
Protect the characteristic Danba ancient towers and serve the development of new quality productive forces...... The representative is concerned about these matters

author:Jingtai Procuratorate
Protect the characteristic Danba ancient towers and serve the development of new quality productive forces...... The representative is concerned about these matters

Horse Soldier Representatives:

Supervise and standardize the management of public rental housing

Prevent some people from taking advantage of the loopholes in the policy of benefiting the people

Protect the characteristic Danba ancient towers and serve the development of new quality productive forces...... The representative is concerned about these matters

"Empowering the management and supervision of public rental housing with big data can quickly and accurately screen out tenants who do not meet the conditions and owe rent, which is worth promoting." Recently, Ma Bing, a deputy to the National People's Congress and head of the Ma Hengchang Group of General Technology Qiqihar Second Machine Tool Co., Ltd., listened to the report on the protection of state-owned property by the Longsha District Procuratorate of Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province.

Ma Bing has always been very concerned about the progress of digital procuratorial work. He believes that big data is the means, and how to make digital technology serve the procuratorial business is the key.

In response to the deputies' concerns, Hou Yuqi, deputy chief procurator of the Longsha District Procuratorate, led a special team to visit the court and report to Ma Bing on the court's work to protect state-owned property with digital technology.

Hou Yuqi introduced that in order to effectively safeguard the interests of the country, the Longsha District Procuratorate used a big data model to investigate the situation of public rental housing in its jurisdiction, and found that some households had unpaid rent and did not meet the living conditions of public rental housing through comparative collisions.

Subsequently, the court invited representatives of all parties and the main persons in charge of relevant administrative departments to hold hearings, and issued procuratorial suggestions to administrative departments that did not fully perform their regulatory duties, urging them to promptly remove households that no longer meet the rental conditions or use public rental housing in violation of regulations in accordance with regulations, recover the public rental housing occupied in violation of regulations, recover the arrears of rent, and carry out special rectification of the illegal use of public rental housing in the jurisdiction. After the procuratorial suggestion was issued, the special rectification action of the public rental housing community in Longsha District was immediately launched.

The relevant administrative departments shall unconditionally clear the tenants who sublease or lease in violation of regulations through measures such as issuing notices of eviction, reminders, and discussions, and collect liquidated damages and rents in accordance with regulations; Tenants who have purchased a house or whose annual review is due and other unqualified tenants shall be ordered to return in a timely manner and collect the rent arrears; For tenants who originally met the policy no longer meet the current conditions for continuing to enjoy the rental policy due to the transformation of the original unit or the lack of good connection between the original unit or policy changes, on the basis of doing a good job of explaining the law and reasoning, assist the tenant in communicating with the departments of human resources and social security, civil affairs and other departments, and seek a proper disposal plan.

In order to ensure the implementation of the procuratorial recommendations, the procuratorial organs have also organized relevant functional departments to hold roundtable meetings on several occasions to coordinate the handling of problems in the process of clearing public rental housing. Up to now, a total of 28 public rental houses have been cleared in the district, more than 30 yuan of rent has been recovered, and 9 people have been found to have violated laws and disciplines. The relevant administrative departments have filed a lawsuit with the court against the "old tenants" who have maliciously defaulted on rent for a long time.

"The case-handling model of 'big data screening + offline investigation' can improve the efficiency of supervision." Ma Bing hopes that the Longsha District Procuratorate and relevant units will break down the barriers of information and data, smooth the channels for the circulation of internal and external clues, continue to release the efficiency of digital prosecution, make legal supervision more accurate, supervise and strengthen the supervision of public rental housing, and truly implement the policy of benefiting the people of public rental housing.

Fu Shengli represents:

Further strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights

Protect the characteristic Danba ancient towers and serve the development of new quality productive forces...... The representative is concerned about these matters

From ordinary workers to special technicians, Fu Shengli, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chief technician of electrical maintenance of Sinopec Jingmen Petrochemical Company, has been deeply involved in electrical maintenance technology for more than 20 years, and personally feels the importance of core technology and innovation achievements for the development of enterprises. At this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, he suggested that the procuratorial organs should further strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights.

Recently, in response to the concerns of the deputies, the cadres and police of the Hubei Provincial Procuratorate reported to Fu Shengli on the intellectual property prosecution work in the province.

Fu Shengli learned that the Hubei Provincial Procuratorate adheres to the integrated performance of duties, active performance of duties, and comprehensive performance of duties, and uses practical actions to provide practical and effective judicial protection for the scientific and technological innovation achievements of enterprises. For example, the Wuhan Municipal Procuratorate has worked closely with the courts, the Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, the Intellectual Property Office, and administrative law enforcement agencies to establish and improve mechanisms for assisting in handling cases, such as technical investigators and specially invited assistant prosecutors, and to improve the system for appraisers and persons with specialized knowledge to testify in court. The Jiang'an District Procuratorate and the East Lake High-tech Development Zone Procuratorate have established a number of intellectual property protection stations (points) to help scientific and technological innovation entities enhance their awareness of intellectual property protection and establish and improve internal management systems.

In addition, the Hubei Provincial Procuratorate and the Hunan and Jiangxi Provincial Procuratorates jointly signed the Opinions on Strengthening Coordination on the Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River to promote the construction of a collaborative intellectual property protection system in the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. It has cooperated with Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and Wuhan University Law School to jointly build a base for intellectual property theory and practice, and carry out extensive cooperation in resource sharing and talent co-education.

"The rule of law is the best business environment, and the certainty of the rule of law provides enterprises with confidence, stabilizes expectations, and promotes development, and the procuratorial organs have a lot to do." Fu Shengli said.

He suggested that the procuratorial organs should continue to focus on new technologies, new forms of business and new fields, earnestly grasp the pain points, difficulties and blockages in the process of protecting core technologies and innovation achievements and safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests, further release the efficiency of procuratorial services for the protection of intellectual property rights, and optimize the business environment with high-quality and efficient legal supervision.

Representative Yu Dechun:

Protect the characteristic Danba ancient towers

Protect the characteristic Danba ancient towers and serve the development of new quality productive forces...... The representative is concerned about these matters

"The ancient towers, the beauty valley, the Tibetan village, etc. are all precious cultural resources in Danba, and they are also rich tourism resources, and it is recommended that the procuratorate continue to come up with new ideas and think of good ways to protect our common home." Recently, Yu Dechun, deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Shuizi No. 1 Village, Zhanggu Town, Danba County, Sichuan Province, suggested to Yong Zhonglam, chief procurator of the Danba County Procuratorate, who came to visit.

The ancient watchtower is a masterpiece of Jiarong Tibetan architecture, which has a history of thousands of years. Danba is known as the "country of a thousand towers", there are many types of existing ancient towers, the strange architecture, can be called the most in the country.

In 2023, at the suggestion of Yu Dechun, the Danba County Procuratorate will actively carry out public interest litigation prosecution work to promote the overall comprehensive protection of ancient towers and traditional buildings in the jurisdiction. The institute promoted the establishment of signs of cultural relics protection units in 12 townships (towns), the establishment of village ancient towers protection teams in 8 administrative villages, and the rectification and elimination of more than 10 potential safety hazards. Not only that, Danba County has also set up an emergency protection fund for ancient towers, at present, the relevant administrative departments have invested 1.7 million yuan in the middle of Danba County Road Scenic Area two ancient towers for rescue protection and maintenance.

This year, the Danba County Procuratorate has actively promoted the introduction of measures for the protection of ancient towers, and at present, the measures have entered the stage of soliciting opinions.

"Public interest litigation procuratorial work is related to the vital interests of the public, and more people should be able to understand, support, and participate. It is suggested that procuratorial organs should publicize the procuratorial functions of public interest litigation in a more easy-to-understand way, and protect the green and cultural Danba with more efficient procuratorial duties. Yu Dechun said.

Yongzhong Ram told Yu Dechun that the Danba County Procuratorate has set up a "Procuratorial Jiayuan" service station, set up a "Murdo Guard" service team, and continued to carry out special supervision activities such as "public interest litigation to protect a better life", and collected clues on public interest litigation procuratorial supervision through multiple channels and measures. Up to now, more than 30 clues have been collected and 18 public interest litigation cases have been successfully handled.

Representative Zhang Tianren:

Accelerate the development of new quality and productivity

Protect the characteristic Danba ancient towers and serve the development of new quality productive forces...... The representative is concerned about these matters

"Since February this year, the Supreme People's Procuratorate has deployed a special action of 'procuratorial protection of enterprises', which is really a timely rain for our private enterprises." A few days ago, Zhang Tianren, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Tianneng Holding Group, sighed in an interview with reporters.

As "new quality productivity" has become a hot word, Zhang Tianren, as a private entrepreneur, is thinking about how to accelerate the development of new quality productivity in the enterprise.

The characteristic of the new quality productive forces is innovation, the key lies in high quality, and the essence is advanced productive forces. Zhang Tianren believes that if enterprises want to accelerate the development of new quality productivity, the core lies in innovation, which includes innovation in technology, management, business model, etc.

"Tianneng has been actively exploring a high-quality development model driven by scientific and technological innovation, including the application of digital, intelligent, automation and other technologies, as well as the adoption of flexible and efficient supply chain management, lean production and other management models." Zhang Tianren told reporters.

Zhang Tianren said that the development of new quality productive forces is inseparable from the cultivation of talents. At this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, he submitted the "Proposal on Accelerating the Construction of a New Skilled Worker Team and Promoting the Formation of New Quality Productive Forces", hoping to further introduce and cultivate talents with innovative ability and practical ability.

For the procuratorial organs, he suggested that the special action of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" should be taken as an opportunity to continue to promote the comprehensive performance of intellectual property prosecution duties and corporate compliance in combination with the actual work, so as to provide more accurate legal services and support for enterprises and promote the accelerated development of new quality productivity.

Representative Yao Lulu:

Paint a beautiful picture of rural revitalization

Protect the characteristic Danba ancient towers and serve the development of new quality productive forces...... The representative is concerned about these matters

"To revitalize the countryside, the rule of law needs to go first, and the procuratorial organs have a lot to do in the grand blueprint of rural revitalization." Recently, Yao Lulu, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the Yuqiao Planting Professional Cooperative in Suqian Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, said when talking about his suggestions to the procuratorate.

Since the establishment of a small pig farm in 2007, Yao Lulu has been deeply involved in the front line of agriculture, driving nearly 100 surrounding villagers to get rich together, and at the same time, he deeply feels that the achievements of rural revitalization are not easy to come by. "Rural revitalization requires the joint efforts of all parties, including the procuratorate." After being elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress, Yao Lulu put forward relevant suggestions on many occasions when participating in activities such as procuratorial open days and forums held by procuratorial organs.

"prosecuted 604 people for crimes committed by rural clan underworld forces; prosecuted 820 people for the crime of making and selling counterfeit and shoddy agricultural materials; prosecuted 2,883 people for illegal occupation of agricultural land, and handled 9,753 public interest lawsuits related to land protection; 110 million yuan in judicial aid was distributed to 13,000 victims in rural areas who were in difficulty as a result of the case. "At this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, a series of figures in the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate made Yao Lulu notice that the procuratorate has taken the initiative to integrate the performance of procuratorial duties into the service of rural revitalization.

"It is necessary not only to help the masses consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, but also to provide a strong legal guarantee for rural revitalization by giving full play to the functions of the 'four major procuratorates'." Yao Lulu suggested that the procuratorial organs should further explore ways and means of deep integration of procuratorial work and rural revitalization work. A "procurator + representative committee" liaison system can be established, taking advantage of the proximity of representatives and members at all levels to jointly carry out extensive legal popularization and publicity, agriculture-related procuratorial public interest litigation, judicial assistance, and other work in rural areas, so as to provide more high-quality procuratorial products for rural revitalization.

(Source: Procuratorate Daily, Voice Weekly Author: Han Bing, Wang Yang, Liu Yiting, Yu Jian Aimeng, Cao Yingpin, Zhou Yali, Ma Qiao, Du Jie, Shi Jun, Yan Kai, Wang Dong, Zhang Yu)

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