
After the 12-year-old daughter finished learning sanda for half a year, she "beaten" her father into the corner and begged for mercy, and her mother laughed and screamed

author:Affectionate remembrance

Children are the treasure of parents' hearts, and their safety and happiness often tug at the heartstrings of parents. Some forward-thinking parents invest time and money to lead their children on a journey to learn self-protection skills in order to be able to defend themselves in a complex world.

On this learning path, the role of parents goes far beyond being a bystander. They are not only solid backing, accompanying them, but also actively participating in them, incarnating as children's sparring partners.

After the 12-year-old daughter finished learning sanda for half a year, she "beaten" her father into the corner and begged for mercy, and her mother laughed and screamed

In this process, parents are willing to endure small physical "sacrifices" - "beating" in simulated confrontations with their children, so as to encourage their children and witness their progress and growth. This selfless dedication is a deep expectation for children's future independence and security, and it is also the best interpretation of love.

Recently, in Linyi, Shandong, a mother shared the first scene of her 12-year-old daughter who "beaten" her father into the corner of the wall after half a year of learning sanda and begged for mercy. Netizens complained that this is a small padded jacket on an iron plate.

In the picture, a girl has been learning boxing for half a year, and at home at night, she fights and practices with her father.

The girl moves quickly and has a strong attack, and when she fights her father, she throws punches and falls on her father. Dad couldn't dodge. Hit him directly on the head, on the back!

The dad reflexively blocked his daughter with his knees. Unexpectedly, my daughter said, you can't block me with your knees!

In desperation, Dad had no choice but to use the Gollum Hammer to block his daughter the same, but he didn't know that his daughter gave him another punch below.

couldn't dodge, Dad was forced directly into the corner, holding his head in his hands, screaming in embarrassment, "Don't fight, don't fight!" ”

Just when the father was still begging for mercy, the daughter punched the father again.

After the 12-year-old daughter finished learning sanda for half a year, she "beaten" her father into the corner and begged for mercy, and her mother laughed and screamed

In the process of starting, my daughter is confident and skillful in her movements, and it can be seen that this course is very good!

Mom looked at the two of them from the side and laughed straight out of the goose cry. Dad was beaten and shouted, "I've been beaten, and you're still laughing!" "I don't know that my mother laughs even more.

According to the mother, the child has not been learning sanda for a long time, and he is on the rise, and he especially likes to find someone to fight.

When my father was sparring, I really hit my father and beat my father with all my might.

The father is a slave to his daughter, and he is afraid that the child will be bullied when he grows up, so he enrolls her in a sanda class. Originally, Dad's meaning that girls learn some boxing will protect themselves,

I didn't expect my daughter to like it very much, and under the training of the coach, she practiced pretty well. When I get home, I take the initiative to practice whenever I have time.

Dad has time and likes to accompany his daughter to practice. In the process of accompanying her daughter, she was beaten by her daughter and did not blame her.

After the 12-year-old daughter finished learning sanda for half a year, she "beaten" her father into the corner and begged for mercy, and her mother laughed and screamed

Unexpectedly, this girl moved so fast and gave him several punches in a row. He couldn't handle it anymore.

This daughter is a bit talented in learning this thing, and she learns her movements very well and is very aggressive. His father said it was worth it.

My daughter is learning like this, and I don't dare to practice with her. It hurts.

For this scene, netizens burst into laughter, and some netizens said that this girl is a bit of a tiger, her father squatted down, and begged for mercy, and she also punched a few times in a row.

Some netizens said that this was a cotton iron suit, which beat her father to the point of holding her head, and when she went out in the future, no one would dare to bully her. The parents paid this money very well.

After the 12-year-old daughter finished learning sanda for half a year, she "beaten" her father into the corner and begged for mercy, and her mother laughed and screamed

However, some netizens said that it was obvious that the father did not fight back. But don't say it, this girl's movements are numb, and she is a piece of material for learning boxing!

Some netizens also said that the mother was laughing on the side, and her daughter did what she usually wanted to do but couldn't do! Someone finally avenged me.

Author's point of view

Obviously, this is not that the father is incomparable to his daughter, but that he has always chosen to tolerate and retreat, and every step contains deep love for his daughter. The daughter was so excited in the play that she forgot to stop for a while.

The father's gentle "enough, don't fight" is not only a stop, but also a gentle reminder, inadvertently reflecting the role in the family - not an authoritative ruler, but a warm guardian, maintaining the harmony and love of the family in his way.

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