
"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

author:Alekan Anime



In the latest plot of "The Legend of Mortal Immortals",

Han Li rescued Yuan Yao in the copy of the Void Heaven Palace,

Yuan Yao took a fancy to Han Li's strength, so he wanted to hug Han Li's thigh,

However, Han Li has always been a person who can't afford to be unprofitable.

Hugging his thighs naturally requires chips,

So what good things did Han Li get from Yuan Yao?

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

The first. Green Fire Thunder

After entering the Ice and Fire Path of the Void Heaven Temple,

Han Li encountered a large number of Iron Fire Ants,

This kind of spirit insect that is famous on the list of strange insects,

There are too many of them, and the monks of the late Dan period can't resist it.

However, Han Li had a lot of good treasures in his hands,

In addition, there are gold devouring insects, so it will naturally pass easily.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

Seeing this, Yuan Yao hugged Han Li's thigh,

He gave the Blue Fire Thunder he got to Han Li,

This green fire thunder is a kind of fire thunder secretly made by the Qingyang Sect of the Demon Dao Sect.

The power is extremely powerful, the power of each green fire thunder,

are equivalent to the Yuanyang fire of the Yuanying monk,

This thing is extremely rare even in Qingyang Gate.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

But Yuan Yao gave Han Li three at once,

Han Li was also extremely excited,

And the reason why Yuan Yao has so many green fire thunders,

It's because she plotted against the young master of Qingyangmen,

After killing him, he got his storage bag,

That's why there are so many good treasures in hand,

It was also with these things that she had the confidence to enter the Void Heaven Temple to hunt for treasures.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

The second. Soul Orb

The Song Soul Bead is a special magic weapon,

This thing doesn't actually have any magical powers.

But it can be used to control the Soul Crying Beast,

Yuan Yao relied on this bead to manipulate the soul beast to deal with ghosts.

Crying Soul can be said to be a real ghost nemesis.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

But Yuan Yao can't control the soul very well,

Every time she uses the Soul Bead to control the Soul Cry, she will have a headache side effect.

There is this side effect, and a big reason is that Yuan Yao's divine sense power is not strong.

This would not have happened to Han Li,

Therefore, when Han Li asked her for a soul, Yuan Yao did not hesitate,

He directly gave this Ming Soul Bead to Han Li along with the Crying Soul.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

The third. Cry soul

The first appearance of the Crying Soul was in the Void Heaven Temple dungeon,

At that time, Yuan Yao took out the soul cry to deal with the ghosts,

The cry of the soul has a strong restraint effect on ghosts.

Han Li's eyes were also hot when he saw the crying soul,

After finding an opportunity, he asked Yuan Yao for a soul,

Yuan Yao didn't hesitate and directly gave the Cry Soul to Han Li.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

Because this thing is very difficult for her to control,

Every time I control the cry, there will be a headache side effect,

In addition, this thing was obtained by her from the young master of Qingyangmen,

Once discovered, she is hunted down,

So this thing is a hot potato for her,

He simply pushed the boat down the river and gave it to Han Li.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

Unexpectedly, after this cry soul arrived in Han Li's hand,

It became a top-level artifact in an instant,

Following Han Li's side, the Cry Soul devoured a large number of ghosts,

It is one of Han Li's strongest hole cards, every time he encounters ghost cultivation and corpse refining,

Releasing a cry can be easily solved,

The Crying Soul has also gained great benefits as a result.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

As more and more ghosts are devoured, the power accumulated by the soul is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally completed the evolution, and the evolved soul cry strength is stronger,

There are more and more supernatural powers,

In the back, whether it's a ghost or a refining corpse, or something other weird,

Souls can devour them,

Saved Han Li's life several times.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

After arriving in the spirit world, the crying soul has its own spiritual wisdom,

Evolved into a torture beast,

In the battle against the fish shopkeeper, the fish shopkeeper and the thunder beast merged,

Han Li felt the threat of death,

The critical moment is also the awakening of the crying soul and devouring the thunder beast,

Saved Han Li,

And he himself is too big because of the energy he devours,

directly beyond the limits of what this interface can bear,

was taken directly to the fairy world by the space channel.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

Fourth. Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk

The Ten Thousand Year Spirit Milk has a huge amount of energy,

After taking it, the monk can quickly recover the mana consumed by himself.

And the 10,000-year-old spiritual milk is also the best product of the I Ching,

can quickly repair their own injuries,

This kind of spiritual milk is accompanied by spiritual materials that are more than 10,000 years old.

There are only spiritual materials above the universal level, which can absorb the essence of spiritual energy from nature and give birth to ten thousand years of spiritual milk.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

Yuan Yao found the 10,000-year-old spirit milk in the secondary hall of the Void Heaven Palace,

and bathed in a pool of water diluted with spiritual milk,

After Han Li came to the deputy hall, after Yuan Yao and Han Li reached an agreement,

Half of this 10,000-year-old spirit milk was given to Han Li,

For Han Li, it has a huge effect,

On several occasions when Han Li was in danger, he helped him recover his mana and heal his injuries.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

Fifth. Soul Nourishing Wood

The Soul Nourishing Wood is the same as Han Li's Golden Thunder Bamboo,

are all one of the three legendary sacred trees,

This soul-nourishing wood has the miraculous effect of nourishing the soul and strengthening the divine consciousness.

For monks, this is the highest treasure,

Yuan Yao entered the Void Heaven Palace, and it was precisely to obtain the soul nourishing wood to save his senior sister.

After Han Li came to the deputy hall of the Void Heaven Palace, after reaching an agreement with Yuan Yao,

The two of them worked together to take out the soul nourishing wood.

"Mortal" Yuan Yao gave Han Li 5 treasures: the green fire thunder is hugely powerful, and the soul cry has become the strongest hole card

After that, Han Li asked Yuan Yao for a short piece of the rhizome of the soul-nourishing wood,

After watering with small green liquor, a complete soul-nourishing wood was obtained.

This soul-nourishing wood was later refined into a magic weapon by him.

Nourish the soul of the Great Yan Divine Monarch.

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