
China's artillery battlefield is an instant hit, and the European Defense Exhibition is very popular, and customers have placed orders

author:Horses and chariots

In recent years, China's weapons and equipment manufacturing technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and its influence in the international military market has become more and more influential.

According to the South China Morning Post on 30 June, the European International Defense Exhibition, which has a great influence in the arms procurement market, recently kicked off in Paris, the capital of France. Just when people think that US arms companies are still the protagonists of the exhibition, China's military industry has sprung up and become the biggest highlight of the exhibition.

China's artillery battlefield is an instant hit, and the European Defense Exhibition is very popular, and customers have placed orders

Last time, there were less than 10 Chinese military-industrial enterprises participating in the European Defense Exhibition, and this time it directly increased fivefold to 61 enterprises. With such a large scale of participation, all foreign buyers can no longer ignore Chinese military enterprises.

This time, China's military enterprises also came prepared, showing a large number of weapons and equipment models, including many "fist products", especially China's artillery, with many advantages such as high quality and low price, in this exhibition "kill all sides".

What good things did the Chinese military-industrial complex bring?

Among the "fist products" displayed by China's military enterprises, the two heavy artillery PLZ-52 self-propelled howitzers and SH-15 truck guns independently developed by NORINCO are the biggest highlights. As early as a few years ago, Saudi Arabia purchased a large number of Chinese PLZ-45 artillery guns, using the artillery to fight against the Yemeni Houthi armed forces, and experienced the test of the battlefield to prove its strength.

China's artillery battlefield is an instant hit, and the European Defense Exhibition is very popular, and customers have placed orders

Therefore, the quality of the PLZ-52 self-propelled howitzer and the SH-15 truck gun is not at all to worry about. It is reported that these two guns are improved according to the PLA's own models, not only excellent performance, but also thoughtfully using the NATO standard 155 mm caliber.

Don't underestimate this caliber adjustment, this is a move to actively adapt to the market, because most countries in the world have bought American and Russian-style artillery, and most of the American and Russian artillery is 155 mm caliber, the caliber is unified, and the inventory ammunition of these countries can continue to be used, and there is no need to be forced to scrap all the 155 mm shells purchased at a high price in order to adapt to the new caliber.

China's artillery battlefield is an instant hit, and the European Defense Exhibition is very popular, and customers have placed orders

China's military industry makes American think tanks unable to sit still?

For the Chinese military enterprises to display two 155 mm caliber artillery, the famous American think tank RAND Corporation also commented, the think tank researcher Timothy Heathzan said that China's domestic weapons in recent years have made great progress, the Chinese artillery unveiled at the Paris exhibition compared with similar Russian artillery, not only the design concept is more avant-garde, but also the performance is more excellent. Even compared with the same type of artillery produced in the United States and European countries, it has a price advantage.

China's artillery battlefield is an instant hit, and the European Defense Exhibition is very popular, and customers have placed orders

Although the US think tank admits that China's equipment has put pressure on European and American military enterprises, it has strong market competitiveness. However, US think tanks believe that as long as the United States maintains its political influence, European countries, American countries, and most Asian countries still dare not easily purchase Chinese equipment, and the market for Chinese weapons is mainly in countries in the Middle East or Africa.

Because the countries in these regions have a more delicate relationship with the United States, and they prefer good and cheap equipment. The two types of artillery that China is promoting this time use 155 mm caliber guns, which will undoubtedly dispel some of the anxiety of potential customer groups, and the old American goods and new equipment in their hands can share the same caliber, and the logistical pressure has been reduced a lot.

At the critical moment, it is still interesting to Pakistan and Tie

Although the performance of China's two artillery guns is quite good, no matter how good it is, it can only maximize its value if it is sold, and it is reported that Pakistan has placed an order for 236 sets of SH-15 truck guns.

China's artillery battlefield is an instant hit, and the European Defense Exhibition is very popular, and customers have placed orders

Ethiopia, an African country, has also placed an order for 32 SH-15 truck guns, which have been displayed at its "military parade". After all, for many African countries, this kind of truck gun is not only cheap, but also has good mobility, especially suitable for use in the African battlefield.

The only regret is that the PLZ-52 self-propelled howitzer has not yet been ordered, but the gun was rated by the internationally renowned Jane's Defense Weekly as "comparable to the K-9 and Caesar-MK2 howitzers". Therefore, "a good meal is not afraid of being late", and sooner or later there will be buyers who will come to order.

China's military industry is making efforts, and the pressure on Russian military enterprises is increasing?

The increase in China's arms exports will not only affect the cake of the United States and European countries, but will also affect Russia's military exports. It is reported that since 2014, Russia's arms exports have fallen by about 53%, and there are two main reasons for this situation.

The first is that the Russian military-industrial complex is fully committed to ensuring the consumption of the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield and is unable to deliver military products to other international buyers. The second is that the United States uses its political influence to pressure other countries to stay away from Russia, and many countries are afraid of offending the United States and give up buying Russian military products.

China's artillery battlefield is an instant hit, and the European Defense Exhibition is very popular, and customers have placed orders

Therefore, in this context, China's military industry can take the opportunity to occupy more market share. Especially in the field of army equipment, China's military industrial enterprises can compete head-on with Russian products and win more orders.

But in the long run, if China's military industry wants to truly dominate, the key is to expand its own influence, so that more countries do not have to worry about the pressure of Western countries, and buy Chinese equipment boldly and boldly, not only to buy comfortably, but also to use comfortably.

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