
Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

author:The quarterback of Kanball


Yesterday, the women's 100m hurdles of the 2024 National Track and Field Championships were held as scheduled. Among them, Wu Yanni has set the best results in Asia this year!

In such a tense atmosphere in the arena, there are still "conspicuous bags" behavior, and Xia Sining, who witnessed everything, also has a lot of "eye-catching" small expressions. But there are also some remarks, thinking that Xia Sining is not laughing behind his back?

Just today, she herself replied to the comments of netizens on the Internet.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

Wu Yanni and Xia Sining both entered the finals

On June 29, in the women's 100-meter hurdles preliminaries in Rizhao, Shandong, several popular players advanced to the finals, which can be regarded as living up to everyone.

In the preliminaries, Wu Yanni took the lead from the start, which also prepared her to leave the other competitors far behind in the second half of the race, and she was the first to cross the finish line with a time of 13.06 seconds.

Lin Yuwei was also in the lead position very early, but in the second half of the race, I don't know why, Lin Yuwei didn't use all her strength, but the time of 13.26 seconds still ranked second and successfully advanced.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

As for Xia Sining, she was in the backward stage at the start, although she accelerated in the middle, but the overall score was still ranked seventh, but fortunately, she also successfully advanced to the finals.

If the previous results of the three of them were to be judged according to the direct standard line of the women's 100m hurdles at the Paris Olympics, only Wu Yanni and Lin Yuwei qualified. The two of them have also made their way to Paris.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came
This article was originally published in Jimu News 2024-06-29About "13 seconds 06! Wu Yanni advanced first in the preliminaries, Lin Yuwei second"

And Xia Sining, although she ran a time of 13.08 seconds in May, setting a new personal high, there is still a certain gap with the direct standard line of the Olympic Games.

As for the final 100m hurdles final, it was all over yesterday, and the most surprising of them should be Wu Yanni.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came
The original article was published in Jintai Information2024-07-01About "National Track and Field Championships Women's 100m Hurdles Wu Yanni Achieves Personal Best Score to Win the Championship"

Wu Yanni set a personal best

In fact, before the start of this finals, it received a lot of attention, mainly because three popular players competed on the same stage. And the environment of the track and field field that day was still good, and it did not rain like the preliminaries, which was more conducive to the performance of the athletes.

Before the start of the game, some people estimated that Lin Yuwei was ready to play better in the finals based on the results of the preliminaries, but in the end, Wu Yanni was better.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

After the final shot, Wu Yanni seemed to have chosen a different tactic from the preliminaries, and did not take the lead quickly, but then she still relied on her excellent sense of rhythm to leave the other competitors behind in the hurdles.

Lin Yuwei ranked second overall in the preliminaries, and there is not much difference between her and Wu Yanni, and many people are also very optimistic about her. But in the course of the game, Lin Yuwei's explosiveness is indeed strong, but the flaws exposed are also obvious, that is, the endurance is slightly insufficient.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

And Xia Sining played well, ranking seventh in the preliminaries, but in the final 13.38 seconds, the overall ranking went up all of a sudden, ranking fourth.

In fact, before, everyone knew that Lin Yuwei and Wu Yanni both won tickets to the Paris Olympics, and they also prepared carefully for this event, but the way was a little different.

Lin Yuwei flew directly to the United States for intensive training, while Wu Yanni trained on behalf of the competition and actively participated in many competitions at home and abroad, which has also proved that this method is indeed effective for her.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

In March, Wu Yanni broke her best in the 60m hurdles four times in less than a month. And yesterday's time of 12.74 seconds to win the championship, in this event, Wu Yanni also set a personal best.

And after the game, Wu Yanni was interviewed, and she was also "conspicuous and foreign-looking", but one thing must be certain is that this is really Wu Yanni.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came
The original article was published in Jimu News 2024-07-01 about "Wu Yanni's false eyelashes fell out during the interview...... "Oops, my eyelashes fell out!" "After winning the championship, this scene is very Wu Yanni"

Wu Yanni's interview and "foreign appearance"

After the competition, Wu Yanni was interviewed as usual as a contestant, but because she had just had a strenuous exercise, Wu Yanni was also sweating, and when she wiped her sweat with a tissue, there was a "small episode".

She accidentally knocked off the false eyelashes she was wearing, but the interview is still going on, so you can't stop the interview because of this little thing, right? Wu Yanni covered her eye with the palm of her hand, and continued to be interviewed in a posture of "covering her ears and stealing the bell".

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

In this way, the interview can continue to go smoothly, and she herself can continue to be "beautiful" in front of the camera, which can be regarded as the best of both worlds.

This incident was also on the hot search later, and seeing this behavior, many netizens still think it is "very cute".

After everything was done, Wu Yanni herself posted on the platform and personal social accounts, thanking her parents and fellow villagers for supporting her.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

At the same time, I am also very proud and proud to affirm myself, and I also call on everyone to continue to support Chinese track and field, and I will work harder!

In fact, what many people don't know is that because they have been preparing for the Olympics, they still have some anxious emotions, the increase in training intensity, and the lack of adaptation has caused inflammation in the knee.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

But during the competition, she still relied on her own strength and won the first place.

Before the start of the game, a small interaction between her and Xia Sining was also photographed and posted on the Internet, which attracted many netizens.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

Xia Sining's expression lit up as she watched Wu Yanni make movements

As we all know, the reason why Wu Yanni can be called a "conspicuous bag" in the track and field field is because she has done a lot of behaviors that do not conform to everyone's established impression of track and field athletes.

For example, makeup, fixed signature moves, etc., and this time, Xia Sining, who is also a contestant, witnessed all her actions of doing her personal signature actions next to Wu Yanni.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

At the beginning, Wu Yanni was also the same as usual, with a serious face, and Xia Sining could definitely see it in the afterglow of the position where she was standing, although she didn't look directly, but the expression on her face that couldn't hold back also exposed her.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

Later, I still glanced at it secretly, but the corners of my mouth were really getting more and more uncontrollable, and I would do "feints" to look at the watch, but the line of sight was not on the watch at all.

There are many netizens who saw this video, and they don't know which of the two is more "eye-catching" for a while. Some netizens think that the two of them are very cute, but some netizens think that Xia Sining's behavior is disrespectful to Wu Yanni.

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came
Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came
Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came

Some people also sent her expression to Xia Sining, and she herself responded in time after seeing it, saying that she was a "funny girl". From this point of view, Xia Sining's small expression is also a small interaction between the two, and some over-interpreted remarks are also a bit "nonsense".

But now, there are still a lot of good remarks about Wu Yanni on the Internet, and as long as the results are good, everyone will give full affirmation!

Wu Yanni made her signature move before running, and Xia Sining laughed behind her back? My response came


I hope that whether it is Wu Yanni or Xia Sining, or other track and field athletes, they can get better results in the competition!

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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