
Men don't love you anymore, these 3 signs will appear, very accurate

Men don't love you anymore, these 3 signs will appear, very accurate

What a joy

2024-06-30 18:18Emotional field creators

Men don't love you anymore, these 3 signs will appear, very accurate

Boys are like hunters in relationships.

When you see your prey, your eyes light up, and you will definitely take action.

Type I boys usually focus on hints and temptations, and will not take the initiative to confess or confide in their hearts, but they will show it through some details, such as paying attention to and caring for you far more than others.

Type E boys are usually more proactive, alternating between hot and cold, and use their brains on you, both openly and secretly;

When I can't get you, I can't wait to stalk you.

But whether it's person I or person E, they behave similarly when they don't love you.


Gradually withdraw from the "habits" that have been established in you

It is easy for people to have a sense of dependence on a certain thing, a certain person, and a certain relationship;

This sense of dependence is the qualitative change of habits accumulated to a certain extent.

Like what:

You are used to reading a book for a while before going to bed, and after a long time, this matter becomes your habit;

You are used to chatting with someone of the opposite sex every day, and it doesn't take you a few days, as long as you don't talk to the other person, you feel empty.

When a man doesn't love you, the most obvious sign is "grooming".

no longer takes the initiative to chat with you, and when you take the initiative to find him, his performance is also retreating and cold;

You suddenly find that you don't know what he's up to, what he's doing, what he's eating, and who he's with every day.

This process of being left out and perfunctory is that men are gradually withdrawing from you.

Imagine what you're in love again.

Strong desire to share, will share anything with the other party as soon as possible;

Even if the other person doesn't ask for it, you'll punch in and tell them what you're doing.

The habit of withdrawal is the most obvious sign.

Men don't love you anymore, these 3 signs will appear, very accurate


Becoming more and more "unconcerned" about you

Everyone has needs, and even more so in relationships.

A normal, independent, and confident person will also become a "giant baby" in the relationship and become inferior;

The feeling of attachment to the partner is directly proportional to the intensity of the relationship.

The more the other person loves you, the more dependent they are on you;

The other party cares about you and cares about everything about you;

Your words and deeds, and changes in your mood will affect his emotions.

What it feels like to meet true love is:

You seem to see yourself in the other person; The emotions and experiences of the other party will be reflected on you.

And what about the signs of love?

He no longer cares about you, doesn't pay attention to you, and becomes more and more perfunctory to you.

For example: I won't empathize with you anymore, and I don't bother to listen to you complain;

I don't care if you're happy or not, I don't care if you're not feeling well, and I don't care about what you're going to do next.

He is becoming more and more "clear" and reduces his input, including emotional value, material value, emotional and other inputs.

What is the truth about the relationship between the sexes?

When a man encounters true love, he will switch roles between father and son;

When a woman meets true love, she will switch roles between mother and daughter.

Interfere with each other, control each other, feel sorry for each other, understand each other.

When the feelings disappear, all the characters transform into "strangers".

If at some point you suddenly feel:

Sitting and chatting with him, the air is filled with the smell of embarrassment, and there must be something wrong with the relationship.

Love doesn't deceive, and neither does not love.

Men don't love you anymore, these 3 signs will appear, very accurate


Concealing one's "true emotional state"

One of the scumbag moves:

has been in love with you for many years, but claims to be "single" to the outside world;

When I had dinner with a friend, I said that I had broken up;

Posts about you on social media platforms are either hidden or deleted.

deliberately created his own single personality, and did not mention breaking up with you for the time being, there are 2 purposes.

First: ride a donkey to find a horse, take advantage of you when you are lonely, break up with you immediately when you find a good home, and then seamlessly connect.

Second: to facilitate his contact with the opposite sex, as for whether he wants to put a hat on you with a certain color, it remains to be seen.

Never doubt the scum attributes of some people.

obviously doesn't love you, but I still want to hang you, but I don't have a happy showdown with you, and break up generously;

I covet your tenderness and dedication, but I don't want to be the bad guy who "broke up".

But most men's routines for breaking up are: cold violence.

Keep your distance from you for a few days.

You couldn't hold your breath and asked him, "What's the matter, did I do something wrong to make you unhappy?" ”

He would say, "No, it's fine, don't think about it."

And then he goes on to be cold to you.

A more open boy will play a straight ball and break up with you directly;

The scumbag boy will wait for you to break up.


The other party is not in love, can you detect it?

Author He Suohuan:

Focus on the analysis of gender emotion, marriage and family, character growth, social relationships, etc., follow me to bring you more knowledge.

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  • Men don't love you anymore, these 3 signs will appear, very accurate
  • Men don't love you anymore, these 3 signs will appear, very accurate
  • Men don't love you anymore, these 3 signs will appear, very accurate

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