
Kindergarten Changing Face Door: From Angel to Demon, It Only Takes a Moment? Some people are too scary

author:Xiaofan said

Kindergartens, the first place for children to receive education, are now full of scars.

Recently, the director of a kindergarten in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province staged a face-changing drama, which can be described as "wonderful". But as a parent, after reading it, I was full of sadness.

Kindergarten Changing Face Door: From Angel to Demon, It Only Takes a Moment? Some people are too scary

Although this is only a small probability event, it still makes people linger for a long time.

As a principal, if you only speak in the interests of the child and stand on the opposite side of the child and the parent, then how to ensure the safety of the child?

The event goes like this:

Recently, a video posted by a parent in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, quickly attracted widespread attention on the Internet.

Kindergarten Changing Face Door: From Angel to Demon, It Only Takes a Moment? Some people are too scary

In the video, she claims that her three-year-old daughter was seriously injured at the kindergarten, and when they go to the school to seek an explanation, the principal's attitude is staggering.

Out of sight of the camera, the principal yelled at the parents who came to seek the truth, and even took away the sign in the parents' hands.

When the principal saw a camera facing her, he turned his head and changed his face instantly, smiling at the camera, playing the role of a kindergarten principal who cares about children and is deeply involved in education.

Kindergarten Changing Face Door: From Angel to Demon, It Only Takes a Moment? Some people are too scary

I can only sigh that the skills of this director are really superb, and it is a pity not to learn the mainland's face-changing skills.

Parents said her three-year-old child had been seriously injured in kindergarten.

The footage in the video also shows that the wound on the child's forehead is clearly visible with more than 20 stitch marks, which makes people feel heartache.

Kindergarten Changing Face Door: From Angel to Demon, It Only Takes a Moment? Some people are too scary

With such a young child being hurt so much in kindergarten, as a parent, who wouldn't feel distressed? It is also reasonable for parents to ask for explanations.

What is chilling is that the principal's attitude has changed.

Faced with the huge contrast between the front and back of the camera, it seems that overnight he has gone from an amiable educator to a stranger who rejects people thousands of miles away.

From the video, I can see that the kindergarten principal was still yelling at the parent one second, and even wanted to take away the sign in the parent's hand.

Kindergarten Changing Face Door: From Angel to Demon, It Only Takes a Moment? Some people are too scary

The next second, when she found out that there was a camera, she immediately turned her face and put a smile on her face.

This kind of "face-changing" behavior not only exposes the problem of personal quality, but also reflects the lack of responsibility and moral decline of some educational institutions in the face of crises.

In response to this incident, the explanation given by the kindergarten is that the accident occurred in the blind spot of monitoring.

In other words, kindergarten means that in the blind spot of monitoring, the child's injury is not necessarily related to the kindergarten.

Everyone is even more angry at the irresponsible statement of the kindergarten.

The child was injured in kindergarten and received more than 20 stitches on his head, and instead of apologizing at the first time, you are shirking responsibility.

The child sent it well, and when he picked it up, there was such a serious injury, not in the kindergarten injury, where would it be?

In the face of parents' questions and social concerns, the Education Bureau said it had been actively coordinating, and pointed out that the public security organs had intervened in the investigation.

Kindergarten Changing Face Door: From Angel to Demon, It Only Takes a Moment? Some people are too scary

It is believed that this incident will soon come to light.

This incident has once again sounded the alarm bell for us.

Kindergarten is the first party for children to receive education, and we should strengthen the management of kindergartens, so that children are less harmed in kindergartens, or even not harmed.

Principals like this should be immediately suspended and investigated.

What do you think?

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