
The watermelon lay flat completely

author:Tang Baoer Pro

I read until half past 12 last night, so I got up late today and didn't get up until half past five. Ride my little electric donkey to the vegetable patch~

Today the weather forecast is rainy, so the morning sky is overcast.

The watermelon lay flat completely

When I arrived at the vegetable field, I found that the soybeans I planted this year were finished, and the seedling emergence rate was so low that it only looked like one or two percent:

The watermelon lay flat completely
The watermelon lay flat completely

One of today's main quests: tomato seedling.

It took me more than two hours to pull out more than 80 tomatoes and more than 80 bamboo poles.

The picture below shows the seedlings of tomatoes, which are piled up more than half a person high:

The watermelon lay flat completely

Here's what the tomato field looked like before:

The watermelon lay flat completely

What it looks like now:

The watermelon lay flat completely

Today's main quest two: prune and tie the grapes.

The grapes have not been taken care of, and recently they have grown a lot of branches, and they have been cut a lot. But because of the limited time, I didn't finish the cut, so I went back and continued. The picture below shows a grape branch in one place:

The watermelon lay flat completely

The Zhongke Mi No. 5 reticulated melon I planted began to appear reticulated: I was more worried about the taste, and I could only wait for the harvest to know. If the taste is good, you can save the seeds and plant a few plants next year. This seed is bought from the Internet, which is quite expensive, equivalent to a dollar per plant!

The watermelon lay flat completely
The watermelon lay flat completely

The emerald melon may have too many fruits, and they are not too big:

The watermelon lay flat completely
The watermelon lay flat completely

My long beans, or cowpeas, are also starting to bear fruit:

The watermelon lay flat completely

The yield of croissant honey is very high, and it secretly knotted five or six:

I heard the landlord say that there is a kind of melon in his field that can emerge by itself every year and produce melons by itself, and the taste is not bad. I'll try it later, and if it's delicious, I'll keep the seeds for next year.

The watermelon lay flat completely
The watermelon lay flat completely

Zucchini is one thing a day, and here are the two for today:

The watermelon lay flat completely

Watermelons hidden in the grass:

The watermelon lay flat completely

At present, there are about 10 watermelons, mainly those that have been bitten by insects and damaged by the sun, and there are too many small melons, and all of them have to be removed. There are very few left who can grow up smoothly.

The watermelon lay flat completely

The watermelons hanging vines were all bitten by insects because of the flood of butterflies, so I had to put down the melon vines today and let them crawl on the ground secretly, hoping to reduce some losses:

The middle piece of land was originally planted with small tomatoes, and I pulled most of it to make room for climbing watermelon vines:

The watermelon lay flat completely

Tomatoes and other vegetables pulled from the seedlings: I have tried to show the good side to everyone.

The watermelon lay flat completely

The neighbor's eldest sister was sick and asked me to pick her food and eat it. I picked a handful of beans:

The watermelon lay flat completely

This year's summary is:

Because of the demolition of the old vegetable field, the vegetable planting was late and encountered high temperature + no greenhouse + butterfly cabbage insect infestation + sun exposure, which eventually led to an extremely bleak yield.

I couldn't help it, so I waited for the weather to be cooler and re-tied the greenhouse.

At present, it is planned to build two greenhouses, one of 16×8 meters and the other of 9×8 meters. The latter is the original greenhouse, just reinstall it. The former needs to be re-bought.

In addition, because the vegetable fields are mainly watered by flood irrigation, it is necessary to dig new ditches and establish an internal water circulation system.

In other words, the next two main tasks are to make greenhouses and ditches.

Stay tuned.

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