
【Emergency moment】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises donated sanitized materials to the county CDC

author:Cloud view of Lingchuan
【Emergency moment】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises donated sanitized materials to the county CDC
【Emergency moment】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises donated sanitized materials to the county CDC

On June 24, Guilin Longchang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., together with Guangzhou Baiyunshan Hutchison Whampoa Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. and Guangxi Baiyunshan Yingkang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., donated a batch of sanitize materials worth 80,000 yuan including 84 disinfectant, vitamin C Yinqiao granules, drinking water and other materials to the county CDC to help the county's environmental sanitize and production and life recovery after the flood.

【Emergency moment】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises donated sanitized materials to the county CDC

Liu Yong, Chairman of Guilin Longchang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: One party is in difficulty, all parties support, as a local enterprise in Lingchuan, we Longchang Pharmaceutical is more obliged to come out and take responsibility, and we also hope to do our part.

Yang Dongchang, director of the County Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Thank you very much for donating a batch of disaster relief materials and sanitize medicines to our Lingchuan CDC sanitize sanitize.

【Emergency moment】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises donated sanitized materials to the county CDC

Qin Weimin, a second-level researcher in the county, participated in the donation activity.

Produced by | Lingchuan County Rong Media Center

Reporter | Huang Hongxin

Edit | Lin Zifeng