
In the summer moon season, avoid "3 fears" and bloom cascading flowers!

author:Life shop

In the scorching summer, the moon season has become a favorite of many gardening enthusiasts with its colorful and fragrant fragrance. However, if you want the moon season to still bloom in this season, you can avoid the "three fears". Let's take a look!

The first fear: the environment is uncomfortable

The high temperature and bright light of summer is like a double-edged sword, which is not only the driving force of the growth of the moon season, but also can be the culprit that harms them. The solution lies in "smart occlusion". During the peak hours of the midday sun, provide the right amount of shade for the moon season, use shade nets or move the potted plants to a semi-shaded position to avoid sunburn, and at the same time keep the soil moist and prevent the water from evaporating quickly due to high temperatures. Remember, shade is not completely shaded, and soft sun exposure in the morning and evening is still essential for the moon season.

In the summer moon season, avoid "3 fears" and bloom cascading flowers!

At the same time, some people are worried about high temperatures and excessive shading, which is actually a misunderstanding. Yueji is a sun-loving plant, and the lack of light will directly affect the quality and quantity of flowering. The correct thing to do is to ensure that you are exposed to at least 4-6 hours of scattered light every day while ensuring that you avoid direct midday light. This not only avoids leaf burns, but also satisfies the demand for light in the moon season and ensures the healthy development of flower buds.

In the summer moon season, avoid "3 fears" and bloom cascading flowers!

The second fear: pests and diseases

In summer, the hot and humid environment is a breeding ground for pests and diseases. Black spot, powdery mildew and various insect pests such as red spiders, aphids, etc., are the enemies of the moon season. Prevention is better than cure, regular spraying of fungicides and insecticides, keeping plants dry and ventilated, and timely cleaning of fallen leaves and diseased branches can effectively curb the occurrence of pests and diseases. In addition, observe the plants and take immediate action if they notice any abnormalities.

In the summer moon season, avoid "3 fears" and bloom cascading flowers!

The third fear: improper watering

Overwatering the moon season in summer is a common maintenance myth, which not only does not help the moon season grow healthily, but can cause a series of problems, and even lead to plant death in severe cases. : Too much water will make the potting soil or root zone in a long-term state of overhumidity, affecting the air permeability of the soil, resulting in a lack of oxygen in the roots, which is easy to cause root rot. The roots are unable to breathe and absorb nutrients normally, affecting the health of the whole plant.

In the summer moon season, avoid "3 fears" and bloom cascading flowers!

The moist root environment provides ideal conditions for fungi and bacteria to multiply, increasing the risk of diseases such as root rot, black spot, etc. Once these diseases occur, they can spread rapidly and in severe cases, they can cause death.

In the summer moon season, avoid "3 fears" and bloom cascading flowers!

The soil should be kept slightly moist. It is necessary to increase the frequency of watering according to the actual situation, and avoid watering during the high temperature period at noon to avoid scalding the root system. Early morning or late afternoon, drip irrigation or slow watering along the edge of the pot can be used to ensure that water penetrates deep into the roots and also improves water use efficiency.

In the summer moon season, avoid "3 fears" and bloom cascading flowers!

Summer maintenance is a process of wits and courage against natural conditions. Avoid the direct damage of high temperature and bright light, prevent excessive shading from affecting the light, and strictly prevent pests and diseases and improper watering, and you can enjoy the cascading flowers of the moon in the hot summer!

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