
Taiwan's retired general said that the mainland would get lost if it circled Taiwan at night, and the J-15 appeared and slapped him in the face, and the island smelled a danger signal

author:Chen Yingqian

Taiwan's retired major general made another joke, claiming that the Continental Army planes would get lost when they circled Taiwan at night, and as soon as the words fell, the J-15 appeared and slapped him in the face, and the island smelled even more dangerous signals. What kind of joke did the retired general make again? What kind of special strength does the video of J-15 refueling in the air at night show?

A few days ago, a retired major general on the island announced to the outside world that the PLA military planes come around Taiwan at dawn, because it is not easy to fly at night, especially since Taiwan is surrounded by the sea on all sides, and as soon as you fly out, the sky is dark, the ground is dark, and the stars are reflected in the sea.

Taiwan's retired general said that the mainland would get lost if it circled Taiwan at night, and the J-15 appeared and slapped him in the face, and the island smelled a danger signal

As a retired general in Taiwan, Yu Beichen's remarks not only showed his ignorance, but the mainland side has not yet reacted, and many people on the island can't stand it.

Li Zhengjie, a retired general from Taiwan, said bluntly that he suggested that Yu Beichen pay attention to the official account of the Eastern Theater, don't know a little about anything, just rely on hearing and hearing about anything, and make up this kind of story, "It's outrageous!" ”

Zhang Yanting, former deputy commander of the Taiwan Air Force, pointed out that PLA military planes will also take off and circle Taiwan at night, but because planes often bring noise of more than 100 decibels when they take off, in order to reduce the impact of noise on residents around the airport, the frequency of night flights is low for environmental reasons.

He pointed out that as early as the night of January 7, 2022, the mainland sent 2 J-16s around Taiwan, and on March 31 of the same year, 2 J-16s came. "What do you mean by not being able to see clearly at night?"

Lu Lishi further pointed out that the only person who will be afraid is probably Yu Beichen, and Yu Beichen is afraid every day. As a matter of fact, mainland pilots have been training for night flights for a long time, but Taiwan has only started to do midnight training this year, and it is too late to do it now.

It just so happened that after Beichen's wild remarks, the Eastern Theater released a training video of the J-15 carrier-based aircraft refueling in the air at night, which not only publicly slapped Yu Beichen in the face, but also made the island further intuitively feel the gap in the technical strength of pilots and military aircraft on both sides of the strait.

Taiwan's retired general said that the mainland would get lost if it circled Taiwan at night, and the J-15 appeared and slapped him in the face, and the island smelled a danger signal

Military expert Shi Xiaowei sighed after watching the video that the mainland's show J-15 refueling in the air at night shows that Shandong and Liaoning can also take off and land at night, which is to tell everyone that not only the United States has the ability to fly aircraft carriers 24 hours a day, but also the PLA Navy.

Back to Yu Beichen, although this person has the title of retired major general, he has repeatedly made jokes on military topics.

For example, before this, Yu Beichen also declared on a TV program that "the People's Liberation Army will get lost when it lands in Taiwan, because there is no Google Navigation". Previously, he even said the absurd statement that "the interception rate of missiles is 70% for one shot, and 210% for three shots".

In this regard, Xu Qiaoxin, a representative of the Kuomintang, couldn't help but complain and called on Yu Beichen not to speak anymore, because if this continues, Taiwan will only be made fun of by the world, and the mainland people will think that the quality of the major general of the Taiwan army is nothing more than that.

Of course, we prefer to call such remarks by Beichen sensationalism, and such Taiwanese celebrities deliberately make "outrageous remarks" not only to win traffic and attention, but more importantly, to spread wrong signals and incite cross-strait confrontation.

The mainland also has special measures to deal with these people. As early as May, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council issued a list announcing the punishment of five celebrities and their families on the island.

Taiwan's retired general said that the mainland would get lost if it circled Taiwan at night, and the J-15 appeared and slapped him in the face, and the island smelled a danger signal

Moreover, when the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council elaborated on the punishment list, it made it clear that for those diehards who make bad remarks about "independence" and seek "independence" activities are rampant, it will "introduce legal measures" to severely crack down on the criminal acts of splitting the country and inciting separatism in accordance with the law.

Therefore, don't look at the likes of Beichen and others every day, although people in the industry will feel that they are all "ridiculous" and cannot be counted, but for Taiwan compatriots who do not know the truth, the harm cannot be ignored.