
The boy went to deliver the courier the day after he failed in the high school entrance examination, and sighed 8 days later: I feel that going to school is a happy thing

author:Affectionate remembrance

I remember that Zhang Xuefeng, a famous teacher for postgraduate entrance examinations, said a sentence that aroused the empathy of many people, the hardship of reading is the easiest hardship of all the hardships you have suffered after entering the society.

In other words, when you step into society, you will find that reading is the most comfortable thing to do. At school, you don't hear anything outside the window, you just need to read a good book. Someone will take care of you to eat, drink to you, and give you money to spend.

After graduating and leaving school, you will find that you will have to face the pressure of work, face the exclusion of your colleagues, and take care of your family's emotions when you return home.

The boy went to deliver the courier the day after he failed in the high school entrance examination, and sighed 8 days later: I feel that going to school is a happy thing

When you get married and have children, you still have to raise and take care of your children, and when your parents are older, you have to spend time with them after work.

On June 29, in Jinan, Shandong, a father shared that his son went to deliver express delivery the next day after he failed the high school entrance examination, and he was very happy, he could run around and make money. Eight days later, he came back and said that he felt that reading was the happiest thing.

Dad shared that the child is a sports student, and his cultural grades did not do well. When I took the professional exam, I didn't do well in sports because of a muscle strain. In this way, I failed the high school entrance examination.

After the exam, he didn't run here to play and play there like other children. Instead, I found a courier station downstairs to deliver the courier.

At the beginning, the child was very happy, and he was beaten every day. You don't have to go to class, you can run around, and you can make money.

In the past few days of delivering the express, I got up early in the morning every day and didn't go home until half past eight in the evening, and the express delivery has not been completed. At this time, the boss kept urging him to ask about the delivery of the express, and the child had to continue to deliver after eating.

On this day, during dinner, the child told me, Dad, I went to deliver it alone, and I was a little scared. I said, don't be afraid, I'll be with you. That night, I accompanied my children until 11:30 a.m. before returning home.

The boy went to deliver the courier the day after he failed in the high school entrance examination, and sighed 8 days later: I feel that going to school is a happy thing

During the day, the child drove a tricycle all over the street, and he got a tan in a few days, and as an adult, he was very distressed to watch.

On the way home, my child said to me, "Dad, I still think that reading is the happiest thing." I want to go back to school. The child's tone was particularly sincere.

At that time, I felt sad and relieved at the same time. In fact, I just want my child to exercise, and I still hope that my child will continue to go back to school in the later stage. I also hope that there will be schools that will accept my child and let him continue to high school.

The child is only 15 years old, for him, a life is still very long, there are still a lot of things to learn, so soon to enter the society, without any skills, can only do this kind of hard labor without any technical content in the future.

I sent this video in the hope that the children will study well in school and not think about how free they are outside. If you go to work, you don't have any freedom, and you have to take care of your own life, which is very tiring.

The boy went to deliver the courier the day after he failed in the high school entrance examination, and sighed 8 days later: I feel that going to school is a happy thing

For this scene, netizens watched and discussed, some netizens said, I cried, my daughter graduated from junior high school this year, and she said that she didn't want to study anymore, she thought of all the ways she could, and everyone who could ask for help asked for help. Everyone persuaded her, but she couldn't be persuaded. It's hard for an adult to work outside the home, let alone a child.

Some netizens said that there is an upper limit to the tiredness of reading. If you don't study, you will be tired for a lifetime. Don't feel that doing things is easy, doing low-level work, looking at other people's faces, doing it in wind and rain.

The boy went to deliver the courier the day after he failed in the high school entrance examination, and sighed 8 days later: I feel that going to school is a happy thing

Some netizens even said that when you enter the society, you will know that reading is actually the easiest thing. We do decoration design, sit in the office, design the drawings, throw them to the construction site master to do, and mud, collect garbage, and do all the dirty work, and they don't earn as much as us, because we have enough of the hardships of reading at the age when we should be studying.

Author's point of view

Parents should be happy that their children have such an awakening. It is useless for parents to say a thousand at home and ten thousand, so it is better to let the children experience the life of adults in person.

Obviously, after experiencing the life of delivering couriers, this child began to have some insights. This is more effective than what parents say. This can be used as a reference for many parents.

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