
Long-term insomnia, hurt the body and sad heart!

author:Dr. Mou Fangxiang

Now everyone likes to watch videos before going to bed, listen to songs, chase dramas, and some even have small videos on their mobile phones, and people fall asleep directly, but there are also some people who look at their mobile phones more and more energetically, and even dream of the plot of the TV series after falling asleep at night, and they can't sleep after waking up in the middle of the night, these people not only have difficulty falling asleep, but also have dreams and insomnia. The long-term occurrence of these conditions will reduce the quality of sleep, affect the work, study and life during the day, and in severe cases, cause serious harm to the body and increase the risk of a variety of diseases.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that poor sleep is mostly related to the heart, liver, spleen, and kidneys, and the disease is located in the heart, but if there is an imbalance of yin and yang, qi and blood in the liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, kidney and other viscera, it can also disturb the mind and cause insomnia. The treatment is to add some soothing herbs on the basis of syndrome differentiation, such as treating the liver and purging fire, clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, accompanied by calming the heart and calming the nerves; It is advisable to nourish the heart and spleen, nourish yin and clear heat, communicate the heart and kidneys, and nourish the heart and calm the nerves.

Long-term insomnia, hurt the body and sad heart!

The effect of TCM treatment of insomnia is relatively slow, but the side effects are relatively small, and the effect varies from person to person. If so, it will take about three months to see results. Common treatments include the following:

1. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment:

On the basis of syndrome differentiation and treatment, plus soothing medicinal materials, such as sour jujube kernel, cocoon, cypress kernel, mother-of-pearl, yuanzhi, acacia bark, etc., there are also many clinical Chinese patent medicines to choose from, such as the treatment of heart and spleen deficiency of the spleen Gui Spleen pill, the treatment of heart and kidney deficiency of Tianwang Buxin Pill, the treatment of heart and kidney deficiency of the Bai Zi Yang Xin pill, etc., you can use the medicine under the guidance of the doctor.

Long-term insomnia, hurt the body and sad heart!

2. Acupuncture treatment:

Acupuncture points such as Baihui, Shenmen, Sanyinjiao, Zhaohai, Shenmai, and Anmian can be treated with acupuncture under the doctor's clinical dialectic, and you can also massage yourself at home, and each acupuncture point can be kneaded for 3-5 minutes to prevent the aggravation of insomnia symptoms.

Long-term insomnia, hurt the body and sad heart!

3. Develop good habits:

Avoid strong tea, coffee and smoking. Maintain a quiet environment and do not play with electronic devices 2 hours before bedtime. , which can improve the quality of sleep, but it is not suitable to do strenuous exercise.

Long-term insomnia, hurt the body and sad heart!

It should be noted that sleep conditioning is more complicated, and it is recommended to use it blindly by yourself, and it is recommended to use it under the guidance of a professional TCM practitioner to ensure that it is safe and effective.