
What is the best amount of sleep? It's easy to lose weight when you sleep well, and it's easy to get fat if you don't sleep well!

author:Kim flagship HVAC assistant

Stunned! Heard that recent scientific research has discovered a new secret to weight loss? Guess what? It's actually more sleep! That's right, you heard it right, just sleep more! Moreover, the optimal sleep time is different for different ages, and everyone should sleep scientifically according to their age.

What is the best amount of sleep? It's easy to lose weight when you sleep well, and it's easy to get fat if you don't sleep well!

Imagine that as long as you sleep a little more every day, you can easily lose weight, which is simply a lazy man's gospel! Previous studies have told us that sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain, but this study has done the opposite, showing us the positive effects of increased sleep on weight loss.

Come to think of it, I used to be busy every day, and I had to stay up late at night, and the average sleep time was only a measly 6.5 hours. As a result, not only is the work efficiency low, but also because I can't help but eat supper at night, and my weight has been high. But now, if you can sleep 1.2 hours a day and lose a pound in two weeks, it's a great deal!

Going to bed late is itself an important factor in gaining weight.

Eating dinner early but going to bed late will lead to hunger before bed, having to eat supper, and gaining weight easily.

If you eat dinner late, the blood sugar and lipid curve will inevitably rise abnormally after meals, which will also lead to easy weight gain.

After being hungry at night, staying up and skipping supper will reduce the quality of sleep and lead to obesity.

If you don't sleep well at night, you don't have energy during the day, your energy expenditure decreases, you lose muscle, and even if you don't gain weight, your body fat percentage and visceral fat percentage will increase.

Sleeping too late, not being able to get up in the morning, having a good breakfast, relying on snacks to satisfy hunger, eating too much at noon and night, even if you don't gain weight, will make people have abnormal fat distribution, and it is easier to accumulate fat in the abdomen.

What is the best amount of sleep? It's easy to lose weight when you sleep well, and it's easy to get fat if you don't sleep well!

And ah, it's not just a weight loss, it's an improvement in health. Studies have shown that for every extra hour of sleep, we can reduce our caloric intake by 162 kilocalories. This means that not only can we lose weight, but we can also improve our eating habits and make our bodies healthier.

Think about the past, in order to lose weight, I was always hungry and dizzy, and I had to endure the pain caused by various exercises. But now, as long as you sleep a little longer, you can easily achieve the goal of losing weight. It's like pie in the sky!

Of course, this is not to say that we can sleep uncontrollably, but to ensure adequate sleep time so that the body can fully rest and recover. In this way, we can have more energy to work, study and live, and we can have a healthier body and mentality.

In fact, the best sleep time for different ages is different, everyone should sleep scientifically according to their age, as long as they are not sleepy during the day, it means that the sleep time is enough. Some people sleep for a long time, and some people sleep for a short time. The length of sleep varies with the seasons and decreases with age. You can't stick to the saying that you sleep 8 hours a day.

1. Seniors over 60 years old: sleep 5.5~7 hours a day;

2. Adults aged 30~60: sleep about 7 hours a day;

3. Young people aged 13~29: sleep about 8 hours a day.

What is the best amount of sleep? It's easy to lose weight when you sleep well, and it's easy to get fat if you don't sleep well!

So, dear friends, starting today, let's work together to increase the amount of sleep we have! Let sleep become our right-hand man for weight loss, so that we can have a healthier and slimmer body while enjoying our dreams!

#睡眠减肥法 #健康减重 #轻松瘦身 #美梦成真

The above is the summary of the editor of the golden flagship aesthetic radiator, "What is the best sleep time?" It's easy to lose weight when you sleep well, and it's easy to get fat if you don't sleep well! I hope it can help everyone's life. If you want to know more about HVAC information, please pay more attention to the golden flagship, and the golden flagship will provide you with more complete, more detailed and updated information. If there are any deficiencies, please feel free to correct and put forward.