
Defend the levee and defend the homeland

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Defend the levee and defend the homeland

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Affected by continuous heavy rainfall for several days

and the combined effect of the increase in the water coming from the five rivers

The water level of Poyang Lake is rising rapidly

As of 21:00 on June 30

The water level of Poyang Lake Hukou Station reached 20.60 meters

The ultra-alert water level is 1.1 meters

And it continues to rise

The flood control situation in Hukou County, Jiujiang City, is grim

Defend the levee and defend the homeland
Defend the levee and defend the homeland

△The water level of Poyang Lake has skyrocketed

"The staff on duty work 24 hours a day to check the embankment under our feet." On the Niujiao Wudi in Hukou County, Xia Wangqing, director of the County Agricultural and Rural Industry Development and Technology Extension Center, said while looking at the flood in front of him.

Defend the levee and defend the homeland

Hukou County Niujiao Wudi is located in the core area of Jinshawan Industrial Park, Hukou County, with a total length of more than 5,000 meters. It protects the production and life safety of more than 100 industrial enterprises in the industrial park. Under the embankment, the trees have been submerged. Starting from June 28, Hukou County called on party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members to devote themselves to the forefront of flood control, strictly implement the 24-hour flood control duty system and the rain, flood and disaster reporting system, increase the intensity of dike inspection and inspection, and ensure the safety of the dike.

Defend the levee and defend the homeland

"I made two dike patrols this morning,

A dike patrol has also been carried out in the afternoon.

We also have a sand and gravel material storage point here.

Reserve as a flood control material,

Today we have packed more than 100 bags of sand and gravel materials.

After bagging,

We continued to patrol the embankment in the afternoon.

Ensure the safety of the embankment section. ”

The staff on duty from the Hukou County Natural Resources Bureau introduced

Defend the levee and defend the homeland

on the embankment

The relevant responsible units have set up tents on duty

All kinds of sand and gravel, yellow sand and other flood control materials

It has been neatly placed at the material storage point

Duty officer of the Department of Natural Resources

Bag the flood control sand and gravel in the rain for later use

Defend the levee and defend the homeland

"It's our responsibility to have our feet under our feet,

Behind us is our home!

We must work together to guard the embankment under our feet,

Ensure the safety of everyone's production and life! ”

Xia Wangqing said firmly

Source: CNR