
Now the fierce battle is urgent, and the sand area is bursting with blue - the Yellow River's "few character bends" are scanned in the battle area

author:Green China

Since the opening of the three major landmark battles, the party committees and governments at all levels in the three major areas of the Yellow River, the "Several Bends" of the Yellow River, the two major sandy annihilation battles of Horqin and Hunshandak, and the Hexi Corridor-Taklamakan Desert Edge Blocking Battle have taken swift action and advanced as a whole. How is the project progressing? What have been done? This magazine integrates the staged summary materials provided by the command groups of the three districts into three reports, which readers can further understand through "Now the Fierce War is Urgent, the Sand Area is Bursting with Firms", "Focus and Refocus, Binding the Yellow Dragon with All Efforts", and "Unite as One, "Three More" Show the Power of Blocking".

- Editor

Now the fierce battle is urgent, and the sand area is bursting with blue - the Yellow River's "few character bends" are scanned in the battle area

The spring breeze is a good season, and it is the right time to control sand and sow green. The Yellow River's "Several Bends" offensive area took the lead in sounding the trumpet and firing the "first shot" of the offensive in 2024, and is now engaged in a fierce battle with the desert. The battle of 10,000 people has been presented one after another, with scenes in full swing and neat and uniform sand barriers, showing a good situation of "people working hard, helping by heaven, starting early, and making rapid progress". In a few years, the sand area will definitely be bursting with blue.

Now the fierce battle is urgent, and the sand area is bursting with blue - the Yellow River's "few character bends" are scanned in the battle area

△On June 12, 2024, the seedling base of Sun Temple Farm in Hangjin Houqi, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region provided seedlings for the "Three Norths" project. Photo by Zhang Zhongju

The high position pushes the top-level design

The relevant personnel of the Yellow River "Several Bends" area participated in the video conference of the "Three Norths" project organized by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, and collectively studied the "Opinions on Strengthening the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Desertification and Promoting the Construction of Key Ecological Projects such as the "Three Norths" issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council. The party committees and governments of all provinces and autonomous regions have earnestly maintained their strategic focus, and on the basis of promoting the tough battle at a high level last year, they have taken a series of measures to continue to strengthen the organization and leadership of the tough battle. Mobilization meetings have been held in various localities, and general mobilization orders have been issued for the spring battle, and plans have been formulated and implemented, and policies have been continuously improved. Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and other countries issued the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Desertification and Promoting the Construction of Key Ecological Projects such as the Three Norths"; Give full play to the role of forest chiefs, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and other places issued a general forest chief order on fighting the "three norths" project, clarifying the key tasks of the year, and all localities moved to consolidate the responsibilities of forest chiefs at all levels to further promote the construction of the "three norths" project.

Shanxi requires the party committees and governments of cities and counties in the "Three Norths" project area to comprehensively strengthen the organization and leadership of the construction of the "Three Norths" project, establish a coordination mechanism, strengthen policy and financial support, strengthen regional joint prevention and management, scientifically deploy key projects, continue to carry out scientific greening actions, and focus on the implementation of the "six major actions" of precise forest expansion, key forest replenishment, scientific forest reform, continuous forest management, forest protection according to law, and innovative living forests.

Inner Mongolia requires that it make every effort to do a good job in the "Three Norths" project and the three landmark battles, and complete the comprehensive treatment of 15 million mu of desertified land with high quality. Focus on creating a number of highlight projects. Inner Mongolia selected 17 banner counties to solve the problem of grassland overgrazing, which led to the continuous decline of the overall overload rate in the whole region. Accelerate the restoration and establishment of a number of grassroots forestry and grass workstations, carry out grassland grid supervision pilots, and set up forestry and grassland administrative law enforcement offices at the autonomous region level to drive the construction of forestry and grassland administrative law enforcement teams in the region. Ordos has introduced 9 policies and measures with high gold content to ensure the tough battle, and the financial arrangement is 200 million yuan to support the spring battle.

Gansu requires the completion of more than 2.6 million mu of afforestation, more than 4 million mu of grass planting and improvement, and more than 2.85 million mu of comprehensive management of desertified land.

The Ningxia Party Committee held the Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th National Congress to deliberate and approve the "1+4" series of documents in the field of ecological civilization construction, and set up a leading group headed by the main leaders of the Party committee and government of the autonomous region and a special working class headed by the leaders in charge of the government. The Ningxia Forestry and Grassland Bureau has been upgraded to an agency directly under the government at the department level, and 11 cities and counties (districts) have successively restored independent forestry and grassland institutions.

Now the fierce battle is urgent, and the sand area is bursting with blue - the Yellow River's "few character bends" are scanned in the battle area

△ Schematic diagram of the Yellow River "several bends" attack area.

The battle "a few word bends" is in full swing

All localities have seized the good soil moisture brought by many rain and snow weather this spring, broken one day into two days, raced against time to catch up, lived up to the time, fully rolled out, did not miss the forest time, advanced in depth, prevented and controlled desertification, and planted greenery.

At the construction site of the Linxian section of the Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and Restoration Project in Shanxi, the tree-planting team climbed a 70-degree steep slope with a rope and planted afforestation in the 101-kilometer-long stony mountainous area along the Yellow River.

In the "bend" of the Yellow River in Gansu Province, driven by the voluntary tree planting of the party, government and military, a tough battle of fixing sand sources, locking sand edges, and retaining water and soil has been slowly launched. Longzhong and Longdong Loess Plateau are dotted with voluntary tree-planting bases.

On the two demonstration project sites of Ningxia Zhongwei Tengger Lock Border Sand Fixation and Shizui Mountain Mao Us Mobile Sand System Treatment, they are crowded and in full swing. The region mobilized tens of thousands of people, from various departments, enterprises, institutions, and volunteers to participate in voluntary tree planting and desertification control.

The 9 cities and 68 counties in the "Three Norths" project area in Shaanxi Province have focused on the overall goals of afforestation of 4.4 million mu, restoration of 200,000 mu of degraded grassland, and control of 930,000 mu of desertified land, and organized cadres and the masses to set off an upsurge of voluntary tree planting, and strive to complete 60% of the tasks in the spring.

After the Spring Festival holiday, the banner counties along the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia quickly organized the construction of grass squares, and the counties and counties had starting points. Tens of thousands of cadres and workers are fighting on the front line of desertification control, planting wicker, building sand barriers, and planting trees.

More than 3,500 cadres and workers were organized in Etuoke Qianqi to focus on one week to tackle the border zone on the southwest edge of the Mu Us Sandy Land, pressing sand and planting 14,000 acres of greenery. The 188-kilometer bordered forest and grassland belt on the northern edge of the Kubuqi Desert in Hangjinqi and the 240-kilometer wind-sand path barrier zone in the hinterland are being accelerated. The sand fixing site of the Mu Us Susha underground tuyere project in Wushen Banner presents a grand scene of 10,000 people pressing sand.

In the state-owned Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District, workers are planting Saxony seedlings with water flushing; In the rear banner of Ulate, sand barriers and trees are in full swing; At Dengkou, the quicksand area along the Yellow River shoreline is wrapped in layers of grass checkered sand barriers that extend deep into the desert.

Photovoltaic desertification control has opened up a new way

All localities have coordinated ecological security and energy security, organically integrated desertification prevention and control with the development of new energy, further promoted photovoltaic desertification control projects, and focused on cultivating an important breakthrough in the development of new quality productivity in the forestry and grassland industry.

Inner Mongolia has promoted the ecological restoration of desertification areas, jumped out of sand control to look at sand control, regarded the "Sand Prevention and Control and Wind Power and Photovoltaic Integration Project" as one of the six major projects in the region, and issued the "Sand Prevention and Control and Wind Power and Photovoltaic Integration Project Promotion Plan". Each municipal league specifies a state-owned enterprise to take the lead in photovoltaic desertification control, and clearly requires the enterprises involved in photovoltaic power generation to bear the responsibility of ecological governance in accordance with the ratio of 1:3. This year, it is planned to add 13.2 million kilowatts of new energy installed capacity and 2.3 million mu of desertified land.

Ordos has built a 100 million kilowatt "photovoltaic Great Wall" in the Kubuqi Desert with a total length of about 400 kilometers and an average width of about 5 kilometers. After completion, 4 million mu of photovoltaic sand control will be carried out, and 8 million mu of ecological sand control will be driven. The project started at the same time from the east and west ends of the Kubuqi Desert and went in both directions, and plans to add 1.95 million mu of desertified land treatment area this year. Up to now, the city has completed and approved the construction of photovoltaic sand control projects with a total scale of 37.39 million kilowatts, 5.42 million kilowatts of photovoltaic sand control projects have been completed in the Kubuqi Desert, with a sand control area of more than 200,000 mu, and 31.97 million kilowatts are planned to be built under construction, with a sand control area of more than 1 million mu. Hangjin Banner Shuofang Energy Base plans to have a total installed photovoltaic capacity of 13GW, covering an area of about 487,000 mu, hundreds of bulldozers are working day and night to carry out "five links and one leveling", and materials such as sand barrier materials and photovoltaic equipment components have also begun to enter the site one after another. The 1.6 million kilowatt photovoltaic storage + ecological management project area in Dengkou County covers an area of 44,600 acres, and dozens of large bulldozers are working in the endless desert, and large undulating sand dunes are gradually turning into flat sand.

Now the fierce battle is urgent, and the sand area is bursting with blue - the Yellow River's "few character bends" are scanned in the battle area

△ Inner Mongolia Alxa uses grass squares to control sand. Photo by Temur

Joint prevention and management have been implemented

The awareness of joint prevention and management in various localities has been further strengthened, and joint governance has shifted from concept to implementation. In the Mu Us Sandy Land, the four provinces and five municipalities have jointly compiled and completed the layout plan for key projects of joint prevention and joint management, and all the new key projects that have started this year are moving closer to the border and the upper and lower wind outlets. Inner Mongolia Ordos carried out the construction of sand-blocking forest and grass belts at the upwind and downwind outlets of the Mu Us sandy sandy area, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia launched the demonstration project of joint prevention and control of bare sandy land on the border of Mongolia and Ningxia, and the Etuoke Qianqi surrounded the surrounding provinces and regions, and concentrated on building a typical demonstration area of 20,000 mu in accordance with the zoning management of "one corridor, two belts and two districts", and completed the treatment of 1.6 million mu. Shaanxi Province has launched projects in Yulin to implement comprehensive treatment of desertified land along the Guye River Basin and the Yan'an Great Wall. Shaanxi and Gansu provinces in the southern edge of the Mu Us Sandy Land and the Loess Plateau transition zone of Huachi, Huanxian and Wuqi counties jointly plan to build the "Saihan Dam" in the northwest region in the new era. In the Tengger Desert, Alxa in Inner Mongolia, Zhongwei in Ningxia and Minqin in Gansu Province have built cross-regional sand-blocking ecological defense lines in the southeast and northwest margins of Tengger at the junction of each other. Ningxia Zhongwei promotes the Shapotou model, uses the "five belts in one" sand control protection system, and promotes new technologies and models such as brush-shaped net rope grass squares, reed high vertical sand barriers, artificial cyanobacteria sand crusts, and "water conduction seedling planters". In Ulan Bu and the desert, Bayannur and other five league cities signed a regional joint defense and joint management cooperation agreement, Bayannur and Alxa jointly launched the joint prevention and management of the quicksand along the Yellow River shoreline of Ulan Bu and the desert Liuguai Shatou. Alxa Left Banner is responsible for coordinating and solving the land use, and Dengkou County is responsible for the implementation of ecological governance in other places and then handed over to Alxa for management.

Deep integration of ecological industries

All localities adhere to ecological industrialization and industrial ecology, integrate the "Three Norths" project into the overall economic and social development, coordinate the prevention and control of desertification and the improvement of people's livelihood, and coordinate the ecological, economic and social benefits, so as to effectively stimulate new momentum for tackling tough problems.

Shanxi has built a total length of 1,238 kilometers of the Yellow River No. 1 Tourist Highway, along the green string up the scenery, gathered popularity, according to local conditions planting apples, walnuts, sea red fruits, sea buckthorn, apricots, jujubes, pepper and other ecological and economic tree species, the base has begun to take shape, bring the industry to live, increase income. Pianguan adheres to the combination of increasing greenery and increasing income, increasing greenery and increasing efficiency, and increasing greenery and scenery, and creates a rural tourism ecological demonstration corridor integrating cultural and tourism integration, leisure and health care, sports events and other functions on the two tourist highways of the Yellow River and the Great Wall.

Inner Mongolia adheres to the organic combination of sand prevention and control and the development of the forest and grass industry, and has compiled a series of supporting policies such as the "Autonomous Region Forest and Grass Industry Development Plan (2023-2030)" and the "List of Policies for Promoting the High-quality Development of the Grass Industry", with the output value of the forest and grass industry in the region reaching 87.2 billion yuan, developing 17 forest and grass carbon sink projects, and realizing 810,000 tons of carbon sink transactions with a transaction amount of 27.1 million yuan.

Bayannur has opened up super pastures in the sand area, transformed 230,000 acres of desert into excellent grassland, developed desert agriculture and desert tourism, summarized and promoted the "Dengkou model", and formed ecological photovoltaic, cistanche, wine grapes and other sand industries. In the 1.6 million kilowatt photovoltaic storage + ecological management project area in Dengkou, nearly 100 bulldozers are leveling the undulating sand dunes. Last year, 850,000 kilowatts of photovoltaic project area was planted with Saxon, and more than 40,000 acres of sandy land will realize "on-board power generation, under-board sand fixation, and inter-plate planting". 91 enterprises "rushed to land" in Ulan Bu and the desert, and industries such as organic breeding industry, characteristic forest and fruit industry, and Chinese herbal medicine materials have flourished, creating a desert sample of "sand prevention and control + sand industry". The inoculation area of Cistanche and Suoyang in Alxa League reached 1.23 million mu and 520,000 mu respectively.

Relying on the Dali National Desert Park, Weinan in Shaanxi Province focuses on the development of the desert tourism industry and drives the surrounding people to increase their income, and the Shayuan Scenic Area will receive 115,000 tourists during the Spring Festival holiday in 2024.

Gansu Baiyin introduced social capital to build a 200,000-mu Wenguan fruit planting base on desertified land in the form of a consortium, and started the construction of a demonstration park for the whole industrial chain of Wenguan fruit, so as to achieve a win-win situation of ecological, economic and social benefits. Yongchang vigorously develops ecological and economic tree species such as apricot, Yulu fragrant pear, calcium fruit (Ou Li), hawthorn, sea buckthorn, and Wenguan fruit, and coordinates the coordinated development of ecology and economy.

Now the fierce battle is urgent, and the sand area is bursting with blue - the Yellow River's "few character bends" are scanned in the battle area

△ Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Alxa League Left Banner Zongbeili Town million acres of artificial Suosuo forest base. Photo by Zhao Denghai

Reform and innovation to solve problems

All localities adhere to the problem-oriented and goal-oriented, focus on the difficulties, blockages, and stuck points that restrict the promotion of project construction, emancipate the mind, boldly explore, take the initiative to carry out pilot demonstrations, and explore and promote mechanism innovation.

Shanxi, together with more than 140 seedling enterprises in 14 provinces and regions such as Hebei and Shandong, held a meeting on the supply and demand of forest and grass seedlings of the "Three Norths" project. Inner Mongolia and Ningxia have actively issued local matching funds to support the full start of key projects. Inner Mongolia has actively explored the establishment of a diversified investment mechanism with "national investment as the mainstay, local supporting facilities as the supplement, and extensive participation of enterprises", set up a desertification prevention and control fund, and continued to strengthen cooperation with enterprises and organizations such as Ant Group, China Green Foundation, and Bank of Shanghai. At present, Ant Group alone has invested a total of 1.5 billion yuan and planted more than 280 million trees, with a total area of more than 3 million mu.

Inner Mongolia has allocated 22 million yuan to build 40 guaranteed nurseries focusing on cultivating seedlings of psammophytic shrubs such as caragana, salix, seabuckthorn and H. amon, so as to solve the current situation of structural shortage of psammophyte shrub seedlings, balance the relationship between supply and demand, and promote the stability of market seedling prices. The Forestry and Grassland Bureau of the Autonomous Region signed a letter of responsibility with 11 forestry and grassland bureaus of league cities, 35 grass seed breeding enterprises and 40 guaranteed nurseries to ensure the supply of seedlings for the "Three Norths" project. The municipal leagues have adopted policies such as building first and subsidizing later, and providing relief for work, which has effectively resolved the problems of strong seasonality in desertification prevention and control and late arrival of funds. Alxa took the initiative to solve the problem of late issuance of planned funds, and the League Committee conducted a special study and adopted the method of "national design company + central enterprise + local enterprise" to form an EPC consortium, which effectively resolved the problem of strong seasonality of desertification prevention and control and late arrival of funds. Ordos launched a pilot project for sand and water exchange in the "Ten Holes" area, achieving a water allocation target of 28 million cubic meters, setting a precedent for the replacement of water rights in the country.

Shaanxi Shenmu through the "three fixed, two strengthen one incentive" seedling implementation plan, that is, to determine the variety specifications, yield and quality, seedling cost and seedling delivery time, strengthen the process supervision, strengthen the responsibility assessment, the establishment of incentive mechanism, encourage and motivate forest farm workers to participate in seedlings, ensure afforestation and greening seedling sources, regulate the city's seedling prices, and stabilize the seedling market.

Gansu Baiyin actively explores the financing model of "forestry and grassland project + policy loan + social capital", implements the model of "investor + design, procurement, construction general contracting + operation", implements the afforestation model of "three-year construction and five-year management", and submits it to the government for unified management and protection after 8 years of acceptance.

Ningxia has guided enterprises to participate in sand prevention and control through industrial sand control and "land for forest", Zhongwei City has introduced Guoneng Group to carry out photovoltaic sand control of about 140,000 mu, and Yanchi has allocated the right to use state-owned construction land to complete the land for forest 5,600 mu. In Pingluo and Shapotou, pilot projects for the construction of large-grid high-standard farmland shelterbelts were carried out. In the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain, a pilot project of "vine shrub and grass" ecological restoration of "combination of tree and irrigation, vine and grass intercropping" was carried out.

At the same time, all provinces and autonomous regions actively play the leading role of scientific and technological innovation. Inner Mongolia has implemented the "breakthrough" project of science and technology, launched the implementation of 15 major demonstration projects of scientific and technological innovation in desertification prevention and control, established the country's first Qian Xuesensha Industry College, set up the Inner Mongolia Forestry and Grass Science and Technology Innovation Center, and held two demonstration activities of advanced machinery and equipment for the "Three Norths" project. Give full play to the leading role of typical guides, actively promote the effective sand control model mechanism in Ningxia Shapotou, Gansu Minqin, Inner Mongolia Dengkou and Kubuqi, and Ningxia promotes the new technology of "grass grid + sand crust" and efficient seedling planting of mobile sand dunes and shrubs. Afforestation robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, sand control machinery and other intelligent equipment are on the front line of sand control.

"Green China" B (second half of the month) May 2024 issue

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