
Rescue details made public: Zhang Zhijie may have died of malignant arrhythmia, family: teach me how to accept it

author:Scientific Journal

Under the July sun, a sudden haze hung over the Chinese sports world, especially in the hearts of those who love badminton. The 17-year-old men's singles player Zhang Zhijie, the hopeful star of the Chinese youth badminton team, left the last light of his life on the field of the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This is not only the loss of a sports competition, but also a deep mourning for the loss of a young life.

Rescue details made public: Zhang Zhijie may have died of malignant arrhythmia, family: teach me how to accept it

In a fierce matchup in the mixed team group stage, Zhang Zhijie was battling the court with his trademark tenacity and passion against Japan, however, in the tense moment of a fierce battle with his opponent Toshima Kawano to 11-all, he suddenly fell to the ground, and at that moment, time seemed to stand still. The medical team quickly intervened, but unfortunately, even though he was rushed to the hospital within less than two minutes, he was unable to save the life of the talented teenager. At 23:20 local time on June 30, Zhang Zhijie closed his eyes forever, leaving the world with endless regrets and thoughts.

The Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association jointly issued a statement confirming this sad news and expressing deep sympathy to Zhang Zhijie's family, the Chinese Badminton Association and the entire badminton world. The statement emphasized that the doctors and medical team of the event gave Zhang Zhijie emergency treatment at the first time, however, the fragility of life is particularly prominent at this moment. The Chinese Badminton Association also spoke out, deeply saddened by Zhang Zhijie's death, and promised to fully assist his family in dealing with follow-up matters, while revealing that the local hospital in Indonesia has not yet been able to determine the cause of Zhang Zhijie's illness, which undoubtedly casts a heavier fog over the tragedy.

Rescue details made public: Zhang Zhijie may have died of malignant arrhythmia, family: teach me how to accept it

In his short but brilliant sports career, Zhang Zhijie has won many domestic and foreign youth championships, and his name has almost become synonymous with indomitable spirit. Just last year, he also said in an interview with great ambition that he wanted to prove himself with his achievements and move forward bravely. Now, these bold words have become an eternal wish, which has moved countless people.

The grief and incomprehension of the family members are like a boulder pressing on the chest. Zhang Zhijie's sister's voice on social media was heartbreaking: "He is only 17 years old, and he fell on the field, why did the arrival of medical staff take so long?" The so-called first-time treatment, the so-called medical conditions, how do I accept it? The family's doubts are not only unrelieved of the death of their beloved son, but also touch the sensitive nerves of the event's emergency medical system, triggering extensive public discussions on the efficiency and professionalism of on-site first aid.

Rescue details made public: Zhang Zhijie may have died of malignant arrhythmia, family: teach me how to accept it

According to the video from the scene, from the time Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground to the time he was carried off on a stretcher, no medical personnel at the scene were seen performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation or using an AED (external defibrillator) in the precious two minutes. This not only touched the nerves of domestic professionals, but also focused the attention of the international sports community on the medical emergency response capacity of Indonesian events. Dr. Lu Xiao from the Emergency Department of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University expressed his grief and concern through the online platform, pointing out that for the sudden convulsions and collapse of young athletes, malignant arrhythmia may be the culprit, and the on-site instant cardiopulmonary resuscitation and AED use are the key to life and death. Dr. Lu Xiao's remarks have resonated with many medical experts at home and abroad, who unanimously believe that the golden time of emergency cannot be ignored, and every second of delay can mean the passage of life.

The incident quickly fermented on the Internet, triggering widespread concern among badminton fans around the world, with many severely criticizing the event's medical emergency response as a serious negligence for the safety of athletes' lives. Comparing the swift and professional first aid operations of Eriksen after he fell to the ground at Euro 2021, one can't help but wonder why there is still such a huge difference in first aid standards and enforcement in major international events.

Rescue details made public: Zhang Zhijie may have died of malignant arrhythmia, family: teach me how to accept it

The unfortunate death of Zhang Zhijie once again sounded the alarm bell of the medical security system for sports events. It is not only a huge loss for the Chinese badminton community and even the entire international sports community, but also an urgent call for improving the speed and professionalism of the medical emergency response on the court. May this tragedy be a force for change and ensure that the safety of every athlete is maximized in the future arena. For Zhang Zhijie's family, their grief and questions may only be transformed into the protection and remembrance of their son's beautiful memories with the passage of time.