
Rolls-Royce cuts prices by millions? The wind of the price war in the auto market has blown to the ultra-luxury car brand?

Rolls-Royce cuts prices by millions? The wind of the price war in the auto market has blown to the ultra-luxury car brand?

Metropolis Express Orange Persimmon Interactive

2024-07-01 17:32Metropolis Express official account

The wave of price cuts in the auto market has recently begun to impact ultra-luxury brands, and the market is rumored to be one million Rolls-Royce Cullinan models. Is it true or false?

Rolls-Royce cuts prices by millions? The wind of the price war in the auto market has blown to the ultra-luxury car brand?

Let's first look at how fierce the price war that began to increase last year? Since June, 130,000 have bought Cadillac, 170,000 have bought BMW i3, and 350,000 have bought Audi A7L...... Looking around, in the words of netizens, the car market is simply "crazy".

Early this morning, the circle of friends was swiped by FAW Toyota's June sales poster. FAW Toyota's 6.18 limited-time sale should have played a big role, the discount at that time can be described as unprecedented, the price of Corolla Ruifang starts at 99,800 yuan, the limited-time comprehensive discount is 30,000 yuan, the price of Corolla starts at 79,800 yuan, and the limited-time comprehensive discount is 43,000 yuan......

Could it be that only by reducing prices can we achieve a breakthrough in sales in the auto market? 

Rolls-Royce joins price war?

As a top luxury car, Rolls-Royce has an annual delivery volume of only a few thousand units, and the quota in the Chinese market is only more than 1,000 units. When buying a Rolls-Royce, you often need to wait 6-8 months before it is possible to pick up the car, and if the model is popular, the waiting time will be extended.

Rolls-Royce cuts prices by millions? The wind of the price war in the auto market has blown to the ultra-luxury car brand?

Now Rolls-Royce has come to flip the table? According to media reports, the price of the Rolls-Royce Cullinan model has been reduced by one million, and the cash discount of the current 5-seater version of the Rolls-Royce Cullinan is as high as 1.11 million yuan, and the price of the new car is as low as 5.8 million yuan after the discount. However, this claim was immediately denied by the official Rolls-Royce authorized dealer, who said that the specific price of the Rolls-Royce model depends on the customer's personalized customization needs, rather than the official price reduction.

However, according to Nandu Weekly, a Rolls-Royce dealer in Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou, said that Rolls-Royce will provide customers with a variety of personalized customization solutions. If the customer has more optional content and is much more expensive than the naked car, the sales staff will give some discounts in terms of selection, and the preferential range of each project will be superimposed, and there may be a "discount" of more than 1 million yuan.

Orange Persimmon Interactive Tram reporter consulted a Rolls-Royce dealer in Hangzhou as a customer, a staff member of the store said that the current purchase of Rolls-Royce does have a discount, you need to determine the discount according to the optional content, the more options, the greater the discount, but the 1 million yuan discount is unlikely.

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  • Rolls-Royce cuts prices by millions? The wind of the price war in the auto market has blown to the ultra-luxury car brand?
  • Rolls-Royce cuts prices by millions? The wind of the price war in the auto market has blown to the ultra-luxury car brand?

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