
Legend of Mortal Immortal Cultivators: What are the effects of the Scarlet Cloak and the Five Elements Ring and the help they brought to Han Li?

author:Anime says

In The Legend of Mortal Immortal Cultivators, Han Li obtained two magic weapons in the Treasure Light Pavilion of the Void Heaven Palace. Those were the Scarlet Cloak and the Five Elements Ring, two magic weapons that were crucial to Han Li, each of which had a unique role and had brought significant help to Han Li on different occasions.

Legend of Mortal Immortal Cultivators: What are the effects of the Scarlet Cloak and the Five Elements Ring and the help they brought to Han Li?

Scarlet cape

Increased Escape Speed: The Scarlet Cloak, when infused with mana, can significantly increase the user's escape speed, making it more mobile and able to escape in combat.

Legend of Mortal Immortal Cultivators: What are the effects of the Scarlet Cloak and the Five Elements Ring and the help they brought to Han Li?

Escape Magic Weapon: After obtaining the Void Heaven Ding, Han Li became a celebrity in the Chaotic Star Sea, and all the Yuan Infant Stage cultivators were chasing and killing Han Li.

Legend of Mortal Immortal Cultivators: What are the effects of the Scarlet Cloak and the Five Elements Ring and the help they brought to Han Li?

During this period, the blood-colored cloak became an important escape tool for Han Li. In the face of a powerful enemy or crisis, the Scarlet Cloak can help Han Li quickly flee the battlefield and ensure his own safety.

Five Element Rings

Trapping the enemy and defending: The Five Elements Ring is refined by the power of the five elements, and when activated, it can bind the enemy's hands, feet, and heads, leaving the enemy in a difficult situation. At the same time, the Five Elements Ring also has strong defensive capabilities and can be used to fend off enemy attacks.

Legend of Mortal Immortal Cultivators: What are the effects of the Scarlet Cloak and the Five Elements Ring and the help they brought to Han Li?

Offensive and Defensive Integration: The Five Elements Ring's combination of attack and defense made Han Li more comfortable in battle. Whether facing a powerful enemy or a dangerous environment, the Five Elements Ring could provide Han Li with strong protection and support.

Legend of Mortal Immortal Cultivators: What are the effects of the Scarlet Cloak and the Five Elements Ring and the help they brought to Han Li?

Dealing with the Yuan Infant Monk: The binding effect of the Five Elements Ring was equally effective against the Yuan Infant Monk, and even in the face of an enemy far superior to his own strength, Han Li could rely on the Five Elements Ring to gain a glimmer of life.


The blood-colored cloak and the Five Elements Ring were two magic weapons that were crucial to Han Li in the Legend of Mortal Immortal Cultivation. The Scarlet Cloak increased Han Li's speed and escape ability, while the Five Elements Ring provided him with a powerful means of attack and defense. These two magic weapons played an important role in Han Li's path of cultivating immortals, helping him through many crises and challenges.

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