
"July 1st" condolences to the old party members to recall the original intention and feel the party's kindness

author:Wugang City People's Court

Greetings, admonitions, and clasped hands convey not only the temperature, but also the warmth of the party.

On the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, in order to carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party and convey the organization's care and warmth, on June 27, Jiang Huimin, secretary of the party group and acting president of the Wugang Court, led a team to visit some old party members and party members in difficulty, and extended sincere greetings and high respect to them. Chen Xiaoxuan, member of the party group and director of the Political Department, attended the condolences.

"July 1st" condolences to the old party members to recall the original intention and feel the party's kindness

At the home of the old party member, Jiang Huimin cordially talked to the old party member Hua An Yala about his family routines, asked about the warmth, talked about changes, talked about development, recalled his original intention, learned in detail about his physical condition, living conditions and family situation, listened to the old man's work experience, listened to his opinions and suggestions on the work of the court, and at the same time told him to take care of his health, live an active life, never leave the party after leaving his post, never fade after retirement, and always maintain the political nature of a Communist Party member.

Jiang Huimin and his entourage also expressed condolences to other party members.

"July 1st" condolences to the old party members to recall the original intention and feel the party's kindness
"July 1st" condolences to the old party members to recall the original intention and feel the party's kindness

The old party members expressed their gratitude to the party organization for its care, and said that they would continue to follow the party, listen to the party, feel the party's kindness, continue to exert their residual heat, and strive for the party's cause for life in their future lives.

This visit and condolences not only made the old party members feel care and warmth, but also further enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the party organization. In the next step, the Wugang Court will encourage the court officers and police to actively learn from the old party members, inherit and carry forward their fine style and quality, never forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, continuously improve the people's satisfaction with the work of the court, and promote the work of the Wugang Court to a new level.