
The Monarch Orchid does not bloom, do "3 things" in summer, and bloom twice a year!

author:Life shop

With its noble and elegant temperament, Junzi Orchid has become the "greenhouse lady" in the hearts of many flower friends. However, many enthusiasts often encounter the problem of not flowering in the process of maintenance, especially in the hot summer. Don't worry, as long as you do the following "3 things" in summer, your junzi orchid will not only bloom smoothly, but also hope to bloom twice a year!

1. Regulate fertilizer and water

The primary reason why the orchid does not bloom is often due to improper management of fertilizer and water. In summer, special attention should be paid to the fact that the fertilizer is not well controlled and the temperature difference is not adjusted in place. It is recommended to start in July, every ten days or so, spray the junzi orchid with potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or Hua Duoduo No. 2, these two fertilizers are rich in phosphorus and potassium, which can effectively promote flower bud differentiation and lay a material foundation for flowering. However, it should be noted that the concentration should not be too high, so as not to burn the roots.

The Monarch Orchid does not bloom, do "3 things" in summer, and bloom twice a year!

The leaves are wide and thick, and the gloss directly affects the ornamental effect. In the summer, try beer to care for the leaves of the orchid. After diluting the beer to a ratio of 1:10, gently spraying the leaves or wiping the leaves with a soft cloth can not only remove dust, but also provide additional nutrients to the leaves such as sugar and amino acids, making the leaves more oily and green, and at the same time enhancing the overall health of the plants and indirectly promoting flowering.

The Monarch Orchid does not bloom, do "3 things" in summer, and bloom twice a year!

2. Suitable soil

The root system of the orchid is breathable and water-resistant, so it is important to prepare a suitable "home" for it. It is best kept in acidic sandy soils rich in organic matter, which both guarantee good drainage and provide the necessary nutrients. You can mix humus in proportion to sand and add some perlite or vermiculite to enhance breathability. In addition, a small amount of ferrous sulfate can help maintain the pH of the soil and promote the healthy growth of Junzi Orchid.

The Monarch Orchid does not bloom, do "3 things" in summer, and bloom twice a year!

3. Moderate light

In summer, light management is particularly important for the orchid, as it is directly related to its growth and flowering performance. Although it is a semi-negative plant, proper light regulation is key to keeping it healthy during periods of intense sunlight in summer. It should be placed in a location with bright scattered light, such as an east-facing or west-facing window, to avoid direct sunlight at noon. On particularly strong days, consider using blackout nets or transparent curtains to provide proper shade and reduce the light intensity to about 50%.

The Monarch Orchid does not bloom, do "3 things" in summer, and bloom twice a year!

Through the above three-step strategy, even in the hot summer, it can create an ideal environment for the orchid to bloom. Follow these tips and you'll be able to witness the miracle of double blooming on your home orchid in the near future!

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