
【New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause】Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong investigated the agricultural industry and the production and operation of enterprises

author:Cloud view of Lingchuan
【New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause】Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong investigated the agricultural industry and the production and operation of enterprises
【New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause】Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong investigated the agricultural industry and the production and operation of enterprises

On June 27, Hu Huanzhong, secretary of the county party committee, went to Sanjie Town to investigate the agricultural industry and the production and operation of enterprises.

【New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause】Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong investigated the agricultural industry and the production and operation of enterprises

On the same day, Hu Huanzhong and his entourage successively came to the Crispy Honey Kumquat Standardized Planting Demonstration Base in Sanjie Town and the Guanghua Yantou Edible Mushroom Planting Demonstration Base in Sanjie Town, listened to the introduction of the relevant person in charge, and learned in detail about the development status and development plan of various industries. Hu Huanzhong pointed out that industrial development is the premise and support of rural revitalization, and the foundation for increasing farmers' income, agricultural development and rural prosperity. He requested that the relevant towns and towns should be based on resource endowment, pay attention to the timing of agricultural development, innovate the concept of industrial development, focus on kumquat, edible fungi and other characteristic industries, comprehensively increase the construction of bases, variety cultivation, brand creation, market research and other work, explore the establishment of modern agricultural development can be replicated and promoted successful experience, and strive to promote the high-end, green and intensive development of agricultural characteristic industries, comprehensively improve the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the agricultural industry, and help the development of rural revitalization.

【New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause】Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong investigated the agricultural industry and the production and operation of enterprises

Subsequently, Hu Huanzhong went deep into Guangxi Luchuang Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. and Guilin Guiyu Machinery Co., Ltd. to have in-depth exchanges with the person in charge of the enterprise to learn more about the company's product sales, profit income and future planning.

Hu Huanzhong emphasized

▶ To promote the high-quality development of the real economy, research is the foundation, service is the key, and it is necessary to carry out research and service work, continue to identify the key crux of restricting the development of enterprises, and effectively grasp the research services of the real economy in place.

▶ It is necessary to comprehensively optimize the business environment, improve the mechanism of leadership contact and service enterprises, play a good "combination punch" of joint enterprises to benefit enterprises and warm enterprises, accurately meet the needs of enterprises, take the initiative to provide front-line services, and support the development of enterprises with heart and affection, so that enterprises can really attract, retain and develop well.

【New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause】Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong investigated the agricultural industry and the production and operation of enterprises

On the same day, Hu Huanzhong also went to Longmen Village, Sanjie Town, to inspect the situation of the water-damaged infrastructure. He pointed out that the construction of water damage restoration is related to the safety of the people, and it is necessary to fully understand the importance of water damage restoration and construction to flood prevention work, strengthen responsibility, continue to strengthen the investigation and rectification of risks and hidden dangers, and make every effort to build a solid embankment for flood prevention and disaster relief, so as to ensure that nothing goes wrong and the flood is safe.

Liao Minghao, deputy secretary of the county party committee, and the main responsible comrades of Sanjie Town accompanied the investigation.

Produced by | Lingchuan County Rong Media Center

Reporter | Huang Shehui Yang Haixiang

Edit | Luo Huijun

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