
Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details

author:The quarterback of Kanball


In the early hours of this morning, I received a bad news, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old player of the Chinese badminton team, suddenly fell to the ground and fainted during yesterday's game, and died after being sent to the hospital.

As soon as this incident came out, it instantly caused an uproar on the Internet, and such a young life passed away like this. At the same time, many netizens who watched the live video questioned the organizers, even including Zhang Zhijie's sister!

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details

The youngster of the national team died

At this stage, it is the time when the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships will be held in Indonesia, and Chinese singles player Zhang Zhijie is one of the participating athletes, and yesterday, he also had a match, against Japan in the group stage.

At the beginning of the game, Zhang Zhijie did not have any abnormality at all, but in the middle of the game, when the Japanese players were about to serve, Zhang Zhijie, who was standing well, suddenly tilted and fell forward.

The knee hit the ground first, and then the chest, and it was obvious that the impact of the whole fall was still very strong. After falling to the ground, Zhang Zhijie's whole body twitched for several seconds.

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details

Later, I don't know if it was a return of consciousness, he should have tried to stand up with his hands on the ground. But it took half a minute for the whole thing to happen. The occurrence of this incident made everyone very worried about Zhang Zhijie's state. But in the early hours of this morning, the bad news still came.

The Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association jointly issued an announcement, saying that Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during the game, and the event doctors and medical teams around the competition venue rescued him, and even made it clear that Zhang Zhijie was sent to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes.

But after a series of rescues, he passed away at 11:20 last night, for this incident, the Indonesian Badminton Association and the organizing committee are deeply saddened, and also said that they have expressed their deepest condolences to Zhang Zhijie's parents, family, and even the Chinese Badminton Association.

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details
Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details
The original article was published in Xinmin Evening News on 2024-07-01 about "Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old player of the Chinese badminton team, fainted on the field and died after being sent to the hospital"

Zhang Zhijie in the field of badminton, is really a "genius player", he was born in Jiaxing in 07, he has been very interested in badminton since he was a child, and was picked by the Zhejiang provincial team when he was in the third grade of primary school.

At a young age, he won the men's singles and men's team championships in national competitions many times. He was selected for the national youth team at the age of 16 last year. This year, he participated in the Dutch Youth Badminton International Tournament and the National Youth Badminton Championships, both of which won the championship.

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details

Judging from this trend, Zhang Zhijie will definitely make a big difference in the field of badminton in the future, but now, no matter what he says, it is too late. is so young and promising, but he left unexpectedly, as a bystander, it is an extremely heart-wrenching existence, how can his family stand it?

In the early hours of this morning, Zhang Zhijie's sister also posted on social platforms, questioning the untimely rescue......

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details

His sister questioned the lack of timely rescue

Although Zhang Zhijie is only 17 years old, he is also a very sensible, responsible, and backbone child. His sister said that Zhang Zhijie himself sent home the certificate he had sent to the university yesterday. In the eyes of his family, he is really a very well-behaved child.

Although he is not yet an adult, there will be a bonus if he ranks well in the competition, and this year is also the first time Zhang Zhijie has received a bonus, I believe he must be very excited, but to get this money, the first thing he did was to buy gifts for his sister, mother, grandparents.

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details

And the day Zhang Zhijie died was his sister's birthday. He said that he would go home to see his family after the game, and the whole family was very happy and waited for Zhang Zhijie to come home.

But this time, Zhang Zhijie was about to break his promise, he went abroad to compete, but he couldn't come back alive. After receiving the news of his death, the family is also numbly informing relatives and friends.

One thing that his sister couldn't accept the most was the medical team in the arena. When Zhang Zhijie was playing, his family was still watching through the live broadcast, and his sister said that Zhang Zhijie had signs of life even after falling to the ground and convulsing, and it was a long time before medical staff arrived at the scene.

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details

Later, the family kept trying to contact Zhang Zhijie's coach, but they didn't get in touch until about half past nine in the evening, and the other party gave the news that they wanted to be transferred to the hospital for treatment. When the family received news from Zhang Zhijie again, he had passed away......

Every word, it is extremely sad to look at it, not to mention that what his sister lost is still the younger brother who he grew up watching. As soon as the article was released, netizens also discussed it one after another, questioning the rescue.

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details

Is the first aid in Indonesia really timely?

Zhang Zhijie's sudden incident is certainly not the first incident on the court. Take Euro 21 as an example, Denmark played against Finland in the group stage.

In the 43rd minute of the game, Eriksen, who had been fine, suddenly went into cardiac arrest without warning and fell to the ground. After the incident, the referee stopped the game and summoned the team doctor in 5 seconds. Eight seconds later, the Danish team doctor rushed onto the pitch to treat Eriksen.

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details

Thirty-seven seconds later, other paramedics rushed into the venue with emergency equipment. After 52 seconds, the AED device arrived at the scene, and after 96 seconds, cardiopulmonary resuscitation began.

From all these things, it can be seen that the first responders are very professional and timely in every link. After about 15 minutes, Eriksen finally regained consciousness.

Later, Erikson, who was in the hospital, also said that he felt like he had been out of this world for 5 minutes. Needless to say, the consequences of cardiac arrest can be said to be if it weren't for the timely rescue, Eriksen is likely not to be as safe and sound as he is now.

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details
Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details
Originally published in Jimu News 2024-06-18 about ""I feel like I'm out of this world for 5 minutes", Eriksen, the man who kicked the ball with his life"

But what about Zhang Zhijie? He wasn't as lucky as Eriksen to stand there for so long, both the opponent and the coach. Even the artificial cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which is known to ordinary people, was not done.

Later, the medical team finally came, and the very simple operations such as oxygen inhalation were carried out, and the AED and artificial resuscitation were still not seen. Even if they are sent to the hospital, they are said to be transferred, and the family is told that the local medical conditions are not enough......

Many netizens also questioned the organizers on the Internet, sports competition is indeed very cruel, but this 17-year-old boy fell on his favorite court......

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details

And just now, the Jiaxing Sports Bureau responded, saying that the government has staff to come to condole, and Zhang Zhijie's family is going through the procedures to go to Indonesia.

Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! The government came to the door to condole, his mother knew the bad news, and his sister broke the hidden details


I hope that in response to the doubts of everyone and the deceased family, the organizer can publicly stand up and respond, after all, this is a fresh life!

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.