
I was divorced due to illness in my second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said that it was good to be single

author:More than 30,000 years.

Divorced due to illness in second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said it was good to be single

I was divorced due to illness in my second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said that it was good to be single

My name is Li Jianguo, I am 56 years old, divorced, and I run a small supermarket on my own. Speaking of which, I have lived a very failed life in my life, I didn't know how to cherish it when I was young, and I divorced my wife Zhang Li, and ended up being a lonely man.

Zhang Li and I were high school classmates, and we came together in free love, and I was young and vigorous at that time, and I always felt that Zhang Li was not worthy of me, so I quarreled with her all day long. Zhang Li has a docile personality and tolerates me everywhere, but I got worse, and finally got into trouble to the point of getting a divorce.

I was divorced due to illness in my second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said that it was good to be single

After the divorce, I married the young and beautiful Liu Xiaomei, thinking that I had finally found true love. But after getting married, I found out that Liu Xiaomei is lazy and lazy, spending money lavishly, and is not the material for life at all. My business has also deteriorated due to poor management.

What made me even more chilling was that when I was 55 years old, I had a heart attack and needed surgery. When Liu Xiaomei heard that it would cost a lot of money, she left me, packed up her things and went back to her parents' house, and forced me to divorce her.

I was divorced due to illness in my second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said that it was good to be single

Lying on the cold hospital bed, looking at the empty hospital room, I felt regret and despair for the first time. At the beginning, if I hadn't divorced Zhang Li, she should be with me now.

Just when I was in despair, Zhang Li actually appeared at the door of the ward. It turned out that she heard about me and came to take care of me.

I was divorced due to illness in my second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said that it was good to be single

The moment I saw Zhang Li, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. After so many years, Zhang Li is still the same as before, gentle and kind, regardless of past suspicions.

Zhang Li took care of me silently, feeding me, wiping my body, pouring water, and taking care of everything. She also connected me to the best doctors and raised money for my surgery.

I was divorced due to illness in my second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said that it was good to be single

The surgery was successful and I recovered quickly. On the day I was discharged from the hospital, I plucked up the courage to say to Zhang Li: "Xiaoli, let's remarry, I will definitely treat you well in the future and never make you angry again." ”

Zhang Li was stunned for a moment, then smiled faintly and said: "The founding of the People's Republic of China has passed, we are all old, what are you talking about?" ”

I was divorced due to illness in my second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said that it was good to be single

I was anxious and said, "Xiaoli, I'm sincere, I've always regretted divorcing you all these years, and I just want to live a good life with you now." ”

Zhang Li was silent for a moment and said, "Jianguo, I know you feel uncomfortable, but I am living well now, I am free and easy, and I don't want to go back to my old life." ”

I was divorced due to illness in my second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said that it was good to be single

I wanted to say something more, but Zhang Li interrupted me and said, "Okay, don't talk about this, you just got out of the hospital, take a good rest, I'll go first." ”

After speaking, Zhang Li turned around and left the ward. I looked at her back, and my heart was mixed. I know that I hurt her too deeply, and it is not easy to get her back.

After I was discharged from the hospital, I went back to my rental house and started running my small supermarket again. I go out early and come home late every day, working hard, hoping to get my life back on track through my own efforts.

I know that I owe Zhang Li too much, and it is not an overnight thing to make up for her. I can only start from now on, with my actions, slowly move her and make her accept me again.

I started to go to Zhang Li's place of work often, bring her some fruits and snacks, chat with her, and care about her life. I know that Zhang Li is not married yet, and it must be very hard for her to live alone.

I want to help her with some of the burden, I want to take care of her, I want her to know that I'm always there for her.

Zhang Li was a little cold to me at first, but gradually, she began to accept my concern. She would talk to me about things at work and tell me interesting things about life.

I was divorced due to illness in my second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said that it was good to be single

I know that my efforts have not been in vain, and the door of Zhang Li's heart is slowly opening to me.

I was divorced due to illness in my second marriage, 56-year-old man: My ex-wife took care of me and was discharged from the hospital, and I wanted to remarry, and she said that it was good to be single

One day, I plucked up the courage and asked Zhang Li to remarry again. This time, I didn't say those sweet words again, I just said to her sincerely:

"Xiaoli, I know that I have done a lot of sorry things for you before, and I have made you suffer a lot of grievances. But I've really changed now, I just want to live a good life with you and make up for the mistakes I made before. ”

"I know that nothing I say now will make up for the damage I have done to you, but I will prove my sincerity with my actions. As long as you are willing to give me a chance, I will definitely make you happy. ”

Zhang Li looked at me with tears in her eyes. She was silent for a long time, and finally spoke:

"Since the founding of the country, I have lived alone all these years, although it is hard, but I have also learned to be independent and strong. I'm used to living alone, and to be honest, I don't have much to expect from marriage right now. ”

"I know what you're thinking right now, and I know you want to make it up to me. But emotional things are not something that can be made up for by making up for it. I just want to live a peaceful life by myself now, and I don't want to toss anymore. ”

Hearing Zhang Li's words, my heart sank to the bottom. I know that I really lost her this time, and forever.

I sat limply in my chair and looked out the window, filled with remorse and pain. If I hadn't made those mistakes at the beginning, Zhang Li and I would be a happy couple now, enjoying their old age together.

However, there are no ifs in life, and I can only pay the price for my mistakes.

Since then, I have never mentioned remarriage. I knew that the only thing I could do was to silently watch over her, to help and support her in her time of need.

I will spend the rest of my life paying off the debt I owe her.

(End of story)

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