
Choroid plexus cyst during pregnancy: Be vigilant, but don't panic

author:Dr. Mou Fangxiang

After some pregnant mothers do ultrasound examination, the checklist indicates fetal choroid plexus cyst, at this time pregnant mothers begin to worry, pregnant mothers don't worry, today we will explain to you pregnant mothers about the knowledge of fetal choroid plexus cyst.

Choroid plexus cyst during pregnancy: Be vigilant, but don't panic

1. What is choroid plexus cyst?

First of all, let's explain what the choroid plexus is. The choroid plexus is a structure that can produce cerebrospinal fluid. Under ultrasound, it appears as a symmetrical and highly echogenic structure. The choroid plexus is located in the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles, while the choroid plexus on ultrasound is mainly located in the lateral ventricles.

Choroid plexus cyst during pregnancy: Be vigilant, but don't panic

Choroid plexus cyst refers to: A choroid plexus cyst is a buildup of fluid, like a small blister, and is not an abnormality of the brain parenchyma itself.

On ultrasound of choroid plexus cysts, circular or oval anechoic structures can be seen in the choroid plexus of fetal lateral ventricles.

Choroid plexus cyst during pregnancy: Be vigilant, but don't panic

2. What is the significance of examining choroid plexus cysts?

More than 90% of fetal choroid plexus cysts disappear after 26 weeks of gestation, and only a few show progressive enlargement.

1. Simple choroid plexus cyst often has no clear pathological significance and has a good prognosis, but fetal choroid plexus cyst is associated with an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities (trisomy 18, trisomy 21, etc.). When other abnormalities are combined, the probability of chromosomal abnormalities increases significantly.

2. Most choroid plexus cysts are abnormalities on chromosome 18, but abnormalities on chromosome 18.

Choroid plexus cyst during pregnancy: Be vigilant, but don't panic

3. What should I do if choroid plexus cyst is detected?

1. In the absence of other fetal malformations, simple choroid plexus cyst often has no clear pathological significance, and the prognosis is good.

2. Amniocentesis should be considered when any of the following conditions exist:

(1) Combined with other fetal structural malformations

(2) Mother's age≥ 35 years old

(3) High risk of Down's screening

(4) Combine other chromosomal abnormalities

Choroid plexus cyst during pregnancy: Be vigilant, but don't panic

All in all, choroid plexus cyst is relatively common during pregnancy, the key to detecting choroid plexus cyst is to rule out the baby's chromosomal karyotype abnormality, if the baby's chromosomal karyotype is normal, there are no other malformations, the prognosis is good, will not affect the baby's intellectual development and healthy growth after birth. Therefore, pregnant mothers do not need to worry about choroid plexus cysts, but they should not ignore them, listen to the doctor's advice, do a good job of relevant examinations, and rule out other risks. Want.

Choroid plexus cyst during pregnancy: Be vigilant, but don't panic