
My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

author:More than 30,000 years.

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

My name is Li Xiuying, I am 68 years old, and I have been retired at home for more than ten years. My wife, Zhang Jianguo, is two years older than me, and her body is quite strong, and after she retired, she became obsessed with fishing, and ran to the river twice in three days. We only have one daughter, who married far away to the south, and it is rare to come back a few times a year.

Originally, Lao Zhang and I lived comfortably, but since last year, Lao Zhang has been talking about bringing his brother who lives in the countryside to live in the city together, saying that it is "group pension".

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

Lao Zhang's elder brother Zhang Jianjun is ten years older than Lao Zhang, he worked as a farmer in the countryside when he was young, he never married a wife in his life, and he has no children under his knees. A few years ago, after Lao Zhang's parents died one after another, Lao Zhang took his brother to his hometown in the countryside and lived with them.

At first, I didn't agree with Lao Zhang taking my eldest brother to live with me. It's not that I dislike my eldest brother for being from the countryside, but I know how difficult it is to take care of an elderly person. The eldest brother is old, his health is not good, and his ears are still a little back, so he definitely needs to be taken care of in life.

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

When I was young, I worked in a textile factory, and I fell into a lot of diseases, such as a bad waist and poor legs. In the past few years, I have struggled to go up and down the stairs by myself, and if I take care of an old man who can't take care of himself, I'm afraid that I won't be able to bear this old bone.

I told Lao Zhang about my concerns, but Lao Zhang said nonchalantly: "It's okay, my eldest brother is still strong, he can eat and drink, and he can take care of himself." Besides, he was brought to the city so that he could enjoy himself and breathe fresh air. ”

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

I saw that Lao Zhang insisted on doing so, and I couldn't say anything more. It's just that I secretly made up my mind that if my eldest brother really can't take care of myself after he comes, I will never serve him.

At the beginning of this year, Lao Zhang insisted on taking his eldest brother from the countryside to the city despite my objections. When the eldest brother came, he didn't bring much with him, just two worn-out duffel bags containing a few old clothes that had been washed and whitened.

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

I watched my eldest brother staggering into the house with his back bent, and my heart was mixed. The eldest brother's hair is all white, and his face is full of wrinkles, like a knife carved out, telling the ruthlessness of the years.

As soon as the eldest brother entered the door, he trembled and took out a crumpled red envelope from his pocket, stuffed it into my hand, and said, "Brother and sister, you have worked hard all these years, you can take this money and buy something delicious." ”

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

I refused to accept it, but my eldest brother forced it into my hand and said, "Take it, take it, just take it as a little bit of my brother's heart." ”

I couldn't resist my eldest brother, so I had to accept the red envelope. When I opened it, I saw that there was a thick wad of money inside, all of which were some change, and the largest denomination was a fifty one.

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

My nose was so sore that tears almost fell. I know that this money is saved by the eldest brother who usually saves money, and it is a piece of his heart.

After the eldest brother came, Lao Zhang was really good to him, entertained him with delicious food and drink, and took him to the park to walk around and go to the mall to buy new clothes. But I never rejoiced in my heart, because I knew that it was only temporary.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Lao Zhang's "enthusiasm" to subside. He still goes out early and returns late to fish every day, leaving his eldest brother at home alone and leaving me alone to take care of him.

The eldest brother is old and has bad living habits, often spitting and littering. I told him a few times, but he didn't change it, and said eloquently: "We countrymen are like this, we are used to it." ”

I felt very uncomfortable when I heard it, but I could only silently clean it up for him.

What made me even more unbearable was that my eldest brother's personal hygiene habits were also very poor. In the summer, he often didn't take a shower for several days, and his body exuded a foul smell of sweat. I asked him to take a shower more often, but he said, "What are you doing so diligently, wasting water, wasting soap." ”

I was so angry with him that I had to boil him water and bathe him myself.

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

In addition to bad living habits, the eldest brother also likes to nag. Every day he would tell me all the little things he had in the country, and he would talk over and over again, and my ears would be calloused.

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

Sometimes, while I was doing housework, my eldest brother would suddenly come up to me and talk about his things in the country. I was so distraught by his quarrel that I couldn't help but say a few words to him, but he continued to talk to himself as if he hadn't heard.

My wife wants to take his brother to support the elderly, and I don't want to be a "nanny" for two people at the age of 68

I was physically and mentally exhausted by my eldest brother, and I complained to Lao Zhang several times and asked him to send my eldest brother back to the countryside. But Lao Zhang always perfunctory me said: "Oh, the eldest brother is old, you should take care of it more." I'll send him back later. ”

I saw that Lao Zhang didn't take my words to heart at all, and my heart was full of disappointment with him. Only then did I realize that my worries were not unnecessary.

I am like a free nanny every day, serving the two "uncles" of Lao Zhang and Big Brother. Not only do I have to do laundry, cooking, and cleaning, but also take care of my eldest brother's daily life, which is more tiring than going to work.

The more I thought about it, the more aggrieved I became, and the more I thought about it, the more angry I became. I decided to have a showdown with Lao Zhang, if he continues like this, we will divorce!

That night, Lao Zhang came back from fishing, and I told him what I thought. I originally thought that Lao Zhang would quarrel with me, but I didn't expect him to be silent after listening to my words.

After a long while, Lao Zhang spoke: "Xiuying, I know I have wronged you in the past few years. I brought my eldest brother here to let him enjoy his old age in peace, but I didn't expect it to add so much burden to you. ”

Lao Zhang continued: "In this way, tomorrow I will find a nursing home for my eldest brother nearby and let him live in it." I'll go to see him on the weekend. ”

I listened to Lao Zhang's words, and the big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. I know that Lao Zhang finally understands my difficulties.

The next day, Lao Zhang contacted a nursing home with a good reputation and sent his eldest brother over. The eldest brother was reluctant to go to the nursing home at first, but under the persuasion of Lao Zhang and me, he finally agreed.

After sending my eldest brother to a nursing home, my life finally returned to peace. I can sleep until I wake up naturally every day, and then go for a walk in the park, square dance, and live my own life.

Lao Zhang also realized his mistake, he no longer indulged in fishing as before, but spent more time with me.

We went shopping, cooked together, and watched TV together, just like when we were young, with affection and sweetness.

After going through this experience, I learned that the most important thing for a husband and wife is to understand and tolerate each other. I also realized that when people reach old age, they must learn to live for themselves and not wronged themselves for the sake of others.

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