
Raising jade trees in summer, 3 "little tricks", rubbing to grow new leaves, crazy to grow pots!

author:Life shop

In the scorching summer, it is not difficult to make the jade tree at home rejuvenate and grow vigorously, becoming a beautiful scenery on the balcony or courtyard. With just a few simple and practical tips, you can make your jade tree green this season, with new leaves growing wildly and full of pots. Below, let's take a look at 3 "tips"!

1. Put it in the right position

Yushu loves the sun, but is also afraid of burning by the scorching sun. The first step in maintaining a jade tree in the summer is to choose the right location. Try to place it in a place where you can receive soft sunlight in the morning or evening, and avoid direct glare at noon. At the same time, pay attention to weather changes, when the rainy season comes, you can appropriately reduce artificial watering, and use natural rainwater to replenish water for the jade tree. On sunny and dry days, you should pay attention to soil moisture and replenish water in a timely manner, but remember to "watch the sky and water" to avoid root rot caused by stagnant water.

Raising jade trees in summer, 3 "little tricks", rubbing to grow new leaves, crazy to grow pots!

2. Watering moderately

When watering the jade tree in summer, it is necessary to flexibly adjust it according to the actual situation, keep the soil moderately moist, and ensure good drainage, so as to help the jade tree survive the summer safely and grow healthily. Water thoroughly at each time to ensure that the entire potting soil is absorbing water, but there should be enough time between waterings to allow the soil to dry properly. When a jade tree is deprived of water, the leaves may droop slightly or lose their luster, which is a sign that watering is needed. Conversely, if water-stained spots appear on the leaves, it may be a sign of overwatering.

Raising jade trees in summer, 3 "little tricks", rubbing to grow new leaves, crazy to grow pots!

3. Fertilization and pruning

The summer is a period of vigorous growth, and proper fertilization and timely pruning are essential to promote healthy growth and maintain good shape. For fertilizing jade trees in summer, compound fertilizers with balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be selected, or fertilizers with high phosphorus and potassium should be used to promote the lush growth of branches and leaves and the development of root systems. Organic fertilizers such as rotted cake fertilizer and bone meal are also good choices, as they can release nutrients slowly and are not easy to cause root burning. If there is rain in the near future, it is best to postpone fertilization to avoid the loss of fertilizer with the water, and also to avoid root rot caused by too wet soil.

Raising jade trees in summer, 3 "little tricks", rubbing to grow new leaves, crazy to grow pots!

Timely removal of yellow, pest-infested leaves and weak, cross-growing, inward-growing branches can not only improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of plants, reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, but also promote the concentrated supply of nutrients to healthy parts. According to personal preference and the overall morphology of the plant, the top branches are properly pruned, the height and width are controlled, and the lateral bud germination is promoted to make the plant fuller.

Raising jade trees in summer, 3 "little tricks", rubbing to grow new leaves, crazy to grow pots!

All in all, to maintain the Yushu in summer, through the above three "tips", let's use these simple but efficient methods to accompany our Yushu to spend a vibrant summer!

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