the power of China's weapons and equipment, such as China's 055 and 052D or aircraft carriers and a series of naval warships, in the case of excellent power systems, they can deploy powerful radar and electromagnetic countermeasures systems on warships!

In addition to the relatively high age of the ships themselves, the United States is unable to install these advanced phased array radars and electronic countermeasures systems, and what restricts the United States from installing these on its warships is the power system of the American warships, which cannot provide long-term and high-energy-consuming power supply, so that the US warships have to make concessions in these aspects!

Fierce electronic warfare broke out in the South China Sea, the Philippines was devastated, and China won a resounding victory and the United States retreated in disarray

For example, the newest Zumwalt-class destroyer in the United States abandoned the four-sided phased array radar because the power supply system could not meet the requirements! The ship's radar performance was sacrificed to guarantee the warship's all-electric propulsion!

On the other hand, many power experts and well-known military bloggers of China's newly developed Fujian aircraft carrier do not know where the Fujian ship gets so much electricity, and it is necessary to ensure the power supply of electromagnetic catapults and the power supply of the advanced radar and electromagnetic equipment on the aircraft carrier. Everyone is worried about the Fujian ship, whether such a huge power consumption will affect the power of the aircraft carrier!

The power of the electronic countermeasure system basically represents the strength of the electronic countermeasure, and the larger the power supply power of the load of the unit of the same volume, the stronger the ability of the unit's electronic countermeasures.

Fierce electronic warfare broke out in the South China Sea, the Philippines was devastated, and China won a resounding victory and the United States retreated in disarray

Nowadays, China has a high-tech series of electronic countermeasures aircraft in the air, as well as J-15D and J-16D electronic warfare aircraft, and 815 and 815A electronic reconnaissance ships in the sea. And this is precisely what American warships do not have!

The United States seems to be aware of this, and in recent years, it has focused on upgrading warships, that is, it wants to enhance the warship's own electronic warfare capabilities, but the US Navy, which has long been late, plus those warships that are almost old enough to be decommissioned, it is undoubtedly more difficult to complete such a transformation and upgrading!

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