
[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Organize and participate in the 2024 region-wide food and drug safety work video and telephone conference

author:Cloud view of Lingchuan
[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Organize and participate in the 2024 region-wide food and drug safety work video and telephone conference
[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Organize and participate in the 2024 region-wide food and drug safety work video and telephone conference

On June 26, the region's food and drug safety work video and telephone conference was held, and our county set up a branch venue to organize personnel to listen and watch, and the county magistrate Chen Wenbin attended the meeting at the county branch venue.

[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Organize and participate in the 2024 region-wide food and drug safety work video and telephone conference

The meeting noted:

▶ All relevant departments at all levels in the region should resolutely shoulder the major political responsibility of ensuring food and drug safety, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and comprehensively improve the level of food and drug safety governance.

▶ It is necessary to effectively solve the outstanding problems that the masses are concerned about, focus on rectifying excessive pesticide and veterinary drug residues, heavy metal pollution, adulteration and fraud, illegal addition, dietary hygiene, etc., make every effort to ensure the food safety of centralized dining units, and strengthen food and drug safety supervision of new formats and new models such as live streaming, fresh e-commerce, drug online sales, and cross-border e-commerce.

▶ It is necessary to focus on strengthening the strict supervision of the whole process, curbing the flow of polluted agricultural products into the market and to the table from the source, strictly regulating the planting of Chinese medicinal materials, keeping a close eye on the production and operation links, promoting the same standard and same quality of online and offline catering, and strictly controlling the quality and safety of food catering and drug use.

▶ It is necessary to urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility, improve the implementation of the food and drug safety management system, make good use of the credit punishment system, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts.

▶ It is necessary to strengthen the construction of regulatory capacity, strengthen sampling and monitoring, improve the regulatory mechanism, improve the ability of grassroots supervision and law enforcement, and promote smart supervision.

▶ It is necessary to promote the high-quality development of the food and pharmaceutical industry, focus on characteristic and advantageous industries, improve quality standards, expand brand influence, and vigorously develop the specialty food and pharmaceutical industries.

▶ It is necessary to tighten and consolidate responsibilities, strengthen supervision and assessment, give full play to the role of social supervision, fully implement the "four strictest" important requirements, and make every effort to protect the people's "safety on the tip of the tongue".

[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Organize and participate in the 2024 region-wide food and drug safety work video and telephone conference

Tang Linhong, deputy county magistrate and director of the county public security bureau, Qin Weimin, a second-level researcher of the county, and responsible comrades of the county government office and relevant units directly under the county attended the meeting.

Produced by | Lingchuan County Rong Media Center

Reporter | Qin Yantao, Shi Ling

Edit | Lin Zifeng

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