
Praise the glorious years and pass on the torch as a gift

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The eventful years must not be forgotten, and the party's kindness will always be remembered. In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the 130th advanced training class of county and department-level leading cadres of the Party School of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China focused on the in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the inspection of Jiangxi, focusing on the goal and requirements of "walking ahead, striving for the first, and doing good deeds". Fu Liqi, associate professor of the Department of Scientific Socialism (Political Science) Teaching and Research of the Party School of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, presided over the meeting, and Dai Yonghua, secretary and squad leader, commented on the student representatives.

Praise the glorious years and pass on the torch as a gift

Chen Guohui, the representative of the trainees, shared that the province's political and legal system focuses on its mission, performs its duties loyally, goes all out to prevent risks, ensure safety, protect stability, and promote development, and firmly safeguard national security and protect the safety of all families.

Zhou Tao, the representative of the trainees, analyzed the new situation faced by Jiangxi's high-quality development in view of the objective and practical problems of water conservancy first, industrial upgrading, and safety assurance, and put forward the development path of "water as a medium", actively using the professional advantages of the water investment group, and promoting the high-quality development of Jiangxi's water conservancy and water affairs in an all-round way by building a water conservancy operation system, developing water economy, promoting water pollution control and ecological environmental protection.

Praise the glorious years and pass on the torch as a gift

Wu Cong, the representative of the students, explained the outstanding compilation and research results of the Provincial Archives, the service level of exploration and innovation, the multi-point flowering of archives publicity, and the responsibility of archives in the high-quality development of services.

Cheng Fangming, the representative of the students, focused on the five aspects of "what is the CPPCC proposal, how to operate the proposal system in a targeted manner, grasp the precautions for the proposal, understand the advanced organizers and proposal workers, and look at the effectiveness of the CPPCC proposal handling", and expounded in depth how to effectively transform the insights of the CPPCC members into policy measures and practical results for deepening reform, promoting development, and improving people's livelihood.

Dai Yonghua, secretary and squad leader, commented that through this activity, we have a deeper understanding of the work of politics and law, water conservancy, archives, CPPCC proposals, etc., and also provide us with profound ideological enlightenment and useful work reference. Only by really grasping can we overcome difficulties, and only by hard work can our dreams come true. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the inspection of Jiangxi, focus on the goal and requirements of "walking ahead, striving for the first, and doing good deeds", take the opportunity of party discipline learning and education, and earnestly follow the requirements of the "five remembers" put forward by Secretary Yin Hong's party discipline party class, consciously learn discipline, know discipline, discipline and discipline, temper loyalty, cleanliness and political character, keep in mind the mission, take on practical work, live up to the trust, strive to strive for the "first-class work" in the new era, and make new and greater contributions to the struggle to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Jiangxi.

Praise the glorious years and pass on the torch as a gift

Fu Liqi, associate professor of the Department of Scientific Socialism (Political Science) Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, believes that the four students have made full preparations, and have conducted in-depth discussions around their respective views combined with actual work and learning experience. The class leader's evaluation has a clear viewpoint, a unique and comprehensive perspective, objective and accurate, and fully sees the diverse perspectives and rich views of the students, which further deepens the understanding of all students on relevant issues and plays a positive role in promoting. It is hoped that all the students will take this student forum as an opportunity to keep in mind the original mission of the Communist Party members, be loyal to the party, strengthen the sense of learning, continue to maintain the spirit of active exploration and courage to communicate, constantly improve their comprehensive quality, and truly be loyal to the party and serve the people. (Special correspondents: Yang Tao, Cheng Fangming)