
The two provinces of Heiji and Kyrgyzstan held a comprehensive drill for highway emergency rescue

author:Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Transportation
The two provinces of Heiji and Kyrgyzstan held a comprehensive drill for highway emergency rescue

On June 28, jointly sponsored by the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Transportation and the Jilin Provincial Department of Transportation, and jointly organized by the Heilongjiang Provincial Highway Emergency Disposal Center, the Jilin Provincial Highway Traffic Emergency Support Center and the Fuyu Municipal People's Government, the comprehensive combat drill of highway emergency rescue in Heiji Province was held in Xiaoxiang Exercise Ground, Fuyu City, Jilin Province. Zhang Zhiquan, a first-level inspector of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Transportation, attended the drill.

The two provinces of Heiji and Kyrgyzstan held a comprehensive drill for highway emergency rescue

The drill was based on the joint exercise of Qiqihar of the highway traffic emergency departments of the two provinces last year, and actively responded to the initiative of the transportation departments of the three provinces and one district in Northeast China to promote the high-quality development of transportation in the region, and organized another comprehensive regional highway emergency drill in accordance with the "National Regional Highway Traffic Emergency Management Coordination and Linkage Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" of the two provinces.

The two provinces of Heiji and Kyrgyzstan held a comprehensive drill for highway emergency rescue

The drill insisted on highlighting the key work of highway emergency rescue. Focusing on the key links of highway rescue and security, the UAV reconnaissance, fixed-point throwing of emergency materials, the construction of a 24-meter mechanized fast bridge, the construction of an emergency modular bridge, the rescue of large wreckers and the walking excavator across obstacles and other subjects that clearly reflect the characteristics of the highway industry, at the same time, the cross-provincial long-distance transportation of large-scale special equipment, centralized display and collaborative operations reflect the advanced and applicability of the emergency equipment of the two provinces. The drill strictly followed the requirements of the actual combat regulations. The whole exercise process was compact, and the two units participating in the exercise strictly followed the predetermined plan, with strict command and coordination, smooth connection between departments, and scientific and orderly handling. The drill gave full play to the emergency coordination and linkage working mechanism. The drill involves a large scope, a high level, and many subjects, and the participating units attach great importance to it and send the elite to fight, and the exercise process is well organized, the division of labor is clear, and the cooperation is tacit, and the participants are full of energy, high morale, and tenacious style. Through the exercise, the joint logistics linkage mechanism of the highway traffic emergency teams of the two provinces was run-in, the emergency rescue team was trained, the traffic emergency support ability was improved, and the demeanor of the traffic emergency team was displayed.

The two provinces of Heiji and Kyrgyzstan held a comprehensive drill for highway emergency rescue

At present, our province has entered the main flood season, highway disasters are facing a severe situation of frequent occurrence, and the joint drill is held to comprehensively test this year's highway traffic emergency preparedness and effectively respond to highway emergencies in the flood season. The highway emergency departments of the two provinces said that they should further deepen and expand the pragmatic cooperation in the field of highway emergency rescue in the two provinces, learn from each other and complement each other by jointly exploring the emergency management mechanism model and organizing emergency training and drills, and jointly enhance the comprehensive command ability, rapid response ability, emergency response ability and coordination operation ability of the highway traffic emergency response team of the two provinces, promote the high-quality development of highway traffic emergency work, and fulfill the glorious mission of ensuring the safety of people's lives and property with practical actions.

The two provinces of Heiji and Kyrgyzstan held a comprehensive drill for highway emergency rescue

Source: Provincial Highway Emergency Response Center

Editor: Jiang Bin

Editor in charge: Liu Kai

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