
Is goldfish spider plant not good to raise? 3 "tips" to grow full of buds and bloom every year!

author:Life shop

Goldfish spider plant, with its unique form and fresh flowers, has become the favorite of many flower lovers. However, it is not an easy task to raise a healthy and lush goldfish spider plant that blooms every year. Today, let's share three simple and effective tips to make your goldfish spider plant easily full of buds and bloom beautifully!

Tip 1: Fertilize wisely, away from the roots

Fertilization is the key to plant growth, but the truth of overdoing it is vividly reflected in goldfish spider plants. Too much fertilizer or direct contact with the roots will not only not promote growth, but may burn the roots. The correct way to do this is to use diluted liquid fertilizer and pour it slowly along the edge of the pot each time you water, making sure that the fertilizer is kept away from the roots, which provides the necessary nutrients and avoids damage to the root system. In particular, fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, can effectively promote flower bud differentiation and let flower buds emerge one after another.

Is goldfish spider plant not good to raise? 3 "tips" to grow full of buds and bloom every year!

Technique 2: Control the water in a proper way and observe the blades

Water management is another key to the conservation of goldfish spider plants. Remember, "Rather dry than wet" is the conservation principle of goldfish spider plant. Wait until the surface of the potting soil is dry and the leaves are slightly weak before watering, which is the most intuitive watering signal. At the same time, when watering, you may wish to add a small amount of liquid fertilizer, which can not only replenish water, but also give the right amount of nutrients, killing two birds with one stone. Remember, flooding is a big taboo, and a long stream of water is the king.

Is goldfish spider plant not good to raise? 3 "tips" to grow full of buds and bloom every year!

Tip 3: Sufficient light, pinch your head to promote flowers

Although goldfish spider plant is shade tolerant, sufficient light is a necessary condition for its flowering. Try to place it indoors in a well-lit location, such as near a window but away from direct sunlight. Sufficient light not only promotes photosynthesis, but also makes the flower color of goldfish spider plant more vivid and the flowering period longer.

Is goldfish spider plant not good to raise? 3 "tips" to grow full of buds and bloom every year!

In addition, well-timed pruning is also the secret weapon to stimulate flowering. When the branches of the goldfish spider plant grow too long, you may wish to boldly pinch the tip. Not only does this control the morphology of the plant and prevent overgrowth, but more importantly, when the apical dominance is removed, the plant distributes more nutrients to the side buds, which promotes the formation of flower buds and allows the flowers to bloom at full branches.

Is goldfish spider plant not good to raise? 3 "tips" to grow full of buds and bloom every year!

With these three tips, I believe that your goldfish spider plant will be able to get rid of the maintenance problem and bloom every year!

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