
In the 2024 election, Biden is in danger! The first debate was like sleepwalking, and Trump's chances of returning were greatly increased

author:The wind is strong and the grass is strong
In the 2024 election, Biden is in danger! The first debate was like sleepwalking, and Trump's chances of returning were greatly increased

Recently, everyone has paid more attention to the debate between former US President Trump and current President Joe Biden. It was supposed to be a wonderful pinnacle showdown, but in the end it became an international laughing stock. And it's very much like the United States now!

It can be said that the characteristics displayed by the king of understanding and the king of sleep are simply the same as the temperament of the country they represent. A man who has been half cut into the ground and is still trying to continue to dominate the world, this reflects the current American empire!

The other is irritable, paranoid, and unashamed, reflecting the United States, which is still not doing good things and fanning the flames everywhere despite being in a period of decline.

In fact, this controversy is a conspiracy of the Democratic Party, but I didn't expect that the Democratic Party had calculated everything, and they didn't expect Biden to be so cowardly!

In the 2024 election, Biden is in danger! The first debate was like sleepwalking, and Trump's chances of returning were greatly increased

First, it was deliberately held in advance.

As is customary, the first debate between the candidates of the two parties is usually held at the end of September, and sometimes even in early October! But considering Biden's physical condition, he often wrestles in various fancy wrestles, shakes hands with the air, and often wanders in a daze...... Therefore, the idea of the Democrats is to hurry up and hold this debate while Biden is still in good spirits.

In addition, since there is still a long way to go before the year-end vote, even if Biden loses badly, by the time he votes in November, many months have passed, and everyone has forgotten about it, almost!

In the 2024 election, Biden is in danger! The first debate was like sleepwalking, and Trump's chances of returning were greatly increased

The second is to deliberately select CNN to host it.

As we all know, CNN is the mainstream media that supports the Democratic Party of the United States. Since the moderator is his own person, he will naturally take care of Biden, and even the arrangement of the debate procedure is very beneficial to Biden. For example, given Trump's eloquent ability and Biden's frequent stumbling now, it is specifically stipulated that one side speaks and the other side shuts up during the debate, so as to minimize the chances of Biden making mistakes.

The third is to deliberately carry out special training.

It is reported that recently, Biden's main task is to go to Camp David and receive closed training! Moreover, it is reported that Biden deliberately prepared carefully in advance for some of the topics in the debate. In addition, recently, Biden's national security adviser Sullivan suddenly disappeared from public view. So some people speculated that he was likely to open a small stove for Biden and conduct 1-to-1 training. Because, when he was a college student, he was a master of debate, and he was famous all over the United States!

Of course, the training of Biden also includes the physical aspect. Because the debate is going to last 90 minutes. Although it is said that there will be a break every 30 minutes, this is still quite a difficult thing for Biden.

In the 2024 election, Biden is in danger! The first debate was like sleepwalking, and Trump's chances of returning were greatly increased

These exercises may even include sphincter drills, otherwise, if you are in the middle of a debate, it would be too bad for the sleeping king to boo!

Fourth, Trump's relatives were specially invited to attend.

However, the Democratic Party is not trying to cheer up Trump, but to tarnish his image and even destroy his psyche. Before the debate began, Trump's niece Mary Trump announced that she would join the campaign of current US President Joe Biden and participate in a commentary session broadcast live on CNN during the debate.

It can be said that this move of the Democratic Party is quite shady! A Biden campaign official said that Mr. Trump's niece was invited to comment because "no one else can comment on Mr. Trump better than his family in terms of character."

In the 2024 election, Biden is in danger! The first debate was like sleepwalking, and Trump's chances of returning were greatly increased

Mary Trump, who has always hated this uncle, deliberately issued a statement in advance: "I'm going to Atlanta tonight to remind everyone of what kind of person Donald is and how he will govern as president, because the risk of us making mistakes is too great: we can't let Donald Trump hold power anymore." ”

It can be said that Biden at this time, whether it is the right time, the right place, or the right people, all have it, and he is waiting for a victory! It should be said that Trump's performance at this time was remarkable. When someone reminded Trump that he should prepare seriously, Trump said: No need to prepare! I'll play on the spot when the time comes! This is clearly looking down on Biden!

In fact, Biden's performance is really disappointing! He actually gave Trump a point at the beginning, and this point was specially arranged by the host to send Biden for nothing!

However, when Biden first came on the field, he didn't seem to even have the strength to open his mouth, so the sound from his mouth was a series of sighing and snoring, which made people unable to hear clearly!

What's even more embarrassing is that when the host deliberately raised the topic of medical subsidies and wanted to give Biden a point for nothing, he actually defeated himself! Biden went so far as to claim: I beat the medical subsidy! This startled the Democrats present: Didn't he just practice? How so?

In the 2024 election, Biden is in danger! The first debate was like sleepwalking, and Trump's chances of returning were greatly increased

Because Trump opposes medical subsidies! Therefore, the host obviously gave Biden a chance to brag about himself, but he didn't expect that the sleeping king might be asleep, and he couldn't tell the difference between good and bad words, so he simply beat them all to death, but he didn't expect to hurt himself by mistake!

How could Trump let go of such a good opportunity? He immediately answered: Yes, I just want to knock the medical subsidy to the ground! It can be seen that this is not a normal confrontation at all, because even after careful preparation, even cheating, Biden is far from being Trump's opponent.

Throughout the debate, Biden has only one thing that can pose a threat to Trump, accusing him of being a criminal. However, how could Trump admit that he said that he was wronged and did not sleep with that woman at all, this is completely a political frame-up!

Not only that, but Trump also attacked that Biden's son was the crime. This is equivalent to stabbing Biden in the sore spot, and he can only mumble in a low voice, my son is the one who was wronged........ Apparently lying is not as emboldened as Trump.

In the 2024 election, Biden is in danger! The first debate was like sleepwalking, and Trump's chances of returning were greatly increased

Subsequently, the two sides exchanged views on topics such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and immigration. Not surprisingly, after 90 minutes of debate, Biden was bullied and defeated. According to a CNN poll, 67 percent believe Trump has won the first debate, and it was a complete victory.

What was supposed to be an elaborate debate by the Democratic Party allowed Trump to steal the jackpot, leaving a sense of despair and defeat within the Democratic Party. Everyone thinks that Biden has no chance, and many people are even discussing whether to quickly change a presidential candidate, otherwise, the next president will almost be given to Trump for nothing.......

In fact, before the debate, the Democrats did not have particularly high expectations for Biden, but only hoped that he could keep his head clear for 30 minutes and make people look like a normal person. As long as Biden can hold out for three 30 minutes, even if he wins, CNN has a way to claim that Biden still has the ability to lead the United States.........

Unexpectedly, Biden couldn't even fulfill such a basic requirement. During the debate, he was weak, trembling, and even had multiple brain breakdowns, and his face was dazed. He seems to be asking: Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do? This is both for myself and for those present. Today's United States is very much like Biden, although it is old, but it still pretends to lead the world.

In the 2024 election, Biden is in danger! The first debate was like sleepwalking, and Trump's chances of returning were greatly increased

And Trump, while completely overpowering Biden in momentum, continues to lie about issues such as the economy, abortion, and defense spending by NATO members. When Biden accused Trump of trying to divide the United States and inciting the Capitol riot, Trump went so far as to say that it was because the Democratic Party was spreading false news and interfering with free speech, and my supporters were all for justice, and they were patriots......

Although Biden lost the debate and was bullied by Trump, the most humiliating thing was not Trump, nor Biden, but the ugly country. Because, a former number one power in the world, now elects such two monsters to be presidents! One has been sentenced, but claims to be innocent; The other, who is already demented, claims to be able to lead the United States. Therefore, whoever wins in the end, the United States has already lost!