
That year, I was urged to marry by my parents, and I went to a distant classmate to hide, but I abducted her beautiful sister-in-law

author:The secret cabin of emotions
Listen to other people's stories, taste your own life, the ups and downs of life, and be willing to share with you! If you like me, please follow me! For ease of reading, the article will be narrated in the first person, and the names that appear are pseudonyms.
That year, I was urged to marry by my parents, and I went to a distant classmate to hide, but I abducted her beautiful sister-in-law

It is said that once people are over the age of 30, they will begin to be afraid of loneliness and yearn for love and marriage.

Of course, I'm no exception, but love is really reluctant, after all, it's about the happiness of my life.

Therefore, I have always maintained an attitude of preferring lack to abundance, even if I get married later, I have to meet someone I like.

But my parents were heartbroken about this matter, and they introduced me everywhere, as if they were crazy.

For a while, I was really irritable because of work, so I wanted to put the blind date thing aside first.

But in the eyes of my parents, it became me on purpose, deliberately using busy work as an excuse to avoid blind dates.

So, they moved directly to my house, saying that they wanted to keep an eye on me and make sure that my marriage was done this year.

My parents came to live in my house, and I naturally welcomed them, but they really pushed me too hard, and basically didn't leave the blind date in three sentences.

Sometimes, it is clear that the other party's conditions are completely inappropriate for me, but they still force me to meet, and I can have feelings if I have to be everywhere.

My parents' obsession with marriage overwhelmed me, I couldn't communicate with them at all, and even coming home from work every day was a nightmare for me.

So during that time, I was really annoyed. So, I came up with a solution, under the pretext of going on a business trip, and then going to my classmates' house in other places and hiding for a while.

So on that day, I took annual leave with the company, and then told my parents that I had something to do to go on a business trip.

Because it was official business, they couldn't help it, so after telling me a few words, I left.

After finally escaping from home, I felt that even breathing was free, and after getting in the car, I quickly contacted my college classmate Zhou Jun and told him that I had already gotten in the car and would be there in about three hours.

Zhou Jun was my best friend when I was in college, he got married a few years before me, and now the children are three years old.

When he heard that I was going to play with him for a few days, he was very happy, saying that we hadn't seen each other for several years, and the last time we saw each other was when he got married.

He said that this time, he must have a good get-together with me.

The three hours passed quickly, and after getting out of the car, I headed straight to the hotel, intending to drop off my luggage.

Unexpectedly, when he was still on the road, he received a call from Zhou Jun, who said that he would not let me stay in a hotel and let me stay at his house.

He said that the house on the first floor of his house is currently empty, no one lives in it, although the house is small, but the floor is very clean, and I can live there directly.

At the beginning, I was embarrassed to trouble Zhou Jun, so I said that I had already booked the hotel, so I wouldn't bother him.

But Zhou Jun said, I'm going to see him outside, don't treat him as a friend anymore, if I refuse again, he will be really angry.

I had no choice but to agree to him, and then let the driver master pull me directly to Zhou Jun's house.

Finally, an hour later, I met Zhou Jun, and he still looked simple, but he had gained a lot of weight.

Learn from Zhou Jun's words, there is no man who has been married who is not blessed.

But I, over the years, have become more and more able to pamper myself, and even look younger and more handsome than when I was in school.

Zhou Jun joked to me: "Such a handsome spiritual guy, I don't know which girl is blessed to find you." ”

I sighed several times in succession and told him that I was actually worried about this matter when I came this time.

Unexpectedly, when Zhou Jun heard me say this, he immediately became excited.

He grabbed me by the shoulder and said, "You should have told me this kind of thing, I always thought that you were too picky, so you never fell in love, I didn't expect that you would worry about this matter."

Let me tell you, there is a suitable candidate right now, it is my wife's sister, that is, my sister-in-law - Ah Yue, she is currently single, four years younger than you, and the family is worried about her finding a partner.

I think, why don't you give it a try? ”

When I heard it, I was a little interested, but I always felt weird in my heart, because of my relationship with Zhou Jun, if I became her sister-in-law, it would be fine, if it didn't work out, then our relationship would be somewhat embarrassing.

I told Zhou Jun about my concerns, and he said that I thought about it too much, this kind of thing, it is normal to succeed and not succeed, it is nothing.

It's just that there is one point, his sister-in-law Ah Yue's personality is a bit perverse, I don't know if I can take a fancy to it.

Because she is the youngest in the family, her parents are very favored, and she has never suffered much since she was a child, so she can't stand it now.

No, some time ago, I was just laid off by the company, and I was feeling uncomfortable, and now I am hiding at home every day, unwilling to go out.

Zhou Jun told me that this is just an opportunity for me, and it depends on whether I can seize it.

Originally, I was quite interested in this matter, but now that I heard Zhou Jun say this, I think I can't control a girl like Ah Yue.

I'm a person who does my duty, and with a character like Ah Yue, I think it's probably not suitable between us.

But I couldn't refute Zhou Jun's face, so I agreed, and I met with her later.

That afternoon, Zhou Jun called Ah Yue to his home, and when I saw her for the first time, I was very nervous.

Ah Yue looks very quiet, with shoulder-length hair, delicate and small facial features, not tall, and the tone of speech is quite gentle.

That year, I was urged to marry by my parents, and I went to a distant classmate to hide, but I abducted her beautiful sister-in-law

When she first saw me, she also blushed and said that it was so sudden that she was not prepared at all.

At noon, Zhou Jun's wife cooked, and the four of us ate at home together.

During the meal, I saw that Ah Yue had been glancing at me from time to time, and I was very nervous.

So I didn't eat that meal well, and Zhou Jun and her wife have been matching us all the time.

Zhou Jun said my merits, and her wife, said that her sister Ah Yue was superior. In short, both of us are supporting our own people.

Now that I think about it, that scene was really hilarious.

After eating at noon, Zhou Jun asked Ah Yue to take me around the neighborhood, which can be regarded as giving the two of us time alone.

That's how I went downstairs with Ah Yue.

At the beginning, Ah Yue talked to me very reservedly, but after talking a lot, she gradually let go.

After that, he actually dragged me to the mall and asked me to buy things for her, which really scared me stupid.

After all, it was the first time I met Ah Yue, and she asked me to spend money on her, which is really inappropriate.

But this kind of thing, I can't refuse it in person, after all, there is still a relationship between us and Zhou Jun, so I can only pay obediently.

Ah Yue walked around for a long time, bought shoes and clothes, and when I checked out, I paid for it.

After we got tired of walking, we went to the dessert shop to rest, and Ah Yue invited me to drink milk tea and ordered two small snacks.

After sitting down, she smiled and asked me, "Are you tired?" Stayed with me for so long. ”

I smiled and said, "Not tired, what about you?" ”

Ah Yue took a sip of milk tea, and then suddenly raised her head and looked at me: "Zhou Ming, I think, you are so handsome, do you really have no girlfriend?" You didn't lie to me, did you? ”

I was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Of course not, this kind of thing, how can I deceive people, and besides, my relationship with Zhou Jun is not fake, you don't believe me, don't you believe your brother-in-law?" ”

Ah Yue laughed out loud when she heard me, and then said, "Oh, okay, okay, I deliberately joked, I must believe in your character."

Okay, let's get down to business, your performance today has passed my initial assessment, and I will transfer the money to you for these things you bought me today.

I'm not the kind of person who will covet other people's small gains, and my family is not bad for money. The reason why I did that just now is to give you a little quiz.

I hope you don't get angry, I'm a person, sometimes I do like to play, but once I get serious, I will definitely be responsible for it to the end. ”

Ah Yue's words made me impress with her impression. Don't look at her big grin on the surface, in fact, she has a lot of eyes.

But why am I getting more and more interested in her now, it seems that I want to see what you are going to do next.

In the next few days, Ah Yue also took me and acted as a guide for me, and played with them for a few days.

In the past few days, my biggest feeling is that Ah Yue is really a treasure girl, she always has a lot of whimsical ideas in her head, and she will also do a lot of behaviors that surprise me.

Every time, I will be shocked by her surprise, but every time, I will also be surprised and moved.

I feel that during the few days I spent with her, I lived a very fulfilling and happy life every day.

It was the best time for me, so I wanted to keep her forever, for the rest of my life.

That day, I plucked up the courage to confess to Ah Yue and asked her if she would like to live in my city with me.

Ah Yue teased me at first, saying that I was not the type she liked, but later when she saw that I was really anxious, she began to coax me again, saying that she had actually thought about it a long time ago and wanted to be with me.

At that moment, I was so excited that I directly picked her up and spun around happily.

Today, we are already a happy family of three, and our current days are very happy and happy.

Every day, Ah Yue will give me different surprises.

She always said that I abducted her, and every time she said that, I would fight back.

I said that she had enchanted me, and from the first time I saw her, I was so fascinated by her that I will never forget it.

I wish our future so sweet every day!

——End of story——

That year, I was urged to marry by my parents, and I went to a distant classmate to hide, but I abducted her beautiful sister-in-law