
Xiaomi SU7 rear-end collision in the tunnel M5 sparked heated discussions; An automobile brand violated the rules to purchase the ranking service

author:Rim secrets

【Tech Dogs】

This morning, a Xiaomi SU7 had a rear-end collision in the tunnel, coincidentally, it happened to be a question M5, both sides are currently very popular brands and models, natural note attention.

Judging from the dashcam video of the M5, M5After changing lanes, a Xiaomi SU7 crashed straight up, but fortunately, the speed was not particularly fast, and there were no casualties.

Xiaomi SU7 rear-end collision in the tunnel M5 sparked heated discussions; An automobile brand violated the rules to purchase the ranking service
Xiaomi SU7 rear-end collision in the tunnel M5 sparked heated discussions; An automobile brand violated the rules to purchase the ranking service

After the rear-end accident, the rear bumper of the M5 was damaged, but there were not too many traces of damage in other aspects, after all, it was an SUV, and the anti-collision beam was higher, and it did occupy an innate advantage when facing the rear-end of the sedan.

On the other hand, Xiaomi SU7 here, fortunately, the speed was not fast when the accident occurred, and the overall damage was not particularly large, but compared to M5, it is indeed more serious, the front bumper is concave, and the deformation near the left headlight is serious, fortunately, the headlight is not broken, which greatly reduces the loss.

Xiaomi SU7 rear-end collision in the tunnel M5 sparked heated discussions; An automobile brand violated the rules to purchase the ranking service
Xiaomi SU7 rear-end collision in the tunnel M5 sparked heated discussions; An automobile brand violated the rules to purchase the ranking service

As for the cause of the accident, in fact, it can also be seen from the video, mainly because the driver of the Xiaomi SU7 has been distracted by using his mobile phone during driving, and failed to observe the road conditions ahead in time, until the accident finally diverted his attention.

Obviously, the driver of the Xiaomi SU7 in this accident needs to take full responsibility, and once again remind everyone that when driving on the road, be cautious and cautious, and always pay attention to the road conditions.

Today, Weibo officially issued an announcement saying that it is actively carrying out a special crackdown on online black industry.

In the continuous review of the topics related to the previous central media reports on "online water army paid to rush hot searches", it was found that some enterprises had purchased online black products to brush up the list, and linked media to conduct illegal marketing in a non-compliant manner.

In this regard, Weibo will further standardize the marketing behavior of enterprises on the platform and increase the intensity of illegal disposal, and announced typical cases and disposals:

Typical cases of violations are as follows:

Case 1:

An e-commerce APP has long planned social topics with media accounts such as "XX Decision" to promote the company's public relations image, and placed an order for the so-called ranking service of the MCN agency, and carried out commercial marketing in violation of regulations in the form of machine brushing.

Case 2:

After a senior executive of a live broadcast organization participated in a media program, the company purchased MCN accounts in violation of regulations, added a large amount of homogeneous content to the hot content topics derived from the program in a short period of time, and illegally diverted traffic to the brand's live broadcast room.

Case 3:

A coffee brand appeared a large number of similar marketing topics in its marketing node station, and found that a large number of machine accounts participated in the topic discussion through the investigation of blog posts under the topic, and rushed to the hot search through illegal means.

Case 4:

An automobile brand purchased financial and commercial media accounts at key marketing nodes and financial report nodes of the enterprise, planned related hot topics, and illegally purchased the so-called ranking services of external marketing companies, and the marketing company published homogeneous content in a short period of time in the form of machine brushing.

Case 5:

Before a long travel holiday, an airline plans a topic of tourism-related content through a marketing account, and after the topic is on the hot search list, the topic host conducts illegal diversion by editing the top blog post and adding product sales.

In order to protect the normal rights and interests of enterprise marketing and promotion, and further maintain the business network environment, in accordance with relevant regulations, the 16 enterprise brands found to have violated the rules in the recent inspection and retrospective will be dealt with as follows: If there is no participation of provincial and above media, relevant enterprise topics will not be included in the hot searches for 3 to 6 months.

Note: The above comprehensive information comes from Fast Technology

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