
"Borrowing Boys" 59: Enjoying the Cool (Author: Wang Shilu)

author:Wang Shilu
"Borrowing Boys" 59: Enjoying the Cool (Author: Wang Shilu)

(Chinese herbal medicine: iris)

Walking out of the scrap yard, Old Man Liu said, "Chengcheng, our house is too hot, let's find a cool place to sit." ”

Pan Zhicheng readily agreed, and soon the two came to a river on the outskirts, where the poplars and willows on the banks of the river were thick and thick, and did not give the sun a little gap to drill, and the sun was scorching outside, but the woods were very shady.

There are a lot of tricycles parked in the woods, some owners lie bareback on the car to sleep, the upper body is in the carriage, the legs can only hang to the ground, some simply lie on the ground, under the body spread their own rotten shirts, these people are either pedaling the rickshaw, or picking up rags, the tree knows the throat chirping, this cry echoes their snoring.

Pan Zhicheng felt very comfortable when he first entered the woods, and the more he sat down, the more he felt breathless, and the pungent stench invaded his heart and lungs. He endured the stench and went down to the river curiously, looking for the source of the stench.

"Borrowing Boys" 59: Enjoying the Cool (Author: Wang Shilu)

(Chinese herbal medicine: iris)

The jet-black water was covered with green foam, and plastic waste covered almost the entire surface of the river, and he scratched a few times in the water with a thick branch, but he didn't see anything alive, and he climbed back to the shore in disappointment.

At this time, Old Man Liu was already lying on the ground and snoring, the smell of the river, the shrill chirping of the trees, and the snoring on the ground hit his fragile nerves together, making him upset, and the cool feeling he had just entered the woods disappeared, and he suddenly felt unbearable thirst.

He looked around, hoping to find something to quench his thirst, but there was some construction debris nearby, and he ran away, and what appeared in front of him was a large pit left by the burning of bricks and excavation, most of which were filled with domestic garbage, and the stench from the garbage pit was stronger than that in the river.

"Borrowing Boys" 59: Enjoying the Cool (Author: Wang Shilu)

(Chinese herbal medicine: iris)